Exhibit 99.4


SAFE HARBOR Certain statements contained in this document constitute forward - looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. For these purposes, forward - looking statements are statements that address activities, events, conditions or developments that the Company expects or anticipates may occur in the future. In some cases forward - looking statements can be identified because they contain words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “likely,” “may,” “might,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “seek,” “should,” “target,” “will,” “would,” or similar expressions and the negatives of those terms. Such forward - looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause actual events, results or performance to differ materially from those indicated by such statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, domestic and international economic conditions, including exchange rates, inflation or deflation, the effects of competition and regulation, uncertainties in the financial markets, consumer and small business spending patterns and debt levels, breaches of security or privacy of member or business information, conditions affecting the acquisition, development, ownership or use of real estate, capital spending, actions of vendors, rising costs associated with employees (generally including health - care costs and wages), energy and certain commodities, geopolitical conditions (including tariffs), the ability to maintain effective internal control over financial reporting, regulatory and other impacts related to climate change, public - health related factors, and other risks identified from time to time in the Company’s public statements and reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward - looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and the Company does not undertake to update these statements, except as required by law. Comparable sales and comparable sales excluding impacts from changes in gasoline prices and foreign exchange are intended as supplemental information and are not a substitute for net sales presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP. GMM


PART 01 COMPANY OVERVIEW 01 ·Company Introduction ·Company Roadmap ·Awards and Honors

We are an AI - driven technology solutions provider engaged in virtual content production and 3D digital asset development for upstream and downstream partners in the digital content industry. Utilizing advanced artificial intelligence and 3D reconstruction technologies, we efficiently create high - precision digital versions of characters, scenes, and props from the physical world, implementing them across various application scenarios. With offices in Beijing, Zhejiang, and California, we are dedicated to driving the growth and development of the global digital content and entertainment sectors. On October 10 2023, Global Mofy Metaverse Limited was officially listed on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange with the ticker symbol: GMM. According to a Frost & Sullivan report, Global Mofy is among China’s leading digital asset bank, with over 100,000 digital assets. COMPANY INTRODUCTION PART 01 02 GMM

COMPANY ROADMAP Appea red a t the 21st Sha ngha i In t ern a t ion a l Film Festiva l. Secured multiple software copyrights, accelerating cost reduction and efficiency improvements. 2017 GLOBAL MOFY (BEIJING) TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD FORMERD Introducing renowned investor Ren Quan as our shareholder . Formed strategic partnership with Alibaba DAMO Academy. Brought in strategic investor Lianhe Universal , completing multi - million dollar financing. Secured A+ round financing worth tens of millions of RMB . Welcomed strategic investor : WiMi Hologram Global Mofy Metaverse officially listed on Nasdaq Capital Market Ticker: GMM. Received strategic investm ent and po licy support from the Anji governm ent, Zhejiang; officially launched the headquarters at Anji "Two Mountains" Future Te chnology City. Launched "Gausspeed" generative AI platform in collaboration with NVIDIA Omniverse. Secured strategic financing of $10 million, bringing in two renowned American funds. Established U.S. subsidiary: GMM Discovery LLC 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Together announced form ation of 69 Million USD fund, to foster up and downstream com panies and expand m arket share. Com p le ted m ajor strategic transform ation to em brace AIGC industry. PART 01 03 GMM

AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS For Info more please visit 䠖 GLOBALMOFY.CN · iMed ia Consu lt ing " 2019 Annua l Investm ent Va lue Bra nd/ Enterprise” · Lia nhe Enterprise Sum m it " Most In fluentia l Bra nd Awa rd" · Industria l a nd In form a t ion Technology Meta verse Developm ent Orga n iza t ion Tea ch ing a nd Integra t ion Work Com m it tee Mem b er Un it · Beijin g Big Da t a Associa t ion Meta verse Com m it t ee Deputy Director Un it · " Most Va lua b le Investm ent Ch inese Concept Stock" · Da xing District Interna t iona l Investm ent Coopera t ion Prom otion Associa t ion Registra t ion 2022 · 36Kr " WISE2022 New Econ om y Meta verse Ecology Top 30” · Internet Weekly " 2021 Virt ua l Hum a n Enterprise Ra nking TOP 50" 2020 · 4th Ch ina Bra nd Con fe rence " 2020 Ch ina Top 100 Innova t ive Bra nd Developm ent Enterprises" ·National High - Tech Enterprise ·Enterprise Credit Rating: AAA Credit Enterprise 2021 · Sh a a n xi Digita l Econ om y Develop m en t Associa t e Cou n cil Mem b er · 18th Digita l Scien ce Foru m " 14th Five - Ye a r Pla n" Technology (Innova t ion) Bra nd In fluence Awa rd · Zhongguancun High - Tech Enterprise 2019 2023 ·Industrial and Information Technology Metaverse Development Organization Membership PART 01 04 GMM

