based on tumor volume and 6.6% based on tumor weight (p<0.05); in the same experiment, 12 mice were treated with 35 mg/kg orally once daily on days 0-9, 12, 13 17-20, and 26-33 resulting in TGI of 82.4% based on tumor volume and 72.1% based on tumor weight (p<0.05) (13 mice were treated in the control group).
Experiment 3: 6 mice were treated with 35 mg/kg on days 0-4, 7-11, 14-18, 21-25, 28-32 and 35-39 resulting in TGI of 51.5% based on tumor volume (6 mice were treated in the control group). As some animals were removed from the control group before the end of the experiment, there was no measurable tumour growth inhibition at the end of the study based on weights.
Experiment 4: 12 mice were treated with 12.5mg/kg orally twice per day on days 0-8, 12-16, 19-23 and 26-28, resulting in TGI of 40.2% based on tumor volume and 41.3% based on tumor weight (p<0.05); in the same experiment, 12 mice were treated with 25 mg/kg orally once daily on days 0-8, 12-16, 19-23 and 26-28 resulting in a TGI of 48.7% based on tumor volume and 47.5 based on tumor weight (p<0.05); In the same experiment, 12 mice were treated with 50 mg/kg once every other day on days 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14, 16, 19, 23, 26,28 resulting in TGI of 65.9% based on tumor volume and 65.3% based on tumor weight (p<0.05) (12 mice were treated in the control group).
Experiment 5: 2 groups of mice each were treated with 35 mg/kg orally once daily on days 0-4, 7-11, 21-25 28-31, 33 and 34 (group 1 — 10 mice, group 2 — 6 mice), resulting in TGI of 58.7% based on tumor volume and 57.1% based on tumor weight (p<0.05) in group 1, and 71.3% based on tumor volume and 69.2% based on tumor weight (p<0.05) in group 2 (10 mice were treated in the control group).
Experiment in TOV-21G xenograft model (ovarian cancer model):
12 mice were treated with 35 mg/kg orally once daily on days 0-4, 7-11, 14-18, 21-25, 28-30 resulting in TGI of 73.3% based on tumor volume and 59.1% based on tumor weight (p<0.05) (12 mice were treated in the control group).
Experiment in OVISE xenograft model (ovarian cancer model):
12 mice were treated with 35 mg/kg orally once daily on days 0-4, 7-11, 14-18, 21-25, 28-32, 35-39, 42-46 and 49-51 resulting in TGI of 50.5% based on tumor volume and 46.9% based on tumor weigh (p<0.05) (12 mice were treated in the control group).
Experiment in IGROV-1 xenograft model (ovarian cancer model):
9 mice were treated with 35 mg/kg orally once daily on days 0-2, 4-6, 8, and 11-14, resulting in TGI of 51.3% based on tumor volume and 50.7% based on tumor weight (p<0.05) (9 mice were treated in the control group).
Experiment in PA-1 xenograft model (ovarian cancer model):
10 mice were treated with 35 mg/kg orally once a day on days 0-4, 7-10, 14-18, 21-25 and 28-31, resulting in TGI of 80.6% based on tumor volume and 79.9% based on tumor weight (p<0.05) (10 mice were treated in the control group).
Experiment in WM266.4 xenograft model (melanoma model):
10 mice were treated with 35 mg/kg orally once daily on days 0-17, resulting in TGI of 66.2% based on tumor volume and 62.6% based on tumor weight (p<0.05) (10 mice were treated in the control group).
Experiment in MCF-7 xenograft model (breast cancer model):
12 mice were treated with 35 mg/kg orally once daily on days 0-4, 8-10, 14,16, 20-22, and 27-30, resulting in TGI of 57.5% based on tumor volume and 60.1% based on tumor weight (p<0.05) (12 mice were treated in the control group).