
| THE STOCK OFFERING AND PURCHASING SHARES Q. +RZPDQ\VKDUHVDUHEHLQJRႇHUHGDQGDWZKDWSULFH" A. 9:)%DQFRUS,QFLVRႇHULQJIRUVDOHEHWZHHQ and 2,530,000 shares of common stock (subject to increase to 2,909,500 shares) at $10.00 per share. No sales commission will be charged to purchasers. Q. :KRLVHOLJLEOHWRSXUFKDVHVWRFNGXULQJWKHVWRFNRႇHULQJ" A. Pursuant to the Plan, non-transferable rights to subscribe for shares of VWF Bancorp, Inc. common stock in the 6XEVFULSWLRQ2ႇHULQJ have been granted in the following descending order of priority: 3ULRULW\ — Depositors of VanWert Federal Savings Bank with aggregate balances of $50 or more at the FORVHRIEXVLQHVVRQ'HFHPEHU 3ULRULW\²2XUWD[TXDOL¿HGHPSOR\HHEHQH¿WSODQV 3ULRULW\ — Depositors of Van Wert Federal Savings Bank with aggregate balances of $50 or more at the FORVHRIEXVLQHVVRQ0DUFKDQG 3ULRULW\ — Depositors and eligible borrowers of Van Wert Federal Savings Bank at the close of business on April 30, 2022. Shares not sold in the 6XEVFULSWLRQ 2ႇHULQJ may be RႇHUHGIRUVDOHWRWKHSXEOLFLQD&RPPXQLW\2ႇHULQJ, with a preference given to natural persons and trusts of natural SHUVRQVUHVLGLQJLQ9DQ:HUW&RXQW\2KLR 6KDUHVQRWVROGLQWKH6XEVFULSWLRQDQG&RPPXQLW\2ႇHULQJV PD\ EH RႇHUHG IRU VDOH WR WKH JHQHUDO SXEOLF WKURXJK D 6\QGLFDWHG&RPPXQLW\2ႇHULQJ. Q. I am eligible to subscribe for shares of common stock LQWKH6XEVFULSWLRQ2ႇHULQJEXWDPQRWLQWHUHVWHGLQ investing. May I allow someone else to use my Stock Order Form to take advantage of my priority as an eligible account holder? A. No. Subscription rights are non-transferable! 2QO\WKRVH eligible to subscribe for common stock in the Subscription 2ႇHULQJas listed above, may subscribe for shares in the 6XEVFULSWLRQ2ႇHULQJ7RSUHVHUYHVXEVFULSWLRQULJKWVWKH shares may only be registered in the name(s) of eligible DFFRXQW KROGHUV 2Q RFFDVLRQ XQVFUXSXORXV SHRSOH attempt to persuade account holders to transfer subscription ULJKWV RU WR VXEVFULEH VKDUHV LQ WKH RႇHULQJ EDVHG RQ an understanding that the shares will be subsequently transferred to others. Participation in such schemes is against the law and may subject involved parties to prosecution. If you become aware of any such activities, please notify our Stock Information Center promptly so that we can take the necessary steps to protect our eligible account holders’ subscription rights in the Subscription 2ႇHULQJ Q. How may I order shares during the Subscription and &RPPXQLW\2ႇHULQJV" A. 6KDUHVFDQEHRUGHUHGE\FRPSOHWLQJD6WRFN2UGHU)RUP and returning it, with full payment, so that it is received (not SRVWPDUNHG EHIRUHWKHRႇHULQJGHDGOLQH<RXPD\VXEPLW \RXU 6WRFN 2UGHU )RUP by overnight delivery to the indicated address on the Stock Order Form, by hand- GHOLYHU\WR9DQ:HUW)HGHUDO6DYLQJV%DQN¶VRႈFHORFDWHG DW66KDQQRQ6W9DQ:HUW2KLRRUE\PDLOXVLQJWKH 6WRFN2UGHU5HSO\(QYHORSHSURYLGHG Q. What is the deadline for ordering shares? A. 7RRUGHUVKDUHVLQWKH6XEVFULSWLRQ2ႇHULQJ\RXPXVWGHOLYHU D SURSHUO\ FRPSOHWHG VLJQHG 6WRFN 2UGHU )RUP ZLWK IXOO payment, so that it is received (not postmarked) before 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time, on June 15, 2022. Acceptable methods IRUGHOLYHU\RI6WRFN2UGHU)RUPVDUHGHVFULEHGDERYH Q. How may I pay for the shares? A. Payment for shares can be remitted in three ways: (1) %\ SHUVRQDO FKHFN EDQN FKHFN RU PRQH\ RUGHU made payable to VWF Bancorp, Inc. These will be deposited upon receipt. We cannot accept wires or third party checks. (2) By authorized deposit account withdrawal of funds from your Van Wert Federal Savings Bank deposit DFFRXQWV 7KH6WRFN2UGHU)RUPVHFWLRQWLWOHG³0HWKRG of Payment — Deposit Account Withdrawal” allows you to list the account number(s) and amount(s) to be withdrawn. Funds designated for direct withdrawal must be in the DFFRXQWV DWWKHWLPHWKH6WRFN2UGHU)RUPLVUHFHLYHG IRA or other retirement accounts held at Van Wert Federal Savings Bank may not be listed for direct withdrawal. See information on retirement accounts below. (3) By cash. 3OHDVHGRQRWPDLOFDVK Q. Will I earn interest on my funds? A. Yes. If you pay by cash, personal check, bank check or money order, you will earn interest at Van Wert Federal Savings Bank’s statement savings rate, which is subject to change at any time and is currently 0.01% per annum, from the date we process your payment until the completion RI WKH FRQYHUVLRQ DQG RႇHULQJ $W WKDW WLPH \RX ZLOO EH issued a check for interest earned on these funds. If you pay for shares by authorizing a direct withdrawal from your Van Wert Federal Savings Bank deposit account(s), your funds will continue earning interest within the account at the contract rate. The interest will remain in your account(s) when the designated withdrawal is made, upon completion RIWKHFRQYHUVLRQDQGRႇHULQJ Q. Are there limits to how many shares I can order? A. Yes. The minimum order is 25 shares ($250). The maximum number of shares that may be purchased by a person or group of persons exercising subscription rights through a single deposit account held jointly is 50,000 shares ($500,000). Additionally, no person or entity, together with any associate or group of persons acting in concert, may SXUFKDVH PRUH WKDQ VKDUHV LQ DOO FDWHJRULHVRIWKHRႇHULQJFRPELQHG 0RUHGHWDLORQSXUFKDVHOLPLWVLQFOXGLQJWKHGH¿QLWLRQRI “associate” and “acting in concert”, can be found in the 3URVSHFWXVVHFWLRQHQWLWOHG³7KH&RQYHUVLRQDQG2ႇHULQJ — Additional Limitations on Common Stock Purchases”. Q. May I use my Van Wert Federal Savings Bank individual UHWLUHPHQWDFFRXQW³,5$´ WRSXUFKDVHVKDUHV" A. It’s possible to use funds currently held in retirement accounts with Van Wert Federal Savings Bank. However, before you place your stock order, the funds you wish to use |