| Article (5): Duration of the Company: The Company has been formed for a period often (10) Gregorian years starting from the date of its registration in the Commercial Register in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Company's duration may be extended for other periods prior to the expiry of the effective term pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Capital Owner. Article (6): Capital: The Company's capital shall be two million Saudi Arabian Riyals(SAR 2,000,000) divided into two thousand(2,000) shares of equal value of one thousand Saudi Arabian Riyals (SAR 1,000) each: Capital No. of Value of Share Total (SAR) Percentage Owner's Name Shares (SAR} ENSCO 2,000,000 Maritime 2,000 1,000 100% Limited Total 2,000 1,000 2,000,000 100% Article (7): Capital Ownership The liability of the Company's Capital Owner shall be limited to the funds allocated by him as capital for the Company. In the following cases, the Capital Owner shall be personally financially liable for Company's obligations towards third party, with whom he conducted business on behalf of the Company: I. If, in bad faith, the Capital Owner liquidated the Company or ceased its activities prior to its expiration or prior to the achievement of the objectives for which it was established. 2. If the Capital Owner failed to segregate Company business from any of the other affairs of the Capital Owner. :~,r!JI o.l.. :'-..~1 o.iw1 cul:.i 0,o l~ ~.)~ ul_,1... (10) ofa- o.l.41:l.Sy:JI ~L ..l-4 j~J -~.)..,,._..J\ ¼y.ll :l.SL..J4 ',$.J~I ~\~IA¥ LY'\) .illt...JI 0-- )fa. ._sy,,.l .).l-4 -u~I J:13 :i.sy:.11 J;,.1 ..JWI :JL..l\ LJ:'11,) :;;_.,.,.il...JI o.iW\ • .J 2,000,000) ':f.)Y-'-" J!.-i.J ~~ :l.Sy:JI JL. L>"l.J .)~ .. t(' w ~\ ti L...:i.o :i....a.:.. (2 000) ·. -~1 1 1 1 L.w.i.o ,( u-> .. .. , . .J ' U:f'-' i...r, .L)" :~Lo~ .J (.L>" . .J 1,000) ':f.)Y-'-" J~ u.!l :i....a.:.. 4,...ill ~l ~ ,l$, u,,1_;~1""", t..aa.11 ~I J\.,411 µ1~. %100 2,000,000 1,000 2,000 . Y"' ..fu.il li, lA - ~ ,.) %100 2,000,000 1,000 2,000 e~' JWl (,)"'I,; ~ :~L..Jl o.iWl JL. 0,o ~ Lo u1=, JWI LY'l.J ~ 9 .J-"""4 ~ ~ 'i.J_;.- JWI LY'I.J ~ ufa.J ,:l..Syill JL. L>"l.J u.Ail '?.~I .J:li.ll ~I_,.. <) :l.Sy:.11 uLoljlll uc t..:.W\ <1..11_,..l ·U\11 JI )'\ . .J :l.S · •I\ Li~ J,.iW ·- ~ ~ ..J"'"'f"""' . t..:.WI <IJLocl.J :l.Sy:.11 JL.oc.l 0:!-! ~ r1 \j) .2 ..LSY,,. ';I 3. If the Capital Owner conducted business on ~~\ J,i! :l.S~I ~Y~ 'iLoc.l JJ\j \jJ .3 behalf of the Company prior to it gaining its legal .. _ -- .~)+ic 'ii ~\ personality status. ... ,a, ;\-.A, ~ din. M1n1!it /cl • ~ ,.1,...: _,.J I t,,--t |