| (f) To acquire and undertake the whole or any part of the business, goodwill and assets of any person, firm or Company carrying on or proposing to carry on any of the businesses which this Company is authorised to carry on, and as part of the consideration for such acquisition to undertake all or any of the liabilities of such person, firm or Company, or to acquire an interest in, amalgamate with or enter into any arrangement for sharing profits, or for co-operation, or for limiting competition, or for mutual assistance with any such person, firm or Company, and to give or accept, by way of consideration for any of the acts or things aforesaid or property acquired, any shares, debentures, debenture stock or securities that may be agreed upon, and to hold and retain or sell, mortgage and deal with any shares, debentures, debenture stock or securities so received. (g) To lend and advance money or give credit to such persons and on such terms as may seem expedient to the Company, only where necessary and in relation to the business of the Company. (h) To draw, make, accept, endorse, negotiate, discount, execute and issue promissory notes, bills of exchange and other negotiable or transferable instruments. (i) To receive dividends, capital gains, royalties and similar income, rents, interest, any other income or gains derived from investments (including income or gains on the disposal of such investments), and profits or gains attributable to a permanent establishment (including a branch). (j) To employ any number of workers for the purposes for which the Company is established and to remunerate any person, firm or company rendering services to the Company, whether by cash payment or by the allotment to him or them of shares or securities of the Company credited as paid up in full or in part or otherwise. (k) To pay all or any expenses incurred in connection with the formation, promotion and incorporation of the Company, or to contract with any person, firm or company to pay the same, and to pay commissions to brokers and others for underwriting, placing, selling or guaranteeing the subscription of any shares, debentures, debenture stock or securities of this Company. (I) To grant pensions, allowances, gratuities and bonuses to Directors, ex-Directors, officers, ex-officers, employees or ex-employees of the Company or the dependants or relatives of such persons. (m) To promote any other company for the purpose of acquiring all or any of the property or undertaking any of the liabilities of the Company, or of undertaking any business or operations which may appear likely to assist or benefit the Company or to enhance the value of any property or business of the Company, and to subscribe for or otherwise acquire all or any part of the shares or securities of any such company as aforesaid. 3 |