Form N-PX is to be used by a registered management investment company, other than a small business investment company registered on Form N-5 (Secs. 239.24 and 274.5 of this chapter), to file reports with the Commission, not later than August 31 of each year, containing the registrant’s proxy voting record for the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30, pursuant to section 30 of the Investment Company Act of 1940 and rule 30b1-4 thereunder (17 CFR 270.30b1-4). The Commission may use the information provided on Form N-PX in its regulatory, disclosure review, inspection, and policymaking roles.
A registrant is required to disclose the information specified by Form N-PX, and the Commission will make this information public. A registrant is not required to respond to the collection of information contained in Form N-PX unless the Form displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (“OMB”) control number. Please direct comments concerning the accuracy of the information collection burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to the Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20549-0609. The OMB has reviewed this collection of information under the clearance requirements of 44 U.S.C. Sec. 3507.
Investment Company Report |
| Security | G0751N103 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | AY | | | | Meeting Date | 13-Apr-2023 | |
| ISIN | GB00BLP5YB54 | | | | Agenda | 935776116 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1. | To receive the accounts and reports of the directors and the auditors for the year ended 31 December 2022. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | To approve the directors' remuneration report, excluding the directors' remuneration policy, for the year ended. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | To approve amendments to the directors' remuneration policy. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4. | Election of Michael Woollcombe as director of the Company. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 5. | Election of Michael Forsayeth as director of the Company. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 6. | Election of William Aziz as director of the Company. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 7. | Election of Brenda Eprile as director of the Company. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 8. | Election of Debora Del Favero as director of the Company. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 9. | Election of Arun Banskota as director of the Company. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 10. | Election of George Trisic as director of the Company. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 11. | Election of Edward C. Hall III as director of the Company. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 12. | Election of Santiago Seage as director of the Company. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 13. | To re-appoint Ernst & Young LLP and Ernst & Young S.L. as auditors of the Company to hold office until December 31, 2024. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 14. | To authorize the company's audit committee to determine the remuneration of the auditors. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 15. | Authorization to issue shares. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 16. | Disapplication of pre-emptive rights. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 17. | Disapplication of pre-emptive rights. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 18. | Authorization to reduce the share premium account. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 19. | Authorization to purchase the Company's own shares. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| Security | 744573106 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | PEG | | | | Meeting Date | 18-Apr-2023 | |
| ISIN | US7445731067 | | | | Agenda | 935775417 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director: Ralph A. LaRossa | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director: Susan Tomasky | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director: Willie A. Deese | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director: Jamie M. Gentoso | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director: Barry H. Ostrowsky | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director: Valerie A. Smith | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director: Scott G. Stephenson | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director: Laura A. Sugg | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | Election of Director: John P. Surma | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1j. | Election of Director: Alfred W. Zollar | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Advisory Vote on the Approval of Executive Compensation | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Advisory Vote on the Frequency of Future Advisory Votes on Executive Compensation | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 4a. | Approval of Amendments to our Certificate of Incorporation-to eliminate supermajority voting requirements for certain business combinations | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4b. | Approval of Amendments to our Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws-to eliminate supermajority voting requirements to remove a director without cause | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4c. | Approval of Amendments to our Certificate of Incorporation-to eliminate supermajority voting requirement to make certain amendments to our By-Laws | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 5. | Ratification of the Appointment of Deloitte as Independent Auditor for 2023 | Management | | For | | For | | |
| Security | 26884L109 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | EQT | | | | Meeting Date | 19-Apr-2023 | |
| ISIN | US26884L1098 | | | | Agenda | 935772601 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director: Lydia I. Beebe | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director: Lee M. Canaan | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director: Janet L. Carrig | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director: Frank C. Hu | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director: Kathryn J. Jackson, Ph.D | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director: John F. McCartney | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director: James T. McManus II | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director: Anita M. Powers | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | Election of Director: Daniel J. Rice IV | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1j. | Election of Director: Toby Z. Rice | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1k. | Election of Director: Hallie A. Vanderhider | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Advisory vote to approve the 2022 compensation of EQT Corporation's named executive officers (say-on-pay) | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Advisory vote on the frequency of advisory votes on named executive officer compensation (say-on- frequency) | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 4. | Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as EQT Corporation's independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year ending December 31, 2023 | Management | | For | | For | | |
| Security | 90400P101 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | UGP | | | | Meeting Date | 19-Apr-2023 | |
| ISIN | US90400P1012 | | | | Agenda | 935800715 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| A1 | Analysis and approval of the report and accounts of the ....(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | | For | | For | | |
| A2 | Allocation of net income for the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2022. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| A3 | Setting of the number of members to be elected to the Board of Directors. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| A4 | Election of the slate that will compose the Board of Director ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | | For | | For | | |
| A5 | If one of the candidates that composes your chosen slate leaves ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | | For | | For | | |
| A6 | In case of a cumulative voting process, should the corresponding votes to your shares be equally distributed among the members of the slate that you've chosen? Mark "for" = yes or "against" = no. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| A7 | Establishment of the Management's global compensation. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| A8A | Election of the Fiscal Council: Flavio Cesar Maia Luz (Effective) / Márcio Augustus Ribeiro (Alternate) | Management | | For | | For | | |
