| 2 ( e) To purchase, establish and carry on business as general merchants, importers, exporters, commission agents, del credere agents, removers, packers, storers, storekeepers, factors and manufacturers of and dealers in foreign and local produce, manufactured goods, technological goods, computer hardware and software, materials and general merchandise and all kinds of technological products and to import, buy, exchange, pledge, change, license, make advances on and otherwise deal in or tum to account produce goods, materials and merchandise generally either in their prepared manufactured or raw state and to undertake, carry on, execute all kinds of commercial trading and other manufacturing operations and all business whether wholesale or retail. (f) To carry on the business of an investment holding company and for that purpose to acquire, purchase and hold either in the name of the Company or in that of any nominee property, land, buildings, plantations, shops and immovable property, as well as shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, notes, obligations and other securities issued or guaranteed by any government, sovereign ruler, commismoners, public body or authority, supreme, dependent, municipal, local or otherwise in any part of the world. (g) To carry on the business of technical management, consultancy services, engineering services, technological services, relating to servicing of construction, administration and organisation of industry and business and the training of personnel for industry and business and to carry on all or any of the business of industrial business and personnel consultants and to advise upon the means and methods for extending developing and improving all types of businesses or industries and all systems or processes relating to the production, storage, distribution, marketing and sale of goods and/or relating to the rendering of services. (h) To secure in an advisory, management and consultancy capacity to corporations, associations, partnerships, individuals and others and to establish and maintain departments, laboratories for individual, statistical, inventory and other research works and to engage generally in the business of providing, promoting and establishing systems, methods and controls for industrial and managerial efficiency and operations. (i) To develop and tum to account any land acquired by or in which the Company is interested, and in particular by laying out and preparing the same for building purposes, constructing, altering, pulling down, decorating, maintaining, furnishing, fitting up and improving building, and by planting, paving, draining, farming, cultivating, letting on building lease or building agreement, and by advancing money to and entering into contract and arrangements of all kinds with builders tenants and others. G) To buy, sell, manufacture, repair, alter, improve, exchange, let out on hire, import, export and deal in all works, plant, machinery, tools, utensils, appliances, apparatus, products, materials, substances, articles and things capable of being used in any business which the Company is competent to carry on or required by any customers of or persons having dealings with the Company or commonly dealt in by persons engaged in any such business or which may seem capable of being profitably dealt with in connection therewith · and to manufacture, experiment with, |