| Schedule Working Capital Account receivable invoices transferred to Anghami Melody/ Working Capital Transfer at closing •~HPAH\'t'Al!IE. 02 :GulfOTHFZ-llC 68 : Gull 0TH FZ LLC Oman 68: Gulf 0TH FZ LLC Om1m 68 : Gulf DTH FZ LLC Oman 68 : Gulf DTH FZ LLC Oman 68 : Gulf OTI-1 FZ LLC Oman 68: Gulf DTH FZ LLC Oman 68: Gulf 0TH FZ LLC Dmr1n Subtotal relco,;, ltunesFebruary ltune::i March Subtot11I .runes Google Play Sllbtot•I Google Ph1y Apple Pay Credit Card fawo, Sub101.at C1¢dit c;,..,d OTT00D03 OTT00003 DTT00D03 OTT00003 OTT00003 OTT00003 OTT00003 Mobi-lone fZ · LLC Oman Telecommunie.1llon, Comppny S.A.O G Om11n Telec.ommun1calions Company S A.0 G Oman Telec.ommunicallons Compeny SA D.G Oman Telecommunic1111ons Cor'nf)~ny S A.O G Oman Telecommunlcallons Company S A.O G Oman Telecommunlcorlons Company SAD.G Oman T elecommunicolions Com pan~ S.A.O G To be novated; e.,,~t"lettl Amount To be novated; E,:ptttcd Amount To be novaled; bpec,;ed A.mounl To be novated; fapected Amount Tel be novatcd; bpttted Amount To be nov.iled; &.pecledArm1un1 OSN Streaming Limited OOCUMEfffllATt 18,Maf• 24 22-Feb-24 28-Dec-23 2B•Dec•23 20-Nov-23 12-0c1•23 12•0cl•23 22-Scp-23 I DOCUHEHTlHT 1AD 1,260,000 00 31,502 00 30,727 75 30,409 49 29,317 01 27 934 75 25,901 74 23,71199 1,.!59,504 73 315,!389 18 Expec1ed Amoun1 662,672.85 Expected Amount L,nB,562 03 132,823 34 Expected Amounl 132,823 34 15,387 77 Expected Amount 126,159 17 Expected Amount 865 82 Expec:Ted Amount 857 45 E)lpected Amounl ' .... ~ UIA.sau>I An exempted company incorporated in the Cayman Islands with incorporation number 404857 PO Box 309, Ugland House, Grand Cayman KYl-1104, Cayman Islands |