MISSION “Empower creativity through the innovative use of AI and digital technology.” We are committed to building the world's largest digital asset bank. Leveraging our extensive collection of high - precision 3D digital assets, we aim to lead the new era of AI - driven digital experiences. VISION “Drive technological advancements and cultivate a culturally rich corporate environment.” VALUES • Foster innovation • Prioritize and exceed customer expectations PART 01 05 GMM

·Generative AI Platform: Gausspeed ·Digital Asset Bank ·Mofy Lab ·Proprietory Registered IP Since 2024, we have entered the AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content) field through a strategic partnership with Heartdub, a leading company in the physics engine domain from Seattle, USA, further driving technological innovation and business expansion. 06 PART 02 CORE ADVANTAGES

Generative AI: GAUSSPEED Gausspeed, our Generative AI video generation platform developed in collaboration with NVIDIA Omniverse, debuted in 2024 as a flagship R&D product. Designed to revolutionize the filmmaking process, Gausspeed serves as a robust tool for industrial - grade film production and content creation. KEY FEATURES Professional Grade Visual Generation Storyboard and Shot Design Precise Pre - Production Planning PART 02 07 GMM

KEY HIGHLIGHTS Prompt: The main shot starts with a closeup of a flower [POI#11], then slowly moves through the forest towards the lakeside, transitioning to a horizon level view. The camera stops at the lakeside [POI#185], capturing orcas swimming in the lake. File Input: screenplay.docx ǃ scenemap.jpeg Gausspeed creates stunning, realistic visuals with advanced AI technology, ensuring top - quality results for virtual projects. Gausspeed provides intuitive tools for detailed storyboard and shot design, allowing creators to visualize and plan each scene precisely, reducing the need for costly revisions. Gausspeed offers advanced previs capabilities for accurate pre - production planning, helping clients define service needs, minimizing trial costs. Industry - Grade Content Generation Storyboard and Shot Design Customized Previs PART 02 08 Generative AI: GAUSSPEED GMM

DIGITAL ASSET BANK We possess a vast and diverse collection of high - precision 3D digital assets, covering categories such as characters, scenes, and props, and spanning various domains including nature, science fiction, historical eras, and architecture. Additionally, our 3D digital assets are continuously updated and expanded to include the latest trends and technologies in digital content creation. 100,000+ High Precision (4K) 3D Digital Assets NO.1 China’s Largest Digital Asset Bank PART 02 09 GMM

CORE TECHNOLOGY 01 䚸 3D RECONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY High - precision 3D Model Conversion: Utilizing advanced 3D reconstruction technology, this process converts any object from the physical world, such as people, objects, and scenes, into universally usable 3D models in the virtual world on a 1:1 basis. Industry Services: Provides high - precision 3D digital assets to enterprises across various industry sectors, supporting the generation of 3D digital assets on the application side to meet diverse industry needs. 02 䚸 DIGITAL CONTENT EDITING PLATFORM Optimized Front - end Technology: Integrates and optimizes mainstream front - end technologies to provide a powerful digital content editable middleware tool. Integration of Multiple Tools: Combines multiple underlying tools to achieve efficient content editing and generation. One - stop Content Generation: The digital content editable middleware tool supports the one - stop generation of digital content, providing a one - stop digital content generation solution for application ends. “MOFY LAB” Glob a l Mofy' s core t ech n ology R&D p la t form focuses on optim izing the production process of d igit a l content. Utilizin g low - code a nd no - code t echnologies, it enha nces a sset reuse a nd insta nt invoca t ion, provid ing in - depth da t a insights a nd e fficient content genera t ion solutions. MOFYLAB integra t es over 30 indepen dently developed in t e lle ctua l p rop e rt ie s to offer a on e - stop solution . PART 02 10 GMM

PROPRIETARY REGISTERED IP "Our R&D team has over 10 years of industry experience." "Over 30 independent intellectual properties." "Our continued effort to invest in R&D, expecting to add at least 10 new independent IPs each year." Global Mofy integrates multiple independently developed software copyrights within MOFY LAB, covering various fields such as digital content creation, visual effects processing, project management, and AI technology applications. These software systems together demonstrate our leading position in technological innovation and development, further enhancing our core competitiveness. Comprehensive Technology Solution Digital content production and visual effects processing system Covering lighting, pixel analysis, lens flares, grid effect generation, batch rendering, enhancing production efficiency and visual effects capabilities. Project management system Including systems for project management, batch renaming, bulk asset importing, and work time management, achieving efficient project workflow management and resource optimization. AI interactive technology Utilizing advanced artificial intelligence technology, integrating proprietary platforms like Gausspeed , to deliver efficient and intelligent solutions. Digital rendering system Offering fast rendering, vertex lighting, multi - scene batch rendering, camera distance materials, supporting various 3D modeling and animation software, enhancing digital content processing and presentation effects. Digital visualization technology system Centrally managing and storing digital IP assets, while providing network digital visual technology support, ensuring high - quality visual presentation and resource management. PART 02 11 GMM

