Royalty, stream and other interests | 5. Royalty, stream and other interests As at and for the year ended December 31, 2023: Cost Accumulated Depletion Royalty Country Opening Additions (Impairment) reversal Ending Opening Depletion Ending Carrying Amount $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Wonmunna Australia 14,527,467 149,159 - 14,676,626 (830,176 ) (1,307,361 ) (2,137,537 ) 12,539,089 Royalty portfolio Australia - 5,205,731 - 5,205,731 - - - 5,205,731 Janet Ivy Australia 2,494,285 1,963,315 - 4,457,600 (29,633 ) (215,184 ) (244,817 ) 4,212,783 Koolyanobbing Australia 2,649,738 - - 2,649,738 (1,198,243 ) (514,283 ) (1,712,526 ) 937,212 South Railroad USA 2,316,757 - - 2,316,757 (79,814 ) (44,093 ) (123,907 ) 2,192,850 Limpopo South Africa 1,150,828 - - 1,150,828 - - - 1,150,828 Bowdens Australia 1,130,068 - - 1,130,068 - - - 1,130,068 Bullabulling Australia 953,349 - - 953,349 - - - 953,349 Goldlund Canada 400,671 858,139 - 1,258,810 - - - 1,258,810 Brits South Africa 764,016 - - 764,016 - - - 764,016 Otto Bore Australia 583,612 - - 583,612 - - - 583,612 Segilola Nigeria 706,425 - - 706,425 (528,220 ) (178,205 ) (706,425 ) - Lynn Lake (MacLellan) Canada 873,088 - - 873,088 - - - 873,088 Bulong Australia 544,957 - - 544,957 - - - 544,957 Dry Creek Australia 475,723 - - 475,723 (93,637 ) (17,664 ) (111,301 ) 364,422 Sulfur Springs/ Kangaroo Caves Australia 467,983 - - 467,983 - - - 467,983 Pedra Branca Brazil 450,131 - - 450,131 - - - 450,131 Ashburton Australia 355,940 - - 355,940 - - - 355,940 Anthiby Well Australia 311,742 - - 311,742 - - - 311,742 Cardinia Australia 302,850 - - 302,850 - - - 302,850 Brauna Brazil 262,328 - - 262,328 (75,121 ) (25,302 ) (100,423 ) 161,905 Montanore USA 61,572 - - 61,572 - - - 61,572 Mt Ida Australia 210,701 - - 210,701 - - - 210,701 Other Australia 1,606,079 - 162,794 1,768,873 - (29,842 ) (29,842 ) 1,739,031 Other Canada 549,493 75,426 - 624,919 - - - 624,919 Other Peru 1,545,609 - (1,500,000 ) 45,609 - - - 45,609 Total 35,695,412 8,251,770 (1,337,206 ) 42,609,976 (2,834,844 ) (2,331,934 ) (5,166,778 ) 37,443,198 Royalties acquired during the year ended December 31, 2023 Royalty Portfolio On September 12, 2023, Vox completed the acquisition of a portfolio of nine royalties from an Australian Company (the “ Seller On October 18, 2023, Vox completed the acquisition of a pre-production gold royalty over a portion of the Plutonic Gold Mine complex in Western Australia. The Plutonic East gold royalty is a sliding scale tonnage royalty. The aggregate purchase price consisted of total cash consideration that was paid on closing of $797,703 (A$1,250,000). The Company incurred $44,743 of legal and professional fees relating to the acquisition of the Royalty Portfolio. British King Royalty (reversal of impairment charge) On September 21, 2023, SilverStream SEZC (“SilverStream”) agreed to the following: - SilverStream’s historical 1.5% NSR on the first 10,000oz produced and 5.25% gold stream thereafter originally granted to SilverStream by the prior operator was extinguished; - A new 1.25% NSR gold royalty interest was assigned to Vox Royalty Australia Pty Ltd (“Vox Australia”) by the prior operator in connection with the transfer of the project from the prior operator to the new operator; and - Vox received $126,390 (A$200,000) for reimbursement of legal fees, which was recorded as a reduction of project evaluation expenses in the consolidated statements of income (loss) and comprehensive income (loss). As a result of the new 1.25% NSR gold royalty assigned to Vox by the prior operator, the Company considered this an indicator of impairment reversal and determined that the recoverable amount was $250,000, which was recognized as an impairment reversal in the consolidated statements of income (loss) and comprehensive income (loss). Janet Ivy On November 24, 2023, the Company issued 948,448 common shares as a single milestone payment relating to the Janet Ivy gold royalty acquired on March 29, 2021, for total consideration of $1,963,315. The milestone payment became due upon cumulative royalty receipts from Janet Ivy exceeding A$750,000. Goldlund On January 24, 2023, the Company issued 215,769 common shares as a second milestone payment relating to the Canadian gold portfolio it acquired on June 3, 2022, for total consideration of $495,446. On December 13, 2023, the Company issued 175,660 common shares as a final milestone payment relating to the Canadian gold portfolio acquired on June 3, 2022, for total consideration of $362,693. Hawkins On December 22, 2023, Vox completed the acquisition of a 0.5% NSR royalty on the Hawkins gold exploration project in Ontario, Canada. The aggregate purchase price consisted of total cash consideration paid on closing of $75,426 (C$100,000). Impairment During the three months ended June 30, 2023, the Company became aware that the operator of the Alce exploration project did not renew the relevant mining claims and therefore the Peruvian Ministry of Energy and Mining extinguished the mining concessions. As a result, the Company fully impaired the Alce royalty as of June 30, 2023, and the carrying value of the investment of $500,000 has been reduced to $nil. During the three months ended December 31, 2023, the Company became aware that the operator of the Jaw, Phoebe, Cart and Colossus exploration projects (“Peru Projects”) did not renew all or substantially all of the relevant mining claims and therefore the Peruvian Ministry of Energy and Mining extinguished the mining concessions. As a result, the Company fully impaired the four royalties as of December 31, 2023, and the carrying value of the investment of $1,000,000 has been reduced to $nil. The Company has filed a statement of claim in the Supreme Court of Western Australia against the operator of the Jaw, Phoebe, Cart and Colossus exploration projects. Pursuant to the original agreement signed with the operator on July 15, 2021, if any of the four exploration projects became relinquished within three years of signing the original agreement, the operator must promptly provide Vox with a replacement royalty for each relinquished royalty and with each replacement royalty having a value of at least $250,000. To the extent Vox is granted one or more replacement royalties, the Company expects to reverse up to $1,000,000 of the Q4 2023 impairment charge, which would increase net income by the equivalent amount. Total royalty, stream and other interests include carrying amounts in the following countries December 31, 2023 December 31, 2022 $ $ Australia 29,859,470 24,462,805 USA 2,254,422 2,298,515 South Africa 1,914,844 1,914,844 Nigeria - 178,205 Brazil 612,036 637,338 Canada 2,756,817 1,823,252 Peru 45,609 1,545,609 37,443,198 32,860,568 As at and for the year ended December 31, 2022: Cost Accumulated Depletion Royalty Country Opening Additions (Impairment) reversal Ending Opening Depletion Ending Carrying Amount $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Wonmunna Australia - 14,527,467 - 14,527,467 - (830,176 ) (830,176 ) 13,697,291 Janet Ivy Australia 2,494,285 - - 2,494,285 (29,633 ) - (29,633 ) 2,464,652 Koolyanobbing Australia 2,487,741 161,997 - 2,649,738 (797,157 ) (401,086 ) (1,198,243 ) 1,451,495 South Railroad USA 2,316,757 - - 2,316,757 (37,581 ) (42,233 ) (79,814 ) 2,236,943 Limpopo South Africa - 1,150,828 - 1,150,828 - - - 1,150,828 Bowdens Australia 1,130,068 - - 1,130,068 - - - 1,130,068 Bullabulling Australia 953,349 - - 953,349 - - - 953,349 Brits South Africa 764,016 - - 764,016 - - - 764,016 Otto Bore Australia 583,612 - - 583,612 - - - 583,612 Segilola Nigeria 706,425 - - 706,425 (18,587 ) (509,633 ) (528,220 ) 178,205 Lynn Lake (MacLellan) Canada 873,088 - - 873,088 - - - 873,088 Bulong Australia 544,957 - - 544,957 - - - 544,957 Dry Creek Australia 475,723 - - 475,723 (70,767 ) (22,870 ) (93,637 ) 382,086 Sulfur Springs/ Kangaroo Caves Australia 467,983 - - 467,983 - - - 467,983 Pedra Branca Brazil 450,131 - - 450,131 - - - 450,131 Ashburton Australia 355,940 - - 355,940 - - - 355,940 Anthiby Well Australia 311,742 - - 311,742 - - - 311,742 Cardinia Australia - 302,850 - 302,850 - - - 302,850 Brauna Brazil 262,328 - - 262,328 (37,101 ) (38,020 ) (75,121 ) 187,207 Montanore USA 61,572 - - 61,572 - - - 61,572 Mt Ida Australia 210,701 - - 210,701 - - - 210,701 Other Australia 1,606,079 - - 1,606,079 - - - 1,606,079 Other Peru 1,500,000 45,609 - 1,545,609 - - - 1,545,609 Other Canada 60,018 890,146 - 950,164 - - - 950,164 Total 18,616,515 17,078,897 - 35,695,412 (990,826 ) (1,844,018 ) (2,834,844 ) 32,860,568 Royalties acquired during the year ended December 31, 2022 Limpopo On April 27, 2022, Vox completed the acquisition of a portfolio of two royalties from a private South African registered company. The royalties include a 1.0% gross receipts royalty over the Dwaalkop Project and a 0.704% gross receipts royalty over the Messina Project, which collectively cover the majority of the Limpopo PGM Project (“Limpopo”). The upfront consideration was $1,139,628, settled by the issuance of 409,500 common shares of the Company. The Company will make additional cash payments or issue additional common shares (at Vox’s sole election) of up to C$8,900,000 upon achievement of certain production milestones at Limpopo, including: - C$1,500,000 upon cumulative royalty receipts from Limpopo exceeding C$500,000; - C$400,000 upon cumulative royalty receipts from Limpopo exceeding C$1,000,000; and - C$7,000,000 upon cumulative royalty receipts from Limpopo exceeding C$50,000,000. As at December 