Exhibit 10.6
Loan Agreement
Loan Agreement
Agreement number: QGJKXY202104
Party A (Lender): Yang Hengfei
ID card No.: 211022198007056571
Party B (Borrower): Shanghai Qige Power Technology Co., Ltd.
Unified Social Credit Code: 91310115MA1H836T1H
Legal Representative: Qian Hua
In order to specify responsibilities and abide by credit, Party A and Party B hereby enter into this Contract voluntarily through consultation.
一、借款额度:3, 000, 000. 00元(大写:叁佰万元整)。
I. Loan amount: 3,000,000.00 Yuan (in words: three million Yuan only).
II. Loan purpose: the loan shall be used for the operation of the Company.
III. Payment mode: Party A shall pay the loan in installments within the loan amount according to Party B’s needs. The specific loan amount shall be subject to the accumulative amount of the application.
IV. Repayment mode:
1. Party B may make repayment at any time according to its business situations or Party A’s requirements. Should Party A recover the loan temporarily, it shall apply for repayment to Party B 30 days in advance.
2. Repayment mode: Party B may choose to repay the loan in installments or in a lump sum.
V. Loan nature: Party A shall not charge any interest but provide the loan for Party B for use free of interest.
Loan Agreement
VI. Liability for breach of contract
1、 如乙方未按甲方要求归还借款的,应向甲方承担违约责任。
1. If Party B fails to repay the loan according to Party A’s requirements, Party B shall bear liability for breach of contract for Party A.
2、 乙方如不按合同规定的用途使用借款,甲方有权随时收回该借款,并要求乙方支付借款总金额百分之三十作为违约金。
2. If Party B does not use the loan for the purpose specified herein, Party A shall have the right to take back the loan at any time and require Party B to pay 30% of the total loan as liquidated damages for breach of contract.
VII. Dispute settlement: any and all disputes during the execution process of this Contract shall be settled by both parties through friendly consultation, or be mediated by a third party. Where consultation or mediation fails, a lawsuit may be instituted in the people’s court at the location where Party A is located.
八、本合同自双方签字之日起生效。本合同一式两份, 双方各执一份,合同文本具有同等法律效力。
VIII. This Contract shall come into force as of the date of signature of both parties. This Contract is made out in two originals for Party A and Party B each holding one, which shall be equally authentic.
甲方(签字、盖章):杨恒飞 Party A (Signature and Seal): Yang Hengfei 签订日期:2021年4月15日 Date of signing: April 15, 2021 | 乙方(签字、盖章): Party B (Signature and Seal): 签订日期:2021年4月15日 Date of signing: April 15, 2021 |