| PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL ©2023 ENFUSION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 16 ENFUSION. INC. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (dollars in thousands) (Unaudited) 2022 2021 REVENUES: Plat form subscriptions $ 29,562 37,804 $ 138,868 $ 103,259 Managed services 1,979 2,691 9,821 7,119 Other 312 22 1,660 1,322 T otal revenues 31,853 40,517 150,349 111,700 CO ST O F REVENUES: Plat form subscriptions 8,656 11,564 40,017 27,195 Managed services 1,457 1,633 6,692 4,425 Other 51 99 391 225 T otal cost of revenues 10,164 13,296 47,100 31,845 Gross profi t 21,689 27,221 103,249 79,855 OPERATING EXPENSES : General and administrative 128,229 15,073 68,764 150,614 Sales and marketing 39,402 6,001 29,286 51,725 Technology and development 146,556 4,775 17,163 153,400 T otal operating expenses 314,187 25,849 115,213 355,739 Income (loss) from operations (292,498) 1,372 (11,964) (275,884) NON-O PERATING (EXPENSE) INCOME: Interest expense (307) 424 413 (4,594) Other (expense) income (1,214) (590) (638) (1,185) Total non -operating e xpense (1,521) (166) (225) (5,779) Income (loss) be fore income taxes (294,019) 1,206 (12,189) (281,663) Income taxes (125) 418 1,074 579 Ne t income (loss) (293,894) 788 $ (13,263) $ (282,242) Ne t income (loss) per Class A common share attributable to Enfu sion, Inc.: Basic (2.26) 0.01 (0.10) (2.26) Diluted (2.26) 0.01 (0.10) (2.26) Weighted Average number of Class A common share s ou tstanding: Basic 83,045 88,022 85,393 83,045 Diluted 83,045 132,950 85,393 83,045 Years Ended December 31 2022 2021 Three Months Ended December 31 |