Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Unaudited Condensed Consolidate
- Unaudited Condensed Consolida_2
- Unaudited Condensed Consolida_3
- Unaudited Condensed Consolida_4
- General information
- Significant accounting policies
- Critical accounting judgements
- Other operating income
- Expenses by nature
- Finance income
- Loss per share
- Trade and other receivables
- Share capital and reserves
- Trade and other payables
- Warrant Liability
- Share-based payments
- Derivative financial liabilitie
- Financial instruments
- Financial risk management and i
- Related party transactions
- Events occurring after the repo
- Significant accounting polici_2
- Significant accounting polici_3
- Other operating income (Tables)
- Expenses by nature (Tables)
- Finance income (Tables)
- Loss per share (Tables)
- Trade and other receivables (Ta
- Share capital and other reserve
- Trade and other payables (Table
- Warrant Liability (Tables)
- Share-based payments (Tables)
- Derivative financial liabilit_2
- Financial instruments (Tables)
- Financial risk management and_2
- Related party transactions (Tab
- Significant accounting polici_4
- Significant accounting polici_5
- Other operating income (Details
- Expenses by nature (Details)
- Finance income (Details)
- Loss per share (Details)
- Trade and other receivables (De
- Share capital and other reser_2
- Share capital and other reser_3
- Trade and other payables (Detai
- Warrant Liability - Warrants we
- Warrant Liability - Change in f
- Warrant Liability - Additional
- Share-based payments - Fair val
- Share-based payments - Movement
- Share-based payments - Addition
- Derivative financial liabilit_3
- Derivative financial liabilit_4
- Financial instruments - Financi
- Financial instruments - Fair va
- Financial risk management and_3
- Financial risk management and_4
- Related party transactions - Ke
- Related party transactions - Su