| E. | Service on Multiple Audit Committees |
No member of the Committee may serve on the audit committee of more than three public companies, including the Company, unless the Board has determined that such simultaneous service would not impair the ability of such member to effectively serve on the Committee.
In discharging its role, the Committee is empowered to inquire into any matter that it considers appropriate to carry out its responsibilities, with access to all books, records, facilities and personnel of the Company, and, subject to the direction of the Board, the Committee is authorized and delegated the authority to act on behalf of the Board with respect to any matter it determines to be necessary or appropriate to the accomplishment of its purposes.
The Committee shall have authority to retain, direct and oversee the activities of, and to terminate the engagement of, the Company’s independent auditor and any other accounting firm retained by the Committee to prepare or issue any other audit report or to perform any other audit, review or attest services and any legal counsel, accounting or other advisor or consultant hired to assist the Committee, all of whom shall be accountable to the Committee.
The Company shall provide the Committee with appropriate funding, as determined by the Committee, for the payment of: (a) compensation to any registered public accounting firm engaged for the purpose of preparing or issuing an audit report or performing other audit, review or attest services for the Company; (b) compensation to any independent counsel or other advisers retained by the Committee in carrying out its duties; and (c) ordinary administrative expenses of the Committee that are necessary or appropriate in carrying out its duties.
The Committee shall meet on a regularly scheduled basis at least four times per year and additionally as circumstances dictate.
The Committee shall establish its own schedule of meetings. The Committee may also act by unanimous written consent of its members.
Notice of meetings shall be given to all Committee members or may be waived, in the same manner as required for meetings of the Board. Meetings of the Committee may be held by means of conference telephone or other communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear and speak with each other. A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for a meeting and the affirmative vote of a majority of members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall constitute the action of the Committee. The Committee shall otherwise establish its own rules of procedure.
The Committee shall meet in executive session separately with each of the independent auditor, the internal auditor, if any, and with senior management, at least quarterly. At the end of each of the Committee’s regularly scheduled meetings, and more frequently as deemed necessary, the Committee shall meet in private session with only the Committee members.
The Committee, by resolution approved by a majority of the Committee, may form and delegate any of its responsibilities to a subcommittee so long as such subcommittee is solely comprised of one or more members of the Committee and such delegation is not otherwise inconsistent with law and applicable rules and regulations of the SEC and the NYSE.
The Committee relies on the expertise and knowledge of management, the internal auditors, if any, and the independent auditor in carrying out its oversight responsibilities. Management is responsible for the preparation, presentation, and integrity of the Company’s financial statements, for the appropriateness of the accounting principles and reporting policies that are used by the Company, and for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting. The independent auditor is responsible for auditing the Company’s financial statements and, if applicable, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting, and for reviewing the Company’s unaudited interim financial statements.