31, 2023, these additional amounts have not been recorded in the consolidated statements of financial position, as the production milestones have not been achieved. Wonmunna On May 26, 2022, Vox completed the acquisition of a producing royalty over the Wonmunna iron ore mine (“ Wonmunna The total upfront consideration paid on May 26, 2022 was $15,703,991, broken down as follows: - Cash of $4,050,000 (inclusive of a $50,000 deposit paid prior to closing); - Issuance of 4,350,000 common shares of the Company, valued at $10,470,905; and - Issuance of 3,600,000 common share purchase warrants of the Company. Each whole warrant is exercisable to acquire one common share at a price of C$4.50, expiring March 25, 2024. The fair value of the warrants on the issuance date was $1,183,086. The fair value of the warrants is based on the BSM option pricing model with the following assumptions: stock price C$3.09 ($2.41), expected dividend yield – 0%, expected volatility – 46%, risk-free interest rate – 2.53% and an expected life of 1.83 years. The carrying amount of the Wonmunna royalty asset was subsequently reduced for the royalty revenues earned for the period April 1, 2022 to May 25, 2022 of $1,208,917. In addition, there was a holdback amount of $700,000 (recorded as restricted cash) that becomes due and payable prior to December 31, 2024 following the completion of certain conditions and subject to potential deductions. Canadian Gold Portfolio On June 3, 2022, Vox completed the acquisition of two royalties from an individual prospector residing in Canada, along with all personal rights held to a third potential royalty. The royalties include a 1.0% NSR over part of the Goldlund Project in Ontario, an effective 0.60% NSR over the Beschefer Project in Quebec, and any personal rights held to a 1.50% NSR over the Gold River gold project in Ontario. The upfront consideration was a cash payment of $79,499. The agreement included three milestone payments, which have all been settled through the issuance of Vox common shares, as follows: - 1 st - 2 nd - 3 rd El Molino On June 9, 2022, Vox acquired all of Terrace Gold’s (a subsidiary of Nuheara Limited) rights and interests in an agreement with Lumina Copper S.A.C, which includes the right to receive the El Molino royalty (“ El Molino A further payment of $450,000 is payable in cash, following the registration of the El Molino royalty rights on the applicable mining title in Peru and the satisfaction of other customary completion conditions. As at December 31, 2023, this additional amount has not been recorded in the consolidated statements of financial position, as the registration of the El Molino royalty rights has not been completed. Koolyanobbing On September 30, 2022, the Company recorded a liability relating to the first contingent milestone payment owing on the Koolyanobbing royalty. Per the terms of the royalty sale and purchase agreement between Vox Australia and Vonex Limited, dated April 21, 2020, a first milestone cash payment of A$250,000 ($161,997) was due upon the achievement of a specific cumulative tonnage achieved, which was reached during the three months ended September 30, 2022. The cash amount was paid in November 2022. First Quantum Portfolio On November 21, 2022, Vox acquired two royalties and the option rights held on two additional royalties from First Quantum Minerals Ltd. (“ FQM Pursuant to the terms of the FQM royalty sale and purchase agreement, Vox issued 164,319 common shares of the Company, valued at $412,874, for the Estrades and Opawica royalties. Additional closings and cash payments of C$100,000 (Winston Lake) and C$25,000 (N&M) will be due and payable following (i) the exercise of separate third-party option agreements, (ii) the issuance of the Winston Lake and N&M royalties to FQM, and (iii) the assignment of the Winston Lake and N&M royalties to Vox. As at December 31, 2023, these additional amounts have not been recorded in the consolidated statements of financial position, as the production milestones have not been achieved. Cardinia On November 21, 2022, the Company completed the acquisition of the Cardinia development-stage gold royalty in Western Australia from Gloucester Coal Ltd (“ Gloucester Deferred royalty acquisitions Deferred royalty acquisitions as at December 31, 2023 of $Nil (December 31, 2022 - $118,932) relate to costs incurred prior to the execution and closing of a royalty acquisition. Deferred royalty acquisition costs are reallocated to Royalty, stream and other interests upon signing of a definitive agreement. If management determines not to proceed with a proposed acquisition, the deferred costs are reallocated to project evaluation expenses in the consolidated statements of income (loss) and comprehensive income (loss). |