6.(a)Company shall not contract or subcontract with any of PLK’s employees or any Affiliates of such employees without PLK’s written approval after prior disclosure of the relationship. Approval shall be obtained from PLK’s Legal Director.
(b)Company shall not pay any gratuities, commissions or fees, or grant any rebates, to any employee or officer of PLK, or to any of PLK’s Affiliates or franchisees, or any employee or officer thereof, for his or her personal or private benefit, nor favor any such officer, employee or franchisee with gifts, travel or entertainment (other than that which would be considered normal business-related meals) of any substantial cost or value, nor enter into any business arrangements with them which benefit them personally or privately.
(c)In connection with Services provided under this Agreement, Company shall not pay, or procure or authorize a third party to pay, any direct or indirect product or cash allowances, rebates, brokerage fees, finders’ fees, commissions or any other consideration of any kind to any third party, including any PLK Affiliate, any franchisee, or any of their representatives or employees, or any other third party associated with such services, except as explicitly provided in this Agreement, or with PLK’s written approval, provided that this provision shall not affect Company’s payments to its own employees. Subject to the limitations contained in this paragraph, Company warrants and represents that in the event that it receives any allowance, rebate or fee from any third party in connection with this Agreement, the Company will deposit such funds into the Ad Fund.
(d)Company shall comply with the PLK’s Vendor Code, attached hereto as Appendix D attached hereto and incorporated herein by this specific reference.
7.In connection with Services provided by Company hereunder, Company shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to obtain the most favorable prices, terms and conditions for all materials, services, media and rights purchased on behalf of the Franchisees. The materials, services, media and rights so acquired will become the property of PLK.
8.(a)Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, and subject to any Third Party Rights (as hereinafter defined) all tangible and intangible property or materials developed or prepared by Company pursuant to this Agreement, including, but not limited to, all concepts, plans, sketches, ideas, promotions, commercials, films, photographs, illustrations, transcriptions, software, literary and artistic materials, recommendations, trademarks, service marks, copy, layouts, scripts, artistic materials, finished or unfinished, whether created by Company or a third party supplier, including, but not limited to, a Marketing Agency, or a combination thereof, and all drafts and versions thereof, whether used or unused (“Material”), shall be and remain the exclusive property of PLK. As used herein, “Third Party Rights” means the rights retained by the licensors, creators or owners of intellectual property (including, but not limited to, photographs, video images and sound recordings), as to which a limited use license has been acquired by Company in connection with the development or preparation of Materials. Company acknowledges and agrees that, subject to Third Party Rights, PLK, its employees, subsidiaries, successors, agents and assigns and any others acting with PLK’s permission or under its authority, and without any limitations as to time or territory, have the exclusive right to copyright, use, publish, reproduce, alter and prepare derivative works of the Material for art, advertising, trade or any other lawful purpose whatsoever, in or through any media or combination of media, now existing or yet to be invented, and whether Company’s Services under this Agreement have been terminated, and without payment of any compensation to Company for the same. Neither Company nor any of its third party suppliers, including, any Marketing Agencies, shall permit any party (other than PLK, Franchisees and others designated by PLK) to use any Material without PLK’s prior written permission.
Exhibit E