·E&M Market ·3D Modeling Market ·Generative AI Market 12 PART 03 INDUSTRY OVERVIEW

INDUSTRY OVERVIEW E&M Market China is the second - largest Entertainment & Media (E&M) market globally, with substantial growth expected over the next few years . China's E&M market is expected to grow from approximately US$275 billion to US$362 billion in 2028, representing a CAGR of 7.1%. The global 3D models market is experiencing significant growth, driven by the increasing demand across various industries. This market was valued at USD 1,192 million in 2022 and is projected to reach USD 4,864 million by 2032, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.1% during the forecast period. DATA SOURCE 䠖 PWC’S GLOBAL ENTERTAINMENT & MEDIA OUTLOOK 2024 – 2028 䚸 BUSINESS RESEARCH INSIGHTS PART 03 13 GMM

Global Generative AI Market Size DATA SOURCE 䠖 STATISTICA The global market size in the Generative AI market is projected to reach US$13.24 billion in 2024. The market is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2024 - 2030) of 46.46%, resulting in a market volume of US$130.70 billion by 2030. China Generative AI Market Size The China market size in the Generative AI market is projected to reach US$3.15 billion in 2024. The market is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2024 - 2030) of 46.48%, resulting in a market volume of US$31.12 billion by 2030. 0 50 100 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Market Size (in billion USD) 0 10 20 30 INDUSTRY OVERVIEW Generative AI develops systems to create new content like images, videos, music, and text by learning from large datasets. This technology can enhance creativity, enable data synthesis, and revolutionize industries such as art, entertainment, and content creation. Glob a l Genera t ive AI Ma rket Size (in b illion USD) China Genera t ive AI Ma rket Size (in b illion USD) 150 40 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Market Size (in billion USD) PART 03 14 GMM

·Virtual Technology Services ·3D Digital Assets Development and Others ·Strategic Partners 15 PART 04 BUSINESS MODEL

VIRTUAL TECHNOLOGY SERVICES We leverage AI to offer high - quality, efficient, and cost - effective content production through streamlined, scalable, and systematic virtual technology process services. Our strong synergy with MOFY LAB ensures comprehensive support, providing customers with full - process management from production output to quality control. Project Evaluation Customized Solutions Module Production Quality Delivery Digital Content 01 Content Support Provision of essential content resources and expertise to meet the creative and technical needs of projects. 02 Technical Support Advanced technical solutions and infrastructure to ensure project feasibility and effective execution. 03 Expert Team Assembly of specialized expert teams with extensive knowledge and experience to ensure project success at every stage. 04 MOFY LAB Utilization of the MOFY LAB platform to support the project lifecycle, ensuring quality and efficiency. 05 Production Modular production according to customized solutions, reducing delivery cycles and costs for each phase and content. 06 Cycle Management Utilization of the MOFY LAB platform to support the project lifecycle, ensuring quality and efficiency. 07 Quality Inspection Strict quality inspections to ensure each phase meets the highest standards, delivering premium content to clients. 08 Application Our virtual technology services are applicable to a wide range of fields, including film, animation, games, XR, digital cultural tourism, and advertising. Sample Cases PART 04 16 GMM

3D DIGITAL ASSETS DEVELOPMENT & OTHERS Our 3D Digital Assets Development and related services focus on creating high - precision 3D models for various applications, including film, gaming, and virtual reality. Our extensive library and advanced technologies allow for efficient and cost - effective production. GAUSSPEED 100,000+ 3D Digital Assets More Application Scenarios Film & Television Animation Games Advertising XR Cultural Tourism PART 04 17 GMM

STRATEGIC PARTNERS In 2024, Global Mofy was selected as a partner in iQIYI's second Leap Program, showcasing our strength in technological innovation and business expansion. Additionally, we developed and launched the generative AI platform Gausspeed in collaboration with NVIDIA Omniverse and Heartdub Technology. PART 04 18 GMM


Global Mofy has gained heightened visibility, credibility, and a broader investor base. With new capital and market influence, Global Mofy will accelerate its growth, committed to creating value for shareholders while driving continuous innovation and development of the company. 2023.10.10 MAJOR EVENTS 2023.10.10 Global Mofy Officially Listed on Nasdaq Ticker 䠖 GMM The formal operation of our headquarters signifies a significant step in Global Mofy's strategic layout. In the future, we will continue to leverage the innovative environment of the "Two Mountains" Future Technology City to drive the research and application of cutting - edge technologies, enhancing company's overall competitiveness . 2023 Global Mofy Officially Begins Operations at Its Headquarters in Anji, Zhejiang 2024 Global Mofy Officially Completed Major Strategic Transformation Since 2024, we have entered the AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content) field through a strategic partnership with Heartdub, a leading company in the physics engine domain from Seattle, USA, further driving technological innovation and business expansion. PART 05 20 GMM

