| 4 connection with any proposed share transfer, a new certificate may be issued, on production of the worn out certificate or on satisfactory proof of its loss together with such indemnity as may be required by the Directors. 4.3 Joint Holders. If several Members are registered as joint holders of any Shares, any one of such Members may give an effectual receipt for any share certificate. 5 ISSUE OF SHARES 5.1 Issue. Subject to the provisions, if any, of the Memorandum and directions given by any Ordinary Resolution and the rights attaching to any class of existing Shares, the Directors may issue, allot, grant options over or otherwise dispose of Shares (including any fractions of Shares) and other securities of the Company at such times, to such persons, for such consideration and on such terms as the Directors may determine. 5.2 Subscriber Share. Notwithstanding the preceding Article, the Subscriber shall have the power to: (a) issue one Share to itself; (b) transfer that Share by an instrument of transfer to any person; and (c) update the Register of Members in respect of the issue and transfer of that Share. 5.3 Preferred Shares. Shares and other securities of the Company may be issued by the Directors with such preferred, deferred or other special rights, restrictions or privileges whether in regard to voting, Distributions, a return of capital, or otherwise and in such classes and series, if any, as the Directors may determine. 5.4 Ordinary Shares. Where the Directors issue a Share having no preferred, deferred, redemption or other special rights, it shall be issued as an ordinary Share and entitle the holder, subject to any other Share having any preferred, deferred, redemption or other special rights, to: (a) receive notice of, attend and vote at any general meeting of the Company and on any Ordinary Resolution or Special Resolution; (b) an equal share in any dividend or other Distribution paid by the Company; and (c) an equal share in the distribution of the surplus assets of the Company. 5.5 Consideration for Share Issue. A Share may be issued for consideration in any form, including money, a promissory note or other written obligation to contribute money or property, real property, personal property (including goodwill and know-how), services rendered or a contract for future services. EXEMPTED Company Registered and filed as No. 382594 On 27-Oct-2021 Assistant Registrar Auth Code: K38741926308 www.verify.gov.ky |