Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- General information
- Significant accounting policies
- Critical accounting estimates a
- Capital risk management
- Segment reporting
- Cost of sales
- Administrative expenses
- Loss allowance on trade receiva
- Finance income
- Finance costs
- Taxation
- Loss_(income) per share
- Property, plant and equipment
- Goodwill and other intangible a
- Derivative financial instrument
- Trade and other receivables
- Trade and other payables
- Borrowings
- Lease liabilities
- Provisions for other liabilitie
- Stated capital
- Other reserves
- Non-controlling interest
- Share-based payment obligation
- Cash from operations
- Business Combinations
- Capital commitments and conting
- Events after the reporting peri
- Significant accounting polici_2
- Capital risk management (Tables
- Segment reporting (Tables)
- Cost of sales (Tables)
- Administrative expenses (Tables
- Finance income (Tables)
- Finance costs (Tables)
- Taxation (Tables)
- Loss_(income) per share (Tables
- Property, plant and equipment (
- Goodwill and other intangible_2
- Derivative financial instrume_2
- Trade and other receivables (Ta
- Trade and other payables (Table
- Borrowings (Tables)
- Lease liabilities (Tables)
- Provisions for other liabilit_2
- Stated capital (Tables)
- Other reserves (Tables)
- Non-controlling interest (Table
- Cash from operations (Tables)
- Business Combinations (Tables)
- Summary of significant accounti
- Critical accounting estimates_2
- Capital risk management - Finan
- Capital risk management - Fair
- Segment reporting - Summarized
- Segment reporting - Major custo
- Cost of sales (Details)
- Administrative expenses (Detail
- Loss allowance on trade recei_2
- Finance Income (Details)
- Finance Costs (Details)
- Taxation (Details)
- Loss_(income) per share (Detail
- Property, plant and equipment_2
- Property, plant and equipment -
- Goodwill and other intangible_3
- Goodwill and other intangible_4
- Goodwill and other intangible_5
- Derivative financial instrume_3
- Derivative financial instrume_4
- Derivative financial instrume_5
- Trade and other receivables (De
- Trade and other payables (Detai
- Borrowings - Debt classificatio
- Borrowings - Debt instrument (D
- Borrowings - Narratives (Detail
- Lease liabilities - Components
- Lease liabilities - Contractual
- Provisions for other liabilit_3
- Stated capital (Details)
- Other reserves (Details)
- Non-controlling interest (Detai
- Non-controlling interest - Summ
- Share-based payment obligation
- Cash from operations (Details)
- Business Combinations - IHS Kuw
- Capital commitments and conti_2
- Events after the reporting pe_2