| To ca1n · on business 1hrouc.hout lhe ,,ortd as advisers. consultants. c~1pitalists. financiers. . ~ concessionaires and merchants and to undenake and carry on and execute and adnse others iix profit or otherwise to uwcst in and manage for others all kinds of financial. commercial. trading and other operations: to guarantee the hanking account. obhgat1ons and comrncts of any person. firm or company ·with or without consideration and to gi\'c :111 kinds of guarantees. indemnities and third part) securities: to act as manager. nominee. trustee, agent. factor. broker. e,ecutor. adm1111strator. recei,·er for or otherwise on behalf of companies. corporatinns. firms or persons. "hethcr gratuitous!) or for reward and Lo carry out controlled activities and perfon11 financial sen ices \\hether regulated or otherwise. and to act as a holding company. tCI hold. subscribe for. purchase. undem rite. acquire. ,di and deal in !->hares. stocks. funds, debentures and debenture stocks or llthcr obligations of any government. authority. body of persons. c.:ompan) or corporation. ,Uld.to hold. purchase or acquire. sell and deal in mongages. neg(•l1.1ble instruments. obligations and propcny or e\'ery kind and any 0ptions or rights in respect thereof To carry on busirn:ss throughout the world and to act as manufacturers. merchants. traders, c,,mmission agents, carriers. or in any other capacity, and to import. expon. hu) . ..,ell. barter. c:-.:change. pledge. make advances upon. or otherwise deal in comrnodiues. goods, product:. articles. and merchandise of all kinds. both whClle--ale and retail. and to transact ewry kind of marketing and agenc) husincss and generally to engage in an) business or transaction "'lm:h may seem LO the Company directly or indirectly conducive to its mten:sts and to carry out all types of resean.:h. ( ) To purchase for in,cstnwnt or n:salc and to traffic in land and house and oth~r property of any tenure and any interest therein and create. sell and deal in freehold and leasehold ground rents. and to make ad\'ances upon securit) of land or house or other propcrt) or any interest therein and generally to deal in. tranic by wa) of sale. lease. exchange or othef\\ ise with land or house propeny and any other property \\hether real or personal an>,-.·hcrc in the world: to dc\'dop and tum to account any land acquired b) th..: Company or in ,,h1ch the Company is imert:sted. and in particular by laying out and preparing the same for building purposes. constructing. altering. pulling down, decorating. maimainirig. furnishing. fining up and improving buildings and by planting. pa\ing, draining. fam,ing. cultivating. letting on buikfing lease or building ugrccment. ,:md b) ad, ancing mane) to and entering into contracts and arrangcmems of all kinds,, ith builders. tenants and others. ( To undenakc and carry on the busin1.:ss of accident. employers· liability. fidelity guarantee. third party, burglaf) or theft. fire. life. marine. stom1, ,ehick. plate glass and mortgage or other m,·es1rnent insurance, or any of them. and to transact all or any other kinds of insurances and earl) on all or an) class of insurance business. ·r o carry on busin1.:ss as rnsurers. insurance managers, brokers and agents. and unden, riling agents in al I classes of msurancc and n:msurancc and as insurance ad, isers. pensions advisors. and consultant assessors. \'aluers. !-uneyors and average adjusters and mortgage brokers. and to un<lenake the provisions of hire purchase and credit sale finance and to act as factors. t l ) To carry on tht.: business of a telephone. telegraph. cable and wireless communications company and to cslahlish. work., manage. sell. hire out and maintain telephone exchanges. |