| A8B | Election of the Fiscal Council: Élcio Arsenio Mattioli (Effective) / Pedro Ozires Predeus (Alternate) | Management | | For | | For | | |
| A8C | Election of the Fiscal Council: Marcelo Gonçalves Farinha (Effective) / Sandra Regina de Oliveira (Alternate) | Management | | For | | For | | |
| A9 | Considering the item above, the establishment of the ....(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | | For | | For | | |
| E1 | Approval of a new stock-based incentive plan. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| E2 | Approval of an amendment to the stock-based incentive plan ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | | For | | For | | |
| E3 | Approval of the increase in the Company's capital stock, through ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | | For | | For | | |
| E4 | Ratification of the change in the number of common shares into ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | | For | | For | | |
| E5A | Adjustments to the procedures related to the general meeting ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | | For | | For | | |
| E5B | Adjustment in the tenure condition of the management to reflect all corporate policies. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| E5C | Further detailing of the judicial and administrative proceedings ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | | For | | For | | |
| E5D | Exclusion of the possibility of calling the Board of Directors' meeting by letter, telegram and fax. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| E5E | Change of nomenclature of the position of the Investor Relations Officer. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| E5F | Adjustment of powers of the Strategy Committee and the Audit and Risks Committee | Management | | For | | For | | |
| E5G | Simplification of the wording of statutory provisions ....(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). | Management | | For | | For | | |
| E6 | Approval of the consolidation of the Bylaws, in order to reflect the changes proposed in the items above. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| Security | 00130H105 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | AES | | | | Meeting Date | 20-Apr-2023 | |
| ISIN | US00130H1059 | | | | Agenda | 935774984 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director: Janet G. Davidson | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director: Andrés R. Gluski | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director: Tarun Khanna | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director: Holly K. Koeppel | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director: Julia M. Laulis | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director: Alain Monié | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director: John B. Morse, Jr. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director: Moisés Naim | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | Election of Director: Teresa M. Sebastian | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1j. | Election of Director: Maura Shaughnessy | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Approval, on an advisory basis, of the Company's executive compensation. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Approval, on an advisory basis, of the frequency of future advisory votes on the Company's executive compensation. | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 4. | Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the independent auditor of the Company for fiscal year 2023. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 5. | If properly presented, to vote on a non-binding Stockholder proposal to subject termination pay to Stockholder approval. | Shareholder | | Against | | For | | |
| Security | 025537101 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | AEP | | | | Meeting Date | 25-Apr-2023 | |
| ISIN | US0255371017 | | | | Agenda | 935778083 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director: Nicholas K. Akins | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director: J. Barnie Beasley, Jr. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director: Ben Fowke | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director: Art A. Garcia | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director: Linda A. Goodspeed | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director: Donna A. James | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director: Sandra Beach Lin | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director: Margaret M. McCarthy | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | Election of Director: Oliver G. Richard III | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1j. | Election of Director: Daryl Roberts | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1k. | Election of Director: Julia A. Sloat | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1l. | Election of Director: Sara Martinez Tucker | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1m. | Election of Director: Lewis Von Thaer | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Amendment to the Company's Bylaws to eliminate supermajority voting provisions. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4. | Advisory approval of the Company's executive compensation. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 5. | Advisory approval of the frequency of holding an advisory vote on the Company's executive compensation. | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| Security | 30161N101 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | EXC | | | | Meeting Date | 25-Apr-2023 | |
| ISIN | US30161N1019 | | | | Agenda | 935779504 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director: Anthony Anderson | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director: W. Paul Bowers | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director: Calvin G. Butler, Jr. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director: Marjorie Rodgers Cheshire | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director: Linda Jojo | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director: Charisse Lillie | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director: Matthew Rogers | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director: John Young | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Exelon's Independent Auditor for 2023. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Advisory approval of executive compensation. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4. | Advisory vote on the frequency of the advisory vote on executive compensation. | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| Security | 969457100 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | WMB | | | | Meeting Date | 25-Apr-2023 | |
| ISIN | US9694571004 | | | | Agenda | 935779706 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director for a one-year term: Alan S. Armstrong | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director for a one-year term: Stephen W. Bergstrom | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director for a one-year term: Michael A. Creel | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director for a one-year term: Stacey H. Doré | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director for a one-year term: Carri A. Lockhart | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director for a one-year term: Richard E. Muncrief | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director for a one-year term: Peter A. Ragauss | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director for a one-year term: Rose M. Robeson | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | Election of Director for a one-year term: Scott D. Sheffield | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1j. | Election of Director for a one-year term: Murray D. Smith | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1k. | Election of Director for a one-year term: William H. Spence | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1l. | Election of Director for a one-year term: Jesse J. Tyson | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Ratify the selection of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Approve, on an advisory basis, the compensation of our named executive officers. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4. | Approve, on an advisory basis, the frequency of future advisory votes to approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officers. | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| Security | 21037T109 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | CEG | | | | Meeting Date | 25-Apr-2023 | |
