The undersigned, Koichi Ishizuka, as Director of Perfect Solutions Group, hereby certifies that:
1. He is the Director of Perfect Solutions Group, Inc., a Nevada Corporation.
2. The Certificate of Incorporation of this corporation was originally filed with the Secretary of State of Nevada on June 29, 2021. The Certificate of Incorporation was first restated on September 7, 2021.
3. The Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the corporation which restates, integrates and further amends the provisions of the Certificate of Incorporation of this corporation as heretofore amended and/or restated, has been duly adopted by the corporation’s Board of Directors in accordance with NRS 78.315, NRS 78.380, and NRS 78.403 with and by written consent without a meeting in accordance with Nevada Revised Statutes, (“NRS”).
4. The Certificate of Incorporation of this corporation shall be amended and restated to read in full as follows:
The name of the Corporation shall be Perfect Solutions Group, Inc.
The Corporation shall exist in perpetuity from and after the date of filing these Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State of the State of Nevada unless dissolved according to law.
1. Purposes Except as restricted by these Articles of Incorporation, the Corporation is organized for the purpose of transacting all lawful business for which corporations may be incorporated pursuant to the Nevada Business Corporation Act.
2. General Powers Except as restricted by these Articles of Incorporation, the Corporation shall have and may exercise all powers and rights which a corporation may exercise legally pursuant to the Nevada Business Corporation Act.
3. Issuance of Shares The board of directors of the Corporation may divide and issue any class of stock of the Corporation in series pursuant to a resolution properly filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Nevada.
The total number of shares of capital stock which the Corporation shall have authority to issue is: Twenty Billion One Hundred Million (20,100,000,000). These shares shall be divided into two classes with Twenty Billion (20,000,000,000) shares designated as common stock at $0.0001 par value (the "Common Stock") and one hundred million (100,000,000) shares designated as preferred stock at $0.0001 par value (the "Preferred Stock").
Designation of Preferred Series Z Stock. One Million (1,000,000) shares of the Company’s preferred stock shall be designated as Series Z Preferred Stock, $0.0001 par value per share. Initially, there will be no dividends due or payable on the Series Z Preferred Stock. Holders of Series Z Preferred Stock shall have the right to convert every share of Series Z Preferred into One Million (1,000,000) Common Shares of the Corporation. Series Z Stock may be converted at any time, at the sole discretion of the holder of Series Z Preferred Stock. Each one share of the Series Z Preferred Stock shall have voting rights equal to one million (1,000,000) votes of Common Stock. With respect to all matters upon which stockholders are entitled to vote or to which stockholders are entitled to give consent, the holders of the outstanding shares of Series Z Preferred Stock shall vote together with the holders of Common Stock without regard to class, except as to those matters on which separate class voting is required by applicable law or the Corporation’s Certificate of Incorporation or by-laws.
Preferred Stock. The Preferred Stock of the Corporation shall be issuable by authority of the Board of Director(s) of the Corporation in one or more classes or one or more series within any class and such classes or series shall have such voting powers, full or limited, or no voting powers, and such designations, preferences, limitations or restrictions as the Board of Directors of the Corporation may determine, from time to time. The authority of the Board of Directors with respect to each class or series shall include all designation rights conferred by Nevada Laws upon directors, including, but not limited to, determination of the following:
| (a) | The number of shares constituting of that class or series and the distinctive designation of that class or series; |
| (b) | The dividend rate on the share of that class or series, whether dividends shall be cumulative, and, if so, from which date or dates, and the relative rights or priorities, if any, of payment of dividends on shares of that class or series; |
| (c) | Whether the shares of that class or series shall have conversion privileges, and, if so, the terms and conditions of such privileges, including provision for adjustment of conversion rate(s) in relation to such events as the Board of Directors shall determine; |
(d) Whether the shares of that class or series shall be redeemable, and, if so, the terms and conditions of such redemption, including the date or dates upon or after which amount they shall be redeemable, and the amount per share payable in case of redemption, which amount may vary under different conditions and at different redemption dates;
(e) Whether there shall be a sinking fund for the redemption or purchase of shares of that class or series, and, if so, the terms and amount of such sinking fund;
(f) The rights of the shares of that class or series in the event of voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, and the relative rights of priority, if any, of payment of shares of that class or series; and
(g) Any other relative rights, preferences and limitations of that class or series now or hereafter permitted by law.
Holders of shares of Common Stock shall be entitled to cast one vote for each share held at all stockholders' meetings for all purposes, including the election of directors. The Common Stock does not have cumulative voting rights.
No holder of shares of stock of any class or series shall be entitled as a matter of right to subscribe for or purchase or receive any part of any new or additional issue of shares of stock of any class or series, or of securities convertible into shares of stock of any class or series, whether now hereafter authorized or whether issued for money, for consideration other than money, or by way of dividend.
The election of directors need not be by written ballot unless the by-laws of the Corporation shall so provide.
The Corporation is authorized to provide indemnification of its directors, officers, employees and agents whether by bylaw agreement, vote of shareholders or disinterested directors or otherwise, in excess of the indemnification expressly permitted by Section 78.751 of the Nevada Business Corporation Act for breach of duty to the Corporation and its shareholders subject only to the applicable limits upon such indemnification as set forth in the Nevada Business Corporation Act. Any repeal or modification of this Article VI or Article X shall not adversely affect any right or protection of a director or officer of the Corporation existing at the time of such repeal or modification.
The initial Bylaws or the Corporation shall be adopted by its board of directors. Subject to repeal or change by action of the shareholders, the power to alter, amend or repeal the Bylaws or adopt new Bylaws shall be vested in the board of directors. The Bylaws may contain any provisions for the regulation and management of the affairs of the Corporation not inconsistent with law or these Articles of Incorporation.
The name of the Corporation's resident agent and the street address is Registered Agents Inc., 401 Ryland St Ste 200- A, Reno, NV 89502.
The resident agent may be changed in the manner permitted by law.
The number of directors of the Corporation shall be fixed by the Bylaws of the Corporation, and the number of directors of the Corporation may be changed from time to time by consent of the Corporation's directors. The initial board of directors of the Corporation shall consist of one (1) director. The name and address of the person who shall serve as director until the first annual meeting of shareholders and until his successor(s) are elected and shall qualify is:
Koichi Ishizuka
3F K’s Minamiaoyama
6-6-20 Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku
Tokyo, Japan
No director or officer shall be liable to the Corporation or any shareholder for damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director or officer, except for any matter in respect of which such director or officer (a) shall be liable under Section 78.300 of the Nevada Business Corporation Act or any amendment thereto or successor provision thereto or (b) shall have acted or faded to act in a manner involving intentional misconduct fraud or a knowing violation of law. Neither the amendment nor repeal of this Article, nor the adoption of any provision in the Articles of Incorporation inconsistent with this Article, shall eliminate or reduce the effect of this Article in respect of any matter occurring prior to such amendment, repeal or adoption of an inconsistent provisions. This Article shall apply to the full extent now permitted by Nevada law or as may be permitted in the future by changes or enactments in Nevada law, including without limitation Section 78.300 and/or the Nevada Business Corporation Act.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation has been duly adopted and ratified by this corporation’s Board of Directors in accordance with the applicable provisions of NRS 78.315, NRS 78.380, and NRS 78.403 and signed by its duly authorized officer this 22nd day of November 2022.
By: /s/ Koichi Ishizuka
Name: Koichi Ishizuka
Title: President and Chief Executive Officer