Physical Customer Experience Define the physical customer experience in ‘curb-to-steps’ including specifically i) chauffer service for first and business passengers ii) check-in desk and iii) customer lounges. Digital Customer Experience Define the digital customer experience including specifically i) online booking and ticketing (inc mobile and app) ii) in-flight digital iii) customer case. 3rd party digital CX integrations including specifically i) joint tickets ii) cross-sell / upgrade customer journeys. Staffing How to staff check-ins, lounges, cleaning and how to leverage staff sharing with airline Route planning and Pricing Explore route planning based on passenger demand and migratory route patterns linking VAL hubs to explore density, yield and pricing to establish go-to-market strategy for launch operations Other Markets Explore markets and application outside the UK as part of VAL’s operations or that of its affiliates Delta and/or Virgin Group. Consumer Adoption Explore ways of increasing customer adoption of sustainable air travel and in particular eVTOL. Such activity to include customer focus groups, demonstrators, social etc. INFRASTRUCTURE (Vertical led) Vertiport Infrastructure Where to site vertiports, plans for a range of vertiports from city centre to rural, construction scoping for timeline and cost, define the development and access model – i.e. owned, leased, PAYG, areas and terms of Joint Venture exclusivity. Explore and secure space / access to airports such as LHR. Given the importance of the Vertiport Infrastructure to the Joint Venture, Vertical shall collaborate and consult with VAL on all Vertiport infrastructure relevant to the service of the Joint Venture including, but not limited to locations at LHR. MRO Hangers and Aircraft storage, operations and field services engineering, technical support and training, spare parts support and maintenance regimes |