| ISIN | US21037T1097 | | | | Agenda | 935780684 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1. | DIRECTOR | Management | | | | | | |
| | | 1 | Joseph Dominguez | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 2 | Julie Holzrichter | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 3 | Ashish Khandpur | | | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | To consider and act on an advisory vote regarding the approval of compensation paid to named executive officers. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | To consider and act on an advisory vote regarding the frequency of the approval of compensation paid to named executive officers. | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 4. | To ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for 2023. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| Security | 281020107 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | EIX | | | | Meeting Date | 27-Apr-2023 | |
| ISIN | US2810201077 | | | | Agenda | 935776635 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director: Jeanne Beliveau-Dunn | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director: Michael C. Camuñez | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director: Vanessa C.L. Chang | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director: James T. Morris | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director: Timothy T. O'Toole | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director: Pedro J. Pizarro | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director: Marcy L. Reed | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director: Carey A. Smith | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | Election of Director: Linda G. Stuntz | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1j. | Election of Director: Peter J. Taylor | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1k. | Election of Director: Keith Trent | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Ratification of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Advisory Vote to Approve Say-on-Pay Vote Frequency | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 4. | Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Compensation | Management | | For | | For | | |
| NRG ENERGY, INC. | | |
| Security | 629377508 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | NRG | | | | Meeting Date | 27-Apr-2023 | |
| ISIN | US6293775085 | | | | Agenda | 935779287 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director: E. Spencer Abraham | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director: Antonio Carrillo | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director: Matthew Carter, Jr. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director: Lawrence S. Coben | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director: Heather Cox | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director: Elisabeth B. Donohue | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director: Mauricio Gutierrez | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director: Paul W. Hobby | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | Election of Director: Alexandra Pruner | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1j. | Election of Director: Anne C. Schaumburg | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | To adopt the NRG Energy, Inc. Amended and Restated Employee Stock Purchase Plan. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, NRG Energy, Inc.'s executive compensation. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4. | To approve, on a non-binding advisory basis, the frequency of the non-binding advisory vote on NRG Energy, Inc.'s executive compensation. | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 5. | To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as NRG Energy, Inc.'s independent registered public accounting firm for the 2023 fiscal year. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| Security | 89346D107 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual and Special Meeting |
| Ticker Symbol | TAC | | | | Meeting Date | 28-Apr-2023 | |
| ISIN | CA89346D1078 | | | | Agenda | 935794633 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1A | Election of Director: Rona H. Ambrose | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1B | Election of Director: John P. Dielwart | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1C | Election of Director: Alan J. Fohrer | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1D | Election of Director: Laura W. Folse | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1E | Election of Director: Harry A. Goldgut | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1F | Election of Director: John H. Kousinioris | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1G | Election of Director: Candace J. MacGibbon | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1H | Election of Director: Thomas M. O'Flynn | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1I | Election of Director: Bryan D. Pinney | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1J | Election of Director: James Reid | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1K | Election of Director: Manjit K. Sharma | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1L | Election of Director: Sandra R. Sharman | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1M | Election of Director: Sarah A. Slusser | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2 | Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as auditors of the Company and authorize the directors to fix their remuneration. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3 | Advisory vote to accept the Company's approach to executive compensation, as described in the Management Proxy Circular. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4 | To increase the number of common shares issuable under the Company's Share Unit Plan, as described in the Management Proxy Circular. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| Security | 450737101 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | IBDRY | | | | Meeting Date | 28-Apr-2023 | |
| ISIN | US4507371015 | | | | Agenda | 935799277 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 5. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 6. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 7. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 8. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 9. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 10. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 11. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 12. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 13. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 14. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 15. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 16. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 17. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 18. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 19. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 20. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 21. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 22. | Please refer to the agenda for proposal language | Management | | For | | For | | |
| Security | 87807B107 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | TRP | | | | Meeting Date | 02-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | CA87807B1076 | | | | Agenda | 935793150 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1A | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS Election of Director: Cheryl F. Campbell | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1B | Election of Director: Michael R. Culbert | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1C | Election of Director: William D. Johnson | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1D | Election of Director: Susan C. Jones | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1E | Election of Director: John E. Lowe | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1F | Election of Director: David MacNaughton | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1G | Election of Director: François L. Poirier | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1H | Election of Director: Una Power | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1I | Election of Director: Mary Pat Salomone | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1J | Election of Director: Indira Samarasekera | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1K | Election of Director: Siim A. Vanaselja | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1L | Election of Director: Thierry Vandal | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1M | Election of Director: Dheeraj "D" Verma | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2 | Resolution to appoint KPMG LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants as auditor and authorize the directors to fix their remuneration. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3 | Resolution to accept TC Energy's approach to executive compensation, as described in the Management information circular. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| VISTRA CORP. | | |
