Exhibit 4.11

Barcelona, March 5, 2021
G A T H E R E D:
On the one hand, Mr. RAMON MARIA XUCLÀ COMAS, of legal age, married, resident of Barcelona, with address for the purposes of this contract at Avenida del Parque Logístico no 2-10, Polígono Industrial de la Zona Franca, 08040-BARCELONA, holder of identity card number (D.N.I.) no 78066433V.
And on the other hand, Mr. ENRIC ASUNCION ESCORSA, of legal age, married, domiciled for these purposes in Barcelona, Calle Foc 68 and holder of identity card number (D.N.I.) 47.795.190-V.
I N T E R V E N E:
Mr. Ramon Maria Xuclà Comas acts for and on behalf of the CONSORCIO DE LA ZONA FRANCA DE BARCELONA (hereinafter referred to as CONSORCIO or ARRENDADOR) domiciled in this City, Avenida del Parque Logístico, number 2 - 10 of the Polígono Industrial de la Zona Franca, has assigned the Tax Identification Number Q-0876006-H and is governed by Statutes approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of July 1, 1968, Official Bulletin of the State no 182, of July 30, 1968. It acts by virtue of the deed of substitution of power of attorney, granted by the Notary Mr. Antonio Diez de Blas on October 15, 2018 and number 3,156 of his protocol.
And Mr. Enric Asuncion Escorsa in his capacity as Managing Director (Consejero Delegado) who acts in his capacity as Managing Director (Consejero Delegado), by virtue of public deed granted before the Notary of Barcelona D. Jaime Agustín Justribó on June 11, 2019, with number 1,212 of his protocol, duly registered in the Mercantile Registry and does so in the name and on behalf of the company WALL BOX CHARGERS, S.L. (hereinafter WALLBOX or RENTER), a Spanish company, domiciled in Madrid, Paseo de la Castellana 95, incorporated for an indefinite period of time by deed authorized by the Notary Public of Martorell, Ms. Matilde Farriol Bonet, under number 983 of her protocol. Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid in Volume 36.360, Folio 189, Page M-653256 and with Tax Identification Number (N.I.F.) B-66.542.903.