MANAGEMENT TEAM Our core team consists of professionals with extensive experience in their respective fields, ensuring the company's steady growth and innovative capabilities. The team members possess strong expertise and rich practical experience in technological innovation, financial management, market expansion, and operational optimization. Together, they drive Global Mofy's continuous advancement in technological innovation and business expansion. Haogang Yang CEO Chen Chen CFO Wenjun Jiang CTO COO PART 05 21 Qing Li GMM

·Financial Reports ·Income Structure ·Financial Forecasts 22 PART 06 FINANCIAL DATA GMM

Global Mofy achieved record high gross profit margin and net profit margin for the six months ended Mar 31, 2024, reaching 59.3% and 51.7%, respectively, showing significant growth compared to the six months ended Mar 31, 2023. 1 䠅 For further risks and disclosures, please refer to our sec - filings. 2 䠅 Our Fiscal year ends Sep 30th 12.8 19.9 0 5 10 15 20 25 Million (US Dollars) 2023 2024 6 months ended Mar 31 5 11.8 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Million (US Dollars) 2023 2024 6 Months ended Mar 31 0.5 10.3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Million (US Dollars) FINANCIAL REPORTS Global Mofy achieved a total revenue of $19.9 million for the six months ended Mar 31, 2024, representing a YoY 55.3% increase compared to the six months ended Mar 31, 2023. Similarly, gross profit and net income reached new heights, amounting to $11.8 million and $10.3 million, respectively, reflecting substantial year - over - year growth of 135.1% and 1859.5%. REVENUE GROSS PROFIT NET PROFIT 2023 2024 6 Months ended Mar 31 PART 06 23 GMM

INCOME STRUCTURE For the six months ended Mar 31, 2024, R&D expenses were $0.8 million, reflecting capitalization of certain R&D investments into intangible assets Meanwhile, the high - profit - margin 3D digital asset development and others business accounted for 55% of the total revenue, showing a significant increase compared to 38% for the six months ended Mar 31, 2023. 4.34 5.1 3.8 4 4.2 4.4 5 4.8 4.6 5.2 2023 2024 Million (US Dollars) Op e ra t ing Exp a nses 45% 6 Months End e d Ma r 31 2024, Re ve nue 55% 3D Digital Assets Development and others 0 6 Months End ed Ma r 31 2024, Gross Ma rgin 50 100 Total 3D Digital Assets Development and Others Virtual Technology Services PART 06 24 1 䠅 For further risks and disclosures, please refer to our sec - filings. 2 䠅 Our Fiscal year ends Sep 30th Virtual Technology Services GMM

MARKET EXPANSION GROWTH STRATEGIES Our company is experiencing rapid growth by leveraging advanced AI technologies, expanding our 3D digital assets, and strategically focusing on the booming digital entertainment market. Enterin g internationa l markets t o reac h a broader customer base, focusin g o n Europ e an d Nort h America . In 2024 , w e establishe d GMM Discovery i n th e U . S . an d a ctively explorin g th e generativ e AI market wit h R&D product Gausspee d for innovatio n an d breakthroughs . STRATEGIC ALLIANCE Committed to forming strategic partnerships with leading companies in the industry to leverage strengths, expand market share, and enhance products and services. Additionally, pursuing selective acquisitions and investments to consolidate the market and acquire new technologies. - BRAND POSITIONING Utilizing advanced AI technology and consistent branding across all channels to strengthen our brand positioning. Aiming to become a leader in the digital entertainment industry by showcasing expertise in AI driven solutions and innovative 3D digital assets. RESEARCH&DEVELOPMENT Continuing to invest in R&D to drive technological advancement and innovation. Focus on developing practical AIGC technology and expanding the 3D digital asset bank . Increasing R&D expenditure to stay at the forefront of technological trends, collaborating with research institutions and tech companies for innovations. CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Focusing on enhancing customer experience and increasing customer loyalty through personalized services, user - friendly interfaces, and excellent customer support. Implementing advanced analytics to better understand customer needs and developing more interactive and engaging user interfaces. GMM 26

GLOBALMOFY.CN COPYRIGHT©GLOBAL MOFY, All RIGHTS RESERVED. CHINA HEADQUARTER ˖ Building A12, Xidian Memory Creative and Cultural Township, Chaoyang District, Beijing EASTERN CHINA HEADQUARTER ˖ Building 4, Units 203 - 204, "Two Mountains" Technology Angel Industrial Park, Anji County, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province NORTH AMERICA HEADQUARTER ˖ SAN CARLOS, CA 94070 NASDAQ LISTED : GMM