| Security | 92840M102 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | VST | | | | Meeting Date | 02-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | US92840M1027 | | | | Agenda | 935817443 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director: Scott B. Helm | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director: Hilary E. Ackermann | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director: Arcilia C. Acosta | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director: Gavin R. Baiera | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director: Paul M. Barbas | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director: James A. Burke | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director: Lisa Crutchfield | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director: Brian K. Ferraioli | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | Election of Director: Jeff D. Hunter | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1j. | Election of Director: Julie A. Lagacy | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1k. | Election of Director: John R. Sult | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Approve, on an advisory basis, the 2022 compensation of the Company's named executive officers. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Ratify the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2023. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| Security | 29250N105 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | ENB | | | | Meeting Date | 03-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | CA29250N1050 | | | | Agenda | 935781674 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1A | ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Election of Director: Mayank M. Ashar | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1B | Election of Director: Gaurdie E. Banister | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1C | Election of Director: Pamela L. Carter | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1D | Election of Director: Susan M. Cunningham | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1E | Election of Director: Gregory L. Ebel | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1F | Election of Director: Jason B. Few | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1G | Election of Director: Teresa S. Madden | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1H | Election of Director: Stephen S. Poloz | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1I | Election of Director: S. Jane Rowe | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1J | Election of Director: Dan C. Tutcher | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1K | Election of Director: Steven W. Williams | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2 | Appoint the auditors Appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditors of Enbridge and authorize the directors to fix their remuneration | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3 | Advisory vote on executive compensation Accept Enbridge's approach to executive compensation, as disclosed in the Management Information Circular | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4 | Shareholder rights plan Amend, reconfirm and approve Enbridge's shareholder rights plan | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 5 | Shareholder Proposals Vote on the shareholder proposals, as set out in Appendix B of the Management Information Circular The Board of Directors recommends voting "AGAINST" shareholder proposals No. 1 and No. 2 Shareholder Proposal No. 1 | Shareholder | | Against | | For | | |
| 6 | Shareholder Proposals Vote on the shareholder proposals, as set out in Appendix B of the Management Information Circular The Board of Directors recommends voting "AGAINST" shareholder proposals No. 1 and No. 2 Shareholder Proposal No. 2 | Shareholder | | Against | | For | | |
| Security | 29670G102 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | WTRG | | | | Meeting Date | 03-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | US29670G1022 | | | | Agenda | 935786612 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1. | DIRECTOR | Management | | | | | | |
| | | 1 | Elizabeth B. Amato | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 2 | David A. Ciesinski | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 3 | Christopher H. Franklin | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 4 | Daniel J. Hilferty | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 5 | Edwina Kelly | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 6 | W. Bryan Lewis | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 7 | Ellen T. Ruff | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 8 | Lee C. Stewart | | | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | To approve an advisory vote on the compensation paid to the Company's named executive officers for 2022. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | To ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for the Company for the 2023 fiscal year. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4. | To approve an advisory vote on whether the frequency of the advisory vote on compensation paid to the Company's named executive officers should be every 1, 2 or 3 years. | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| Security | 233331107 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | DTE | | | | Meeting Date | 04-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | US2333311072 | | | | Agenda | 935784846 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1. | DIRECTOR | Management | | | | | | |
| | | 1 | David A. Brandon | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 2 | Charles G. McClure, Jr. | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 3 | Gail J. McGovern | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 4 | Mark A. Murray | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 5 | Gerardo Norcia | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 6 | Robert C. Skaggs, Jr. | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 7 | David A. Thomas | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 8 | Gary H. Torgow | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 9 | James H. Vandenberghe | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 10 | Valerie M. Williams | | | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent auditors | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Provide a nonbinding vote to approve the Company's executive compensation | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4. | Provide a nonbinding vote on the frequency of advisory votes to approve executive compensation | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 5. | Vote on a management proposal to amend our bylaws to allow shareholders with 15% outstanding company stock in the aggregate (held at least one year) to call a special meeting | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 6. | Vote on a shareholder proposal to amend our bylaws to allow shareholders with 10% outstanding company stock in the aggregate to call a special meeting | Shareholder | | Against | | For | | |
| 7. | Vote on a shareholder proposal to publish a lobbying report | Shareholder | | Against | | For | | |
| RWE AG | | |
