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abroad, Accelerating, accommodate, added, adherence, administered, agriculture, AHFCAA, aiming, alleging, alter, antitrust, app, appeal, appointed, arbitration, arising, Article, assist, attempt, attention, attorney, authenticity, award, bad, banned, began, begun, beneficial, beneficiary, binding, bookkeeper, border, branch, breach, bringing, broad, Burden, burdensome, CAC, cancel, cancelled, capability, censorship, centered, central, centrally, certainty, Chairwoman, chance, Chinese, choose, Circular, circumventing, cited, citizenship, civil, claim, claiming, Clarification, clarified, clarify, clear, clearance, clearer, closure, collaborate, Commerce, commercial, Communist, compel, competent, competing, competition, comprehensive, Compulsory, concert, conclusion, conference, confidence, confidential, Confidentiality, confiscating, consecutive, consent, consolidate, consolidated, constantly, construction, Consultation, consumer, consuming, contacted, contemplate, contemplated, context, contrary, cooperation, Council, counter, counterpart, country, court, crack, Crackdown, criminal, CSRC, currency, cyber, cybersecurity, Cyberspace, damage, de, decision, decline, decrease, decreased, defend, defense, delay, delayed, delist, delisted, delisting, delivery, demand, denied, depreciate, deprive, deprived, deregistering, designee, destroyed, detailed, detailing, detrimental, didi, discontinuing, discretion, disposing, disregard, disruption, distraction, diversion, divest, divulgence, document, documentation, documented, dominant, draft, Easing, economic, economy, Education, efficient, emphasized, emphasizing, Employee, enacted, enactment, encourage, energy, enforce, enforceable, enforced, enforcement, enforcing, enhance, enhanced, enjoy, entirety, entrusted, entry, environment, environmental, equipment, estate, evidence, evidenced, evolve, evolving, exact, Excessive, exert, exerting, expend, expenditure, experience, explicitly, exploited, export, external, extract, extraterritorial, Fa, face, faced, facing, facto, factor, failure, fiduciary, FIE, FIRRMA, force, forced, foreclose, foreign, formal, formally, found, framework, fulfil, fulfill, furnish, gather, governmental, greater, group, guide, half, halt, hampered, harm, harmed, harmful, HCFAA, headquartered, heightened, HFCA, HFCAA, hierarchical, highly, hinder, hindered, Homework, Hua, Hui, illegal, illegally, impede, impeding, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, implicate, implication, imposition, improve, Improvement, Improving, inability, inadequate, inadvertently, inbound, incentive, incomplete, incurrence, indirect, individual, influence, infrastructure, inject, injecting, injunctive, inquiry, inspect, inspected, inspection, instance, intellectual, intense, interference, intermediate, internet, interpretation, interpreted, interpreting, intervene, intervention, introduce, introduced, invalidate, investigate, investigation, investor, involuntary, issuer, joint, jointly, Joy, judicial, key, lack, land, large, launched, laundering, layer, leak, leaked, legitimate, lengthy, license, litigation, lived, local, located, long, longer, lose, losing, lower, main, mainland, managerial, mandate, manner, manufacturing, mechanism, medium, member, merge, MIIT, military, Ministry, misleading, mitigate, mitigation, mobility, Modernization, MOFCOM, monetary, monitor, monopoly, move, municipal, narrowing, NDRC, network, nominee, notifying, NYSE, official, offshore, ongoing, online, open, opening, opinion, oriented, outbound, oversee, oversight, owed, ownership, passed, past, PBOC, PCAOB, pending, People, percentage, permission, person, personal, platform, play, pledge, policy, political, pool, post, power, PRC, precedential, preclude, precluded, precluding, preferential, premise, prerequisite, prescribed, prevailing, primary, principle, privacy, procedural, procedure, proceeded, proceeding, processor, procure, procured, profit, profitably, prohibit, prohibited, prohibition, promote, promoting, proper, protecting, protection, protracted, proven, proving, published, PWG, quality, quick, quickly, range, ranging, rapidly, reach, real, Recharter, reciprocal, reciprocity, recommended, recourse, rectify, reform, Reforming, regime, regular, regulated, regulating, regulation, regulator, regulatory, relationship, relevance, relevant, relief, relinquish, rely, remit, remittance, remove, removed, renew, renewed, Renminbi, repatriation, repeal, replace, replacement, reportedly, reputation, reputational, request, requisite, rescinded, resident, residing, residual, resolution, resolve, resolved, resort, restrict, restricted, restriction, restructure, restructuring, retention, retroactive, retroactively, revenue, revocation, revoked, revoking, RMB, role, Roundtrip, RPC, safe, sanction, SAT, satisfactory, SCNPC, scrutiny, secrecy, secret, sector, Senate, sensitive, settle, settled, shareholder, shareholding, sharply, shut, simplified, Simplifying, slowdown, smartphone, social, solicited, sovereignty, spend, SPV, stability, Stage, Standing, stored, stricter, stringent, submission, sudden, supervision, suspend, suspension, swap, system, tampered, taxation, technology, territory, thereunder, threat, tighten, tort, transferee, transferor, transmitted, transportation, Trial, true, turn, Tutoring, type, unbale, unclear, undergo, understanding, undertaken, uneven, unfavorable, unfavorably, uniform, unmerited, unrest, unstable, untrue, urge, user, vacate, vague, valid, valuable, variety, varying, vehicle, venture, version, VIE, view, violation, virtually, voluntarily, voluntary, warning, WFOE, wholly, wide, widespread, withhold, withholding, Yi
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