U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
November 9, 2022
Page 2
| • | | Disclose that Class A shares of the Manager to be acquired by Brookfield Reinsurance to effect the Special Distribution will be aside from the Corporations acquisition of Manager Class A and Class B shares in exchange for 25% interest in Brookfield Asset Management ULC. |
| • | | Reflect that Brookfield Reinsurance will obtain the Class A Shares of the Manager to affect the Special Distribution as dotted lines via the Corporation’s subscription for shares of Brookfield Reinsurance and then the subscription of Brookfield Reinsurance for Class A Shares of the Manager to clearly distinguish the steps of the Arrangement and Special Distribution. |
The Registrant acknowledges the Staff’s comments and has revised the disclosure beginning pages 20 and 74 of Amendment No.1 to address the foregoing.
Pro Forma Financial Information, page 78
| 3. | We note your response to prior comment 4 and your disclosure on page 78 that the Pro Forma Financial Statements reflect three transaction steps of the Arrangement and the Special Distribution. Please address the following: |
| • | | Tell us and clarify how the Brookfield Reinsurance subscription for approximately 2.7 million Class A Shares of the Manager for $150 million in cash is reflected in the Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Statements, including your basis for the inclusion of the 2.7 million Class A Shares of the Manager in the approximately 386 million of Class A Shares in the Manager Pro Forma amounts prior to the receipt of cash for the settlement of the subscription. |
The Registrant acknowledges the Staff’s comments and advises the Staff that, as disclosed in footnote 3(c) to the pro forma financial statements, the $150 million of cash proceeds received by the Manager from Brookfield Reinsurance will be used (along with other funds) by the ESP Companies to purchase Class A Shares from shareholders of the Corporation received by them pursuant to the Arrangement for purposes of the Manager Escrowed Stock Plan. As a result, the inflow of $150 million of cash is offset with the outflow of these funds resulting in a net impact on cash of $nil.
The Registrant further advises the Staff that, in order to effect the Special Distribution, Brookfield Reinsurance must subscribe for approximately 2.7 million Class A Shares of Manager. This subscription will represent a firm commitment over Manager’s equity and has a material impact on Manager’s equity and earnings per share. This transaction is directly related to the Special Distribution and is tied directly to the capitalization of the Manager. As a result, the receipt of $150 million in cash for the issuance of approximately 2.7 million Class A Shares of the Manager has been reflected as a transaction accounting adjustment within the pro forma financial statements.
In light of the Staff’s comment, the Registrant has revised its disclosure in footnotes 3(a) and 3(c) to the pro forma financial statements to clarify the impact that the subscription of Manager shares and the establishment of ESP Companies has on pro forma cash balances.
| • | | Disclose in Note 3.a., if true, that Class A Shares of the Manager have no par value and as such the full proceeds from the issuance of shares should be recognized in the respective equity share accounts. |
The Registrant acknowledges the Staff’s comment and has revised the disclosure on page 93.