| Security | 74975E303 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | RWEOY | | | | Meeting Date | 04-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | US74975E3036 | | | | Agenda | 935832952 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 2. | Appropriation of distributable profit | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3a. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Executive Board for 2022: Dr. Markus Krebber (Chairman) | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3b. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Executive Board for 2022: Dr. Michael Müller | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3c. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Executive Board for 2022: Zvezdana Seeger | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4a. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Dr. Werner Brandt (Chairman) | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4b. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Ralf Sikorski (Deputy Chairman) | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4c. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Michael Bochinsky | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4d. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Sandra Bossemeyer | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4e. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Dr. Hans Bünting | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4f. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Matthias Dürbaum | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4g. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Ute Gerbaulet | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4h. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Prof. Dr. Ing. Dr. Ing. E.h. Hans- Peter Keitel | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4i. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Mag. Dr. h.c. Monika Kircher | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4j. | Approval of the acts of the members of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Thomas Kufen | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4k. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Reiner van Limbeck | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4l. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Harald Louis | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4m. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Dagmar Paasch | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4n. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Dr. Erhard Schipporeit | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4o. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Dirk Schumacher | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4p. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Ullrich Sierau | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4q. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Hauke Stars | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4r. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Helle Valentin | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4s. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Dr. Andreas Wagner | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4t. | Approval of the acts of the member of the Supervisory Board for fiscal 2022: Marion Weckes | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 5. | Appointment of the auditor for fiscal 2023 and of the auditor for the audit-like review of the half-year financial report and of the interim financial reports in fiscal 2023 | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 6. | Election of the auditor for the audit-like review of the interim financial report as of 31 March 2024 | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 7. | Approval of the Remuneration Report for fiscal 2022 | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 8. | Authorisation to implement share buybacks and use treasury stock, also waiving subscription rights | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 9. | Renewal of the authorisation to issue convertible and/or option bonds, formation of new conditional capital and corresponding amendment to the Articles of Incorporation | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 10. | Renewal of authorised capital and corresponding amendment to the Articles of Incorporation | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 11. | Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation to allow for virtual Annual General Meetings in the future | Management | | For | | For | | |
| Security | 23345M107 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | DTM | | | | Meeting Date | 05-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | US23345M1071 | | | | Agenda | 935786206 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1. | DIRECTOR | Management | | | | | | |
| | | 1 | Peter Tumminello | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 2 | Dwayne Wilson | | | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | The ratification of the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year ending December 31, 2023. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | To approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the compensation of the Company's Named Executive Officers. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| Security | 29364G103 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | ETR | | | | Meeting Date | 05-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | US29364G1031 | | | | Agenda | 935786232 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director: Gina F. Adams | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director: John H. Black | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director: John R. Burbank | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director: Patrick J. Condon | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director: Kirkland H. Donald | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director: Brian W. Ellis | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director: Philip L. Frederickson | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director: M. Elise Hyland | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | Election of Director: Stuart L. Levenick | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1j. | Election of Director: Blanche L. Lincoln | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1k. | Election of Director: Andrew S. Marsh | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1l. | Election of Director: Karen A. Puckett | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Ratification of the Appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as Entergy's Independent Registered Public Accountants for 2023. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Officer Compensation. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4. | Advisory Vote on the Frequency of Future Advisory Votes to Approve Named Executive Officer Compensation. | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 5. | Approval of an Amendment to the 2019 Entergy Corporation Omnibus Incentive Plan. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 6. | Approval of an Amendment to Entergy Corporation's Restated Certificate of Incorporation to Include Exculpation of Officers. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| Security | 125896100 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | CMS | | | | Meeting Date | 05-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | US1258961002 | | | | Agenda | 935786888 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Jon E. Barfield | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Deborah H. Butler | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Kurt L. Darrow | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: William D. Harvey | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Garrick J. Rochow | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: John G. Russell | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Suzanne F. Shank | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Myrna M. Soto | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: John G. Sznewajs | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1j. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Ronald J. Tanski | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1k. | ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Laura H. Wright | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Approve, on an advisory basis, the Company's executive compensation. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Advisory vote on frequency of future advisory votes on executive compensation. | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 4. | Ratify the appointment of independent registered public accounting firm (PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP). | Management | | For | | For | | |
