| (Garuda) The Department of Business Development Serial No. 1-1004-53-4-042239 Issued on this day the 28 September 2010. Form Wor. (TRANSLATION) OBJECTIVES IN DETAIL of Certify true copy - signature - (Miss Thida Piriyawongsakom) Registrar .................... Ensco(Thailand) Limited ............... . Registration No .... Ql. ........... . The objectives of this partnership/company are ..... 15 ....... in number as follows: (1) To carry on the business of services and provision of support in relation to petroleum exploration and production, including oil and gas well drilling services as well as construction works, repair and maintenance, consultation in relation to petroleum wells, facilities and petroleum exploration and production. (2) To buy, obtain, own, possess, rent, buy on hire-purchase, import, export, sell, let, lease and sell on hire purchase machinery, equipment and devices in relation to petroleum exploration and production, oil and gas well drilling, including consultation, advice, installation, repair and maintenance service of such machinery, equipment and devices. (3) To buy, obtain, own, charter and operate all kinds of vessels, specifically including but not limited to mobile offshore drilling units, for the purpose of conducting services in accordance with the Company's objectives and for transportation of machinery, equipment, spare-parts, vessel personnel, engineers and crews as well as for accommodation of the vessels' crews. (4) To carry on the business of bidding for sale of goods, provision of services or hire of work in accordance with the Company's objectives, for any person, body of persons, juristic person, government agency and/or state enterprise. (5) To buy, obtain, receive, rent, buy on hire-purchase, own, possess, improve, use or otherwise manage any property whatsoever as well as the fruits thereof, except for exploiting benefits from land. (6) To sell, transfer, mortgage, pledge, exchange or otherwise dispose of any property, except for exploiting benefits from land and other natural resources and internal trade relating to indigenous agricultural produces. (7) To borrow money, overdraw from accounts with banks, juristic persons or other finance institutions; to give commercial credit; to accept, issue, transfer or endorse bills of exchange or other negotiable instruments, except banking business, finance business and credit foncier business. (8) To contact public bodies and officials to acquire or dispose of privileges, agreements, rights, titles, permits, rights over trade marks, industrial property, copyrights, patents, concessions or any special rights that are necessary for the operation of the Company. -seal- (Signed} ................. :~Jgn~j:J.!rn.: .................. Promoter/Director Requesting Registration C..Mr .. Derek Andrew Sangster ... .) Page ...... L ..... o( ...... 2 ...... pages (Signed) ................... :~_ign~ilJrn: ................ Registrar Ancillary document accompanying Application No .. 84530927-49 C.. Mr. Somchai Chantarawong .... ) If any objective is required by Jaw to obtain official approval, the juristic person must apply for such approval in accordance with the governing Jaw BKKDMS· 188430·v2·Ensco _(App _lnco·Eng)_ Tus,DOC |