In 2019, we acquired Atmo Hazmat Ltda., which focuses on road emergencies in Brazil. During that same year, as part of Ambipar Group’s rebranding strategy, we renamed all the companies in our group under the AMBIPAR brand, strengthening our brand and image so that customers would have a unified perception of all of our group activities.
In 2020, Ambipar went public and, as a result, we implemented several initiatives to strengthen the quality of our corporate governance, including the adoption of an audit committee at the Ambipar level, and a robust risk management policy.
In that same year, we accelerated our successful expansion strategy by acquiring Allied International Emergency, LLC (currently, Ambipar Response AIE, LLC), One Stop Environmental LLC (currently, Ambipar Response OSE, LLC), Intracoastal Environmental LLC (currently, Ambipar Response Intracoastal, LLC) and Custom Environmental Services, Inc (currently, Ambipar Response CES, Inc.), which are based in the United States in the States of Texas, Alabama and Florida, Georgia, and Colorado, respectively. Through these acquisitions, we began operations in the United States.
In 2021, we completed the following acquisitions:
Enviroclear Site Services Limited (currently, Ambipar Site Services Limited), a UK company based in Wales specialized in emergency response and industrial cleaning;
Orion Environmental Services Ltd., a Canadian company specialized in emergency response and industrial cleaning;
Environmental Management Services Inc. (currently, Ambipar Response EMS, Inc.), a U.S. environmental consulting and remediation service provider;
Inversiones Disal Emergencias S.A., a Chilean holding company that owns 50% of Suatrans Chile (after such acquisition, we consolidated the control of Suatrans Chile);
SABI TECH S.A.S. (currently, Ambipar Response Colombia S.A.S.), a Colombian emergency response service provider in railroads;
SWAT Consulting Inc. (currently, Ambipar Response SWAT, Inc.), a U.S. emergency response service provider;
Controlpar Participações S.A. (currently, Ambipar Response ES S.A.), a Brazilian provider of consulting services focused on accident prevention and environmental licensing;
Arrowdale LLC (currently, Ambipar Response PERS, LLC ), also known as Professional Emergency Resource Services, a U.S. first-level (remote contact with the end-user over the telephone) response service provider;
Lynx Creek Industrial and Hydrovac LTD. and Emerge Hydrovac Inc., two Canadian emergency response and industrial service providers;
Lehane Environmental and Industrial Services Limited, an Irish industrial service provider specialized in tank cleaning; and
JM Serviços Integrados Ltda., Lacerda e Lacerda Serviços de Transporte e Emergências Ambientais Ltda., MDTEC Engenharia e Serviços Ltda. (currently, Ambipar Response Gás Ltda.), Fênix Emergências Ambientais Ltda. and APW Ambiental e Transporte Ltda., five bolt-on acquisitions in Brazil with complementary service offerings to strengthen our position in specific regions.
In 2022, we have completed the following acquisitions:
RG Consultoria Técnica Ambiental S.A., a Brazilian specialist in railway emergency response services operating in the state of Mato Grosso;
First Response Inc., a Canadian specialist in environmental emergency response services focused on firefighting, with eight service centers in the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta;
Dracares Apoio Marítimo e Portuário Ltda. (currently, Ambipar Response Dracares Apoio Marítimo e Portuário S.A.), a Brazilian specialist in response services to offshore and onshore oil spill, with eight service centers and 20 vessels;