| Security | 94106L109 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | WM | | | | Meeting Date | 09-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | US94106L1098 | | | | Agenda | 935790178 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director: Bruce E. Chinn | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director: James C. Fish, Jr. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director: Andrés R. Gluski | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director: Victoria M. Holt | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director: Kathleen M. Mazzarella | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director: Sean E. Menke | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director: William B. Plummer | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director: John C. Pope | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | Election of Director: Maryrose T. Sylvester | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm for 2023. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Approval, on an advisory basis, of our executive compensation. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4. | To recommend the frequency of future advisory votes on our executive compensation. | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 5. | Approval of our 2023 Stock Incentive Plan. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| Security | 25746U109 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | D | | | | Meeting Date | 10-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | US25746U1097 | | | | Agenda | 935788440 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1A. | Election of Director: James A. Bennett | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1B. | Election of Director: Robert M. Blue | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1C. | Election of Director: D. Maybank Hagood | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1D. | Election of Director: Ronald W. Jibson | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1E. | Election of Director: Mark J. Kington | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1F. | Election of Director: Kristin G. Lovejoy | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1G. | Election of Director: Joseph M. Rigby | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1H. | Election of Director: Pamela J. Royal, M.D. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1I. | Election of Director: Robert H. Spilman, Jr. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1J. | Election of Director: Susan N. Story | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1K. | Election of Director: Michael E. Szymanczyk | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Advisory Vote on Approval of Executive Compensation (Say on Pay) | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Advisory Vote on the Frequency of Say on Pay Votes | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 4. | Ratification of Appointment of Independent Auditor | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 5. | Management's Proposal to Amend Article IV of the Bylaws to Make Certain Changes to the Information Required to be Provided by a Shareholder Requesting a Special Meeting | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 6. | Management's Proposal to Amend Article XI of the Bylaws to Make Certain Changes to the Advance Notice Provisions for Director Nominations | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 7. | Shareholder Proposal Regarding a Policy to Require an Independent Chair | Shareholder | | Against | | For | | |
| Security | 030420103 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | AWK | | | | Meeting Date | 10-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | US0304201033 | | | | Agenda | 935793782 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director: Jeffrey N. Edwards | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director: Martha Clark Goss | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director: M. Susan Hardwick | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director: Kimberly J. Harris | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director: Laurie P. Havanec | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director: Julia L. Johnson | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director: Patricia L. Kampling | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director: Karl F. Kurz | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | Election of Director: Michael L. Marberry | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1j. | Election of Director: James G. Stavridis | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of the Company's named executive officers. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Approval, on an advisory basis, of the frequency (i.e., every year, every two years or every three years) of the approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of the Company's named executive officers. | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 4. | Ratification of the appointment, by the Audit, Finance and Risk Committee of the Board of Directors, of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for 2023. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 5. | Shareholder proposal on Racial Equity Audit as described in the proxy statement. | Shareholder | | Against | | For | | |
| Security | 16411R208 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | LNG | | | | Meeting Date | 11-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | US16411R2085 | | | | Agenda | 935825969 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director: G. Andrea Botta | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director: Jack A. Fusco | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director: Patricia K. Collawn | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director: Brian E. Edwards | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director: Denise Gray | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director: Lorraine Mitchelmore | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director: Donald F. Robillard, Jr | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director: Matthew Runkle | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | Election of Director: Neal A. Shear | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Approve, on an advisory and non-binding basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers for 2022. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Approve, on an advisory and non-binding basis, the frequency of holding future advisory votes on the compensation of the Company's named executive officers. | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 4. | Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for 2023. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 5. | Shareholder Proposal regarding climate change risk analysis. | Shareholder | | Against | | For | | |
| Security | 30057T105 | | | | Meeting Type | Special |
| Ticker Symbol | AQUA | | | | Meeting Date | 11-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | US30057T1051 | | | | Agenda | 935836974 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1. | Merger Proposal -- To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of January 22, 2023 (as amended from time to time), by and among Xylem Inc., Fore Merger Sub, Inc. and Evoqua Water Technologies Corp. (the "Merger Proposal"). | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Advisory Compensation Proposal -- To approve, on an advisory (non-binding) basis, the compensation that will or may be paid to Evoqua Water Technologies Corp.'s named executive officers in connection with the merger. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Adjournment Proposal -- To approve the adjournment of the Evoqua Water Technologies Corp. Special Meeting to solicit additional proxies if there are not sufficient votes cast at the Evoqua Water Technologies Corp. Special Meeting to approve the Merger Proposal or to ensure that any supplemental or amended disclosure, including any supplement or amendment to the joint proxy statement/prospectus, is timely provided to Evoqua Water Technologies Corp. stockholders. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| Security | 816851109 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | SRE | | | | Meeting Date | 12-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | US8168511090 | | | | Agenda | 935797247 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director: Andrés Conesa | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director: Pablo A. Ferrero | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director: Jeffrey W. Martin | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director: Bethany J. Mayer | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director: Michael N. Mears | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director: Jack T. Taylor | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director: Cynthia L. Walker | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director: Cynthia J. Warner | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | Election of Director: James C. Yardley | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Ratification of Appointment of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Advisory Approval of Our Executive Compensation | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4. | Advisory Approval of How Often Shareholders Will Vote on an Advisory Basis on Our Executive Compensation | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 5. | Amendment to Our Articles of Incorporation to Increase the Number of Authorized Shares of Our Common Stock | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 6. | Amendment to Our Articles of Incorporation to Change the Company's Legal Name | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 7. | Amendments to Our Articles of Incorporation to Make Certain Technical and Administrative Changes | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 8. | Shareholder Proposal Requiring an Independent Board Chairman | Shareholder | | Against | | For | | |
