The interest rates on the loans under the HHI Credit Agreement are adjusted for each monthly interest period based on the adjusted LIBOR for the applicable term of the loan plus a margin of 4.50%. The interest rate in effect for the Term Loan at June 30, 2020 and 2019 was 5.27% and 7.09%, respectively.
Mandatory amortization of the Term Loan is equal to 0.50% of the outstanding principal amount, payable every six months. For the period of January 1, 2019 through June 30, 2019, $4.7 million of excess cash flow generated from operations was applied to repay a portion of the outstanding principal on the Term Loan. Such payments ratably reduce the mandatory amortization thereafter.
Under the terms of the Collateral Agency Intercreditor and Accounts Agreement, the receipt of revenues, debt service payments and the payments for certain categories of expenses are segregated into separate bank accounts. HHI has established the required bank accounts and has pledged all its rights, title and interest in the bank accounts as security for its payment obligations under the HHI Credit Agreement.
In accordance with the HHI Credit Agreement, HHI is required to maintain and have available a debt service reserve at least equal to the aggregate scheduled principal, interest, interest rate swaps settlement, and other scheduled debt service projected to be payable under the Credit Agreement for the six month period occurring after the last day of each calendar quarter. As of June 30, 2020 and December 31, 2019, HHI had $2.8 million and $2.7 million, cash on deposit in the debt service reserve account, respectively.
All obligations of the Company under the HHI Credit Agreement are guaranteed by HHI and the Company.
Under the terms of the HHI Credit Agreement, HHI is required to hedge a minimum of 75% of the outstanding principal amount of the Term Loan. On September 1, 2016, HHI entered into two interest rate swaps to satisfy this requirement, which required HHI to pay a fixed rate or have interest rate protection through August 18, 2020.
(b) Seneca Generation Note Purchase Agreement
On April 27, 2016, Seneca executed the Seneca NPA with a group of lenders, which consists of a $400.0 million Senior Secured Notes Facility, which consists of Series A notes, with a maturity date of April 27, 2026 and an interest rate of 4.33%. Interest is payable quarterly under the Seneca NPA. For each of the periods of January 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020 and January 1, 2019 through June 30, 2019, the Company recognized $8.7 million in interest expense related to the Seneca NPA.
Under the Seneca NPA, quarterly principal payments of $2.5 million commence on June 30, 2023, with the remaining principal balance of the Senior Secured Notes Facility due and payable on the stated maturity date.
Under the terms of the Collateral Agency Intercreditor and Accounts Agreement, the receipt of revenues, debt service payments and the payments for certain categories of expenses are segregated into separate bank accounts. Seneca has established the required bank accounts and has pledged all its rights, title and interest in the bank accounts as security for its payment obligations under the Seneca NPA.
In accordance with the Seneca NPA, Seneca is required to maintain and have available a debt service reserve (DSR) at least equal to the aggregate scheduled principal, interest, interest rate swaps settlement, and other scheduled debt service projected to be payable under the Seneca NPA for the six month period occurring after the last day of each calendar quarter. For the periods ended June 30, 2020 and December 31, 2019, Seneca had $8.7 million cash on deposit in the DSR account.
At June 30, 2020, the unamortized debt issuance and deferred financing costs totaled $5.5 million. The amortization of these costs is reflected as a component of Interest expense, net on the accompanying consolidated statements of operations. For the periods of January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020 and January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019, amortization of these costs totaled $558 thousand and $550 thousand, respectively.