The unweighted arithmetic average cash market price for natural gas delivered at Henry Hub during this time period is $1.99 per MMBTU. The Henry Hub price was held constant throughout the life of the wells and is adjusted for BTU content, basis differentials, and marketing costs, resulting in a weighted average net price of $1.36 per Mcf.
The unweighted arithmetic average cash market price for WTI crude oil sold at Cushing, OK during this time period is $39.57 per bbl. For natural gas liquids (“NGL”), the WTI crude oil price was held constant throughout the life of the wells and is adjusted for BTU content, plant processing fees and basis differentials, resulting in a weighted average net price of $11.41 per bbl. For crude oil, the WTI crude oil price was held constant throughout the life of the wells and is adjusted for crude quality, marketing fees, BS&W, transportation costs, purchaser bonuses and basis differentials, resulting in a weighted average net price of $38.32 per bbl.
Summary level revenue accounting data for the period of January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 was generally used in this evaluation. The pricing adjustments were provided by Fleur De Lis and reviewed for the top 80 percent of the NPV. Haas Engineering verified the reasonableness of Fleur De Lis’ pricing models and differentials using accounting data furnished by Fleur De Lis.
It is the opinion of Haas Engineering that, in most cases, the lease operating costs used in this evaluation represent the average of recent historical monthly operating costs. In cases where historical costs were not available or deemed to be unreliable, operating costs were estimated based on knowledge of analogous wells producing under similar conditions. The lease operating expenses in this report contain COPAS charges for non-operated wells, but not for operated properties.
It is the opinion of Haas Engineering that capital costs were estimated using recent historical information reported for analogous expenditures. Where recent historical information was not available, Authority for Expenditure (“AFE”) documents, supplemental documentation, or discussions with the operator were used to estimate capital costs. AFE documents provided by the operator have been checked for reasonableness.
It should be understood that this evaluation contains Proved Developed Producing (“PDP”) assets that require additional investment. These investments have been reviewed by Haas Engineering and found to be reasonable. It should also be understood that abandonment costs have been included by field and Reserve Category, as individual cases. The abandonment costs used are Fleur De Lis’ estimates of the costs to abandon the wells and production facilities, net of salvage value, and have been reviewed for reasonableness. It should also be understood that these cases contain no volumes, only investments, and as such have negative FNI and NPV.
Operating cost data for the period of January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 was used in this evaluation. Operating expense, capital costs, and abandonment costs were not escalated in this evaluation.
In this unqualified audit of Renee-EIGF Resource’s Reserves, Haas Engineering noted some variances from our internal estimations including forecast differences, price adjustments, taxes, recoveries, and operating expenses. However, these differences, in aggregate, did not exceed the 10 percent tolerance of auditing standards.
Fleur De Lis Energy, LLC | October 4, 2021 | Page 3 of 8