| Security | 907818108 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | UNP | | | | Meeting Date | 18-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | US9078181081 | | | | Agenda | 935805703 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director: William J. DeLaney | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director: David B. Dillon | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director: Sheri H. Edison | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director: Teresa M. Finley | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director: Lance M. Fritz | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director: Deborah C. Hopkins | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director: Jane H. Lute | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director: Michael R. McCarthy | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | Election of Director: Jose H. Villarreal | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1j. | Election of Director: Christopher J. Williams | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Ratification of the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the independent registered public accounting firm of the Company for 2023. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | An advisory vote to approve executive compensation ("Say On Pay"). | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4. | An advisory vote on the frequency of future advisory votes on executive compensation ("Say on Frequency"). | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 5. | Shareholder proposal regarding independent board chairman. | Shareholder | | Against | | For | | |
| 6. | Shareholder proposal requesting an amendment to our Bylaws to require shareholder approval for certain future amendments. | Shareholder | | Against | | For | | |
| 7. | Shareholder proposal requesting a paid sick leave policy. | Shareholder | | Against | | For | | |
| Security | 65339F101 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | NEE | | | | Meeting Date | 18-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | US65339F1012 | | | | Agenda | 935808696 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director: Nicole S. Arnaboldi | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director: Sherry S. Barrat | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director: James L. Camaren | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director: Kenneth B. Dunn | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director: Naren K. Gursahaney | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director: Kirk S. Hachigian | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director: John W. Ketchum | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director: Amy B. Lane | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | Election of Director: David L. Porges | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1j. | Election of Director: Deborah "Dev" Stahlkopf | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1k. | Election of Director: John A. Stall | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1l. | Election of Director: Darryl L. Wilson | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Ratification of appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as NextEra Energy's independent registered public accounting firm for 2023 | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Approval, by non-binding advisory vote, of NextEra Energy's compensation of its named executive officers as disclosed in the proxy statement | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4. | Non-Binding advisory vote on whether NextEra Energy should hold a non-binding shareholder advisory vote to approve NextEra Energy's compensation of its named executive officers every 1, 2 or 3 years | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 5. | A proposal entitled "Board Skills Disclosure" requesting a chart of individual board skills | Shareholder | | Against | | For | | |
| Security | 65473P105 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | NI | | | | Meeting Date | 23-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | US65473P1057 | | | | Agenda | 935817291 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director to hold office until the next Annual Stockholders' Meeting: Peter A. Altabef | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director to hold office until the next Annual Stockholders' Meeting: Sondra L. Barbour | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director to hold office until the next Annual Stockholders' Meeting: Theodore H. Bunting, Jr. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director to hold office until the next Annual Stockholders' Meeting: Eric L. Butler | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director to hold office until the next Annual Stockholders' Meeting: Aristides S. Candris | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director to hold office until the next Annual Stockholders' Meeting: Deborah A. Henretta | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director to hold office until the next Annual Stockholders' Meeting: Deborah A. P. Hersman | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director to hold office until the next Annual Stockholders' Meeting: Michael E. Jesanis | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | Election of Director to hold office until the next Annual Stockholders' Meeting: William D. Johnson | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1j. | Election of Director to hold office until the next Annual Stockholders' Meeting: Kevin T. Kabat | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1k. | Election of Director to hold office until the next Annual Stockholders' Meeting: Cassandra S. Lee | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1l. | Election of Director to hold office until the next Annual Stockholders' Meeting: Lloyd M. Yates | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | To approve named executive officer compensation on an advisory basis. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | To approve the frequency of future advisory votes on named executive officer compensation on an advisory basis. | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 4. | To ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for 2023. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 5. | To approve an Amendment to our Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation to increase the number of authorized shares of common stock. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 6. | Stockholder proposal requesting the adoption of a policy requiring the separation of the roles of Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer. | Shareholder | | Against | | For | | |
| Security | 337932107 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | FE | | | | Meeting Date | 24-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | US3379321074 | | | | Agenda | 935804167 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director: Jana T. Croom | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director: Steven J. Demetriou | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director: Lisa Winston Hicks | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director: Paul Kaleta | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director: Sean T. Klimczak | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director: Jesse A. Lynn | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director: James F. O'Neil III | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director: John W. Somerhalder II | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | Election of Director: Andrew Teno | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1j. | Election of Director: Leslie M. Turner | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1k. | Election of Director: Melvin Williams | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Ratify the Appointment of the Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for 2023 | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Approve, on an Advisory Basis, Named Executive Officer Compensation | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4. | Approve, on an Advisory Basis, the Frequency of Future Advisory Votes to Approve Named Executive Officer Compensation | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 5. | Approve an Amendment to the Amended and Restated Code of Regulations to Reduce the Percentage of Shares Required to Call a Special Meeting of Shareholders | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 6. | Shareholder Ratification of Termination Pay | Shareholder | | Against | | For | | |
