| and undertakmg or subsidiary undertakmg of the company, or any subsidiary undertaking of any parent undertaking of the company, or any body corporate m which any such parent undertakmg or subsidiary undertak10g 1s interested (1) unless the directors decide otherw,se shall not, by reason of h,s office, be accountable to the company for any remuneration or other benefit which he denves from any such office or employment or from any such transactton or arrangement or from any mterest m any such body corporate and no such transaction or arrangement shall be liable to be avmded on the ground of any such mterest or benefit, (11) shall not infringe hts duty to avotd a situation m wluch he has, or can have, a direct or indirect interest that conthcts, or posstbly may conntcl, wtth the interests of the company as a result of holding any such office or employment with or bemg a party to any such transaction or arrangement or otherwise bemg mterested m any such body corporate, (t11} shall not be required to disclose to the company, or use 10 performing hts duttes as a director of the company, any mforrnauon relating to any such office or employment If to make such a disclosure or use would result m a breach of a duty or obligation of confidence owed by him m relation to or m connection with that office 1 employment, transact1on 1 arrangement or mterest, and (1v) may absent himself from discussions, whether 10 meetmgs of the d1rectors or otherwise, and exclude himself from th~ receipt or use of mformat1on, which will or may relate to that office, employment, transact1on, arrangement or interest (2) The directors may authonse (subject to such terms and cond11tons, 1fany, as they may thmk fit to impose from time to time, and subject always to the1r nght to vary or terrnmate such authonsat10n), to the fullest extent permttted by law (a) any matter which would otherwise result m a director mfhngmg hts duty to avoid a s1tuat10n m which he has, or can have, a direct or md1rect interest that conn1cts, or possibly may conn1ct, with the interests of the company and which may reasonably be regarded as likely to give nse to a conn1ct of mterest (mcludmg a conn1ct ofmterest and duty or conn1ct of duties), and (b} a director to accept or contmue m any office, employment or posll,on m add11ton to hts office as a dtrector of the company (not bemg an office, .. employment or pos1hon wh1ch the director 1s authonsed to hold pursuant to article 18(1)(b) and/or article 18(1 )(c)) and may authonse the manner m which a conflict of mtcrcst ansmg out of such matter,·office1 employment or pos1t1on may be dealt with, either before or at the time that such a confhct of mterest anses (3) Any authonsation pursuant to article 18(2) 1s effecttve only 1f (a) DALDMS/676626 the matter m quesllon was proposed m wntmg for constderat1on at a d1rectors 1 meetmg, m accordance with nonnal procedures or m such other manner as the directors may approve, 7 |