| Chicago 125 South Clark Street Suite 750 Chicago, IL 60603 enfusion.com manuals, books, blank forms, documents, letters, memoranda, notes, notebooks, reports, data, tables, or calculations, which are the property of Enfusion or its Affiliates and that relate, in any way, to the business, products, p olicies, practices, or techniques thereof, including any strategies; (ii) all other Enfusion property, including any Enfusion issued credit cards, identification, keys, computers, cell phone, or other equipment; (iii) all Confidential Information of Enfusi on or its Affiliates, including all documents that, in whole or in part, contain any Confidential Information of Enfusion or its Affiliates or their respective clients or licensors; and (iv) all proprietary information, intellectual property and trade secr ets of Enfusion or its Affiliates or their respective clients or licensors. In addition, if applicable, Employee shall promptly cancel or transfer to himself or herself any telecommunications services for which Enfusion was directly paying. Nothing in this Section shall prohibit Employee from retaining papers or materials that are solely of a personal nature, including copies of documents showing their compensation or reimbursable expenses and a copy of this Employment Agreement. R13. Intellectual Property .. (“ I ntellectual Property ”) means any and all intellectual property in any form or stage of development, including any innovation, discovery, idea, concept, design, prototype, product configuration, invention, improvement, modification, patentable subject matte r, method, process, technique, procedure, system, plan, model, program, software or code, source code, algorithms, data, specification, drawing, images, text, music, movies, video, websites, diagram, flow chart, documentation, know - how, work of authorship, copyrightable subject matter, derivative work, trademark or trade name, and any other subject matter, material, or information that qualifies or is considered by Employer to qualify for patent, copyright, trademark, trade dress, trade secret, or any other protection under any law providing or creating intellectual property rights, including the Uniform Trade Secrets Act. Intellectual Property also includes Confidential Information learned, obtained, or developed in connection with Employee’s employment, su ch as specifications, financial data, personnel information, market information, business arrangements, and other non - public information of Employer described in Section [R1R1] of this Agreement. EMPLOYEE AGRR4n1EES THAT ANY INTELLECTUAL PRR4n1OPERR4n1TY CONCEIVED ORR4n1 MA DE BY EMPLOYEE, WHETHERR4i1 ALONE ORR4i1 WITH OTHERR4i1, DURR4i1ING THE TERR4i1M OF EMPLOYEE’S EMPLOYMENT WITH ENFUSION RR4i1ELATING IN ANY MANNERR4i1 TO THE BUSINESS, BUSINESS PLANS, ORR4i1 STRR4i1ATEGIES OF ENFUSION ORR4Bi1 ITS AFFILIATES, SHALL BE THE EXCLUSIVE PRR4Bi1OPERR4Bi1TY OF ENFUSION ORR4Bi1 SUCH AFF ILIATE. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FORR4i1EGOING, TO THE EXTENT ANY COPYRR4i1IGHTABLE WORR4i1K IS INCLUDED IN THE FORR4i1EGOING, IT WILL BE DEEMED ‘A WORR4n1K MADE FORR4n1 HIRR4n1E” FORR4n1 THE BENEFIT OF ENFUSION ORR4n1 SUCH AFFILIATE UNDERR4n1 SECTION 20R1(b) OF THE R1976 U.S. COPYRR4i1IGHT ACT, AS AMENDE D, ORR OTHERR SIMILARR APPLICABLE STATE ORR4Bi1 FORR4Bi1EIGN ORR4Bi1 INTERR4Bi1NATIONAL LAWS. FURR4Bi1THERR4Bi1, EMPLOYEE AGRR4Bi1EES THAT ALL INVENTIONS, HE ORR4Bi1 SHE DEVELOPS ORR DEVISES (WHETHERR INDIVIDUALLY ORR IN CONCERRT WITH OTHERRS): (i) USING ENFUSION’S EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES, RR4i1ESOURR4i1CES, ORR4i1 CON FIDENTIAL INFORR4i1MATION; (ii) RR4i1ESULTING FRR4i1OM WORR4i1K HE ORR4Bi1 SHE PERR4Bi1FORR4Bi1MS ORR4Bi1 PERR4Bi1FORR4Bi1MED FORR4Bi1 ENFUSION; ORR4Bi1, (iii) RR4Bi1ELATING TO ENFUSION’S CURR4Bi1RR4Bi1ENT ORR4Bi1 PLANNED RRESEARRCH ORR DEVELOPMENT WILL BE ENFUSION’S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE PRROPERRTY. ACCORR4Bi1DINGLY, EMPLOYEE HERR4Bi1EBY ASSIGNS A LL INTELLECTUAL PRR4i1OPERR4i1TY RR4i1IGHTS, TITLE, AND INTERR4n1ESTS TO ENFUSION AND WAIVES ANY MORR4i1AL RR4i1IGHTS IN THE INTELLECTUAL PRR4i1OPERR4i1TY TO THE FURR4i1THEST EXTENT PERRMITTED BY LAW. R1R4. RRestrictive Covenants .. Employee understands and recognizes that Enfusion is engaged in a hi ghly competitive business and has spent a considerable amount of time, effort, and resources building its business, products, client base (domestically and internationally), and training its employees. Further, Employee through their employment will receiv e training regarding and have access to Enfusion’s (and its clients’ and licensors’) Confidential Information (as defined above), trade secrets, and sensitive proprietary business methods or data, customer lists, and other valuable business information. Em ployee acknowledges and agrees that Enfusion has a legitimate business interest in protecting its goodwill, client |