| 7. | Establish a New Board Committee on Decarbonization Risk | Shareholder | | Against | | For | | |
| Security | 78410G104 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | SBAC | | | | Meeting Date | 25-May-2023 | |
| ISIN | US78410G1040 | | | | Agenda | 935820515 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1.1 | Election of Director For a three-year term expiring at the 2026 Annual Meeting: Steven E. Bernstein | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1.2 | Election of Director For a three-year term expiring at the 2026 Annual Meeting: Laurie Bowen | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1.3 | Election of Director For a three-year term expiring at the 2026 Annual Meeting: Amy E. Wilson | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as SBA's independent registered public accounting firm for the 2023 fiscal year. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Approval, on an advisory basis, of the compensation of SBA's named executive officers. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4. | Approval, on an advisory basis, of the frequency of future advisory votes on the compensation of SBA's named executive officers. | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| Security | 83417M104 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | SEDG | | | | Meeting Date | 01-Jun-2023 | |
| ISIN | US83417M1045 | | | | Agenda | 935833194 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director: Marcel Gani | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director: Tal Payne | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | Ratification of appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2023. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | Approval of, on an advisory and non-binding basis, the compensation of our named executive officers (the "Say- on-Pay" vote). | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4. | Vote, on an advisory and non-binding basis, on the preferred frequency of future stockholder advisory votes to approve the compensation of our named executive officers (the "Say-on- Frequency" vote). | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 5. | Approval of an amendment to the Company's certificate of incorporation to declassify the Board and phase-in annual director elections. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 6. | Approval of an amendment to the Company's certificate of incorporation to remove the supermajority voting requirements to amend certain provisions of the Company's certificate of incorporation and bylaws. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 7. | Approval of an amendment to the Company's certificate of incorporation to add a federal forum selection provision for causes of action under the Securities Act of 1933. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| Security | 41068X100 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | HASI | | | | Meeting Date | 07-Jun-2023 | |
| ISIN | US41068X1000 | | | | Agenda | 935835681 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1. | DIRECTOR | Management | | | | | | |
| | | 1 | Jeffrey W. Eckel | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 2 | Lizabeth A. Ardisana | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 3 | Clarence D. Armbrister | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 4 | Teresa M. Brenner | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 5 | Michael T. Eckhart | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 6 | Nancy C. Floyd | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 7 | Jeffrey A. Lipson | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 8 | Charles M. O'Neil | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 9 | Richard J. Osborne | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 10 | Steven G. Osgood | | | | For | | For | | |
| | | 11 | Kimberly A. Reed | | | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | The ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | The advisory approval of the compensation of the Named Executive Officers as described in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, the compensation tables and other narrative disclosure in the proxy statement. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4. | The frequency in years with which stockholders are provided an advisory vote on executive compensation pursuant to the compensation disclosure rules of the SEC. | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| Security | 253868103 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | DLR | | | | Meeting Date | 08-Jun-2023 | |
| ISIN | US2538681030 | | | | Agenda | 935849743 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1a. | Election of Director: Alexis Black Bjorlin | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1b. | Election of Director: VeraLinn Jamieson | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1c. | Election of Director: Kevin J. Kennedy | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1d. | Election of Director: William G. LaPerch | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1e. | Election of Director: Jean F.H.P. Mandeville | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1f. | Election of Director: Afshin Mohebbi | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1g. | Election of Director: Mark R. Patterson | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1h. | Election of Director: Mary Hogan Preusse | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 1i. | Election of Director: Andrew P. Power | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2. | To ratify the selection of KPMG LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2023. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3. | To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers, as more fully described in the accompanying Proxy Statement (Say-on-Pay). | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4. | To approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis, the frequency of holding future advisory votes on the compensation of our named executive officers (every one, two or three years). | Management | | 1 Year | | For | | |
| 5. | A stockholder proposal regarding reporting on concealment clauses. | Shareholder | | Against | | For | | |
| 6. | A stockholder proposal regarding inclusion in the workplace. | Shareholder | | Against | | For | | |
| Security | 13646K108 | | | | Meeting Type | Annual |
| Ticker Symbol | CP | | | | Meeting Date | 15-Jun-2023 | |
| ISIN | CA13646K1084 | | | | Agenda | 935864149 - Management |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| Item | Proposal | Proposed by | | Vote | For/Against Management | | |
| 1 | Appointment of the Auditor as named in the Proxy Circular. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 2 | Advisory vote to approve the Corporation's approach to executive compensation as described in the Proxy Circular. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 3 | Advisory vote to approve the Corporation's approach to climate change as described in the Proxy Circular. | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4A | Election of Director - The Hon. John Baird | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4B | Election of Director - Isabelle Courville | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4C | Election of Director - Keith E. Creel | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4D | Election of Director - Gillian H. Denham | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4E | Election of Director - Amb. Antonio Garza (Ret.) | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4F | Election of Director - David Garza-Santos | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4G | Election of Director - Edward R. Hamberger | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4H | Election of Director - Janet H. Kennedy | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4I | Election of Director - Henry J. Maier | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4J | Election of Director - Matthew H. Paull | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4K | Election of Director - Jane L. Peverett | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4L | Election of Director - Andrea Robertson | Management | | For | | For | | |
| 4M | Election of Director - Gordon T. Trafton | Management | | For | | For | | |
Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.