Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover
- BALANCE SHEETS (Parenthetical)
- BALANCE SHEETS (Parenthetical_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K CONSO
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K CON_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K CON_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K CON_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K CON_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K CON_6
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K CON_7
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q CONDE
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q CON_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q CON_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q CON_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q CON_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q CON_6
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q CONSO
- Background and Nature of Operat
- Basis of Presentation and Accou
- Stockholder Equity
- Background
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Fair Value of Financial Instrum
- Leases
- Derivative Financial Instrument
- Revenue Recognition
- Acquisitions
- Receivables
- Inventories
- Property, Plant, and Equipment
- Goodwill and Intangible Assets
- Other Current Liabilities
- Restructuring
- Employee Benefit Plans
- Income Taxes
- Commitments and Contingencies
- Related Party Transactions
- Operating Segment Information
- Subsequent Event
- Background and Nature of Oper_2
- Basis of Presentation and Acc_2
- Stockholder Equity_2
- Background and Basis of Present
- Fair Value of Financial Instr_2
- Leases_2
- Derivative Financial Instrume_2
- Revenue Recognition_2
- Divestitures and Acquisitions
- Receivables_2
- Inventories_2
- Accumulated Other Comprehensive
- Goodwill and Intangible Asset_2
- Other Current Liabilities_2
- Restructuring_2
- Employee Benefit Plans_2
- Income Taxes_2
- Commitments and Contingencies_2
- Related Party Transactions_2
- Operating Segment Information_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Signi
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Fair
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Lease
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Deriv
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Reven
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Earni
- Acquisitions_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Recei
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Inven
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Prope
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Goodw
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Other
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Restr
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Long-
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Emplo
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Incom
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Commi
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Stock
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Opera
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Subse
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q The C
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Fair
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Lease
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Deriv
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Reven
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Earni
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Dives
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Recei
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Inven
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Accum
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Goodw
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Other
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Restr
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Long-
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Emplo
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Incom
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Commi
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Opera
- Insider Trading Arrangements
- Significant Accounting Polici_2
- Background and Basis of Prese_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Sig_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q The_2
- Significant Accounting Polici_3
- Fair Value of Financial Instr_3
- Leases (Tables)
- Derivative Financial Instrume_3
- Acquisitions (Tables)
- Receivables (Tables)
- Inventories (Tables)
- Property, Plant, and Equipment
- Goodwill and Intangible Assets
- Other Current Liabilities (Tabl
- Restructuring (Tables)
- Income Taxes (Tables)
- Related Party Transactions (Tab
- Operating Segment Information (
- Fair Value of Financial Instr_4
- Leases (Tables)_2
- Derivative Financial Instrume_4
- Receivables (Tables)_2
- Inventories (Tables)_2
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi_2
- Goodwill and Intangible Asset_3
- Other Current Liabilities (Ta_2
- Restructuring (Tables)_2
- Related Party Transactions (T_2
- Operating Segment Information_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Sig_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Fai_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Lea_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Der_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Ear_2
- Acquisitions (Tables)_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Rec_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Inv_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Pro_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Goo_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Oth_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Res_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Lon_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Emp_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Inc_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Sto_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Ope_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Fai_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Lea_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Der_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Ear_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Rec_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Inv_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Acc_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Goo_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Oth_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Res_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Lon_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Ope_2
- Background and Nature of Oper_3
- Stockholder Equity (Details)
- Background (Details)
- Significant Accounting Polici_4
- Significant Accounting Polici_5
- Significant Accounting Polici_6
- Fair Value of Financial Instr_5
- Fair Value of Financial Instr_6
- Fair Value of Financial Instr_7
- Leases - Narrative (Details)
- Leases - Lease Assets and Liabi
- Leases - Lease Cost (Details)
- Leases - Weighted Average Remai
- Leases - Future Minimum Lease P
- Leases - Supplemental Cash Flow
- Derivative Financial Instrume_5
- Derivative Financial Instrume_6
- Derivative Financial Instrume_7
- Revenue Recognition (Details)
- Acquisitions - Purchase Price A
- Acquisitions - Finite-Lived And
- Acquisitions - Narrative (Detai
- Acquisitions - Supplemental Pro
- Acquisitions - Significant Non-
- Receivables - Components of Rec
- Receivables - Narrative (Detail
- Receivables - Reconciliation of
- Inventories - Net Inventories (
- Inventories - Narrative (Detail
- Property, Plant, and Equipmen_2
- Property, Plant, and Equipmen_3
- Goodwill and Intangible Asset_4
- Goodwill and Intangible Asset_5
- Goodwill and Intangible Asset_6
- Goodwill and Intangible Asset_7
- Other Current Liabilities - Com
- Other Current Liabilities - Nar
- Other Current Liabilities - War
- Restructuring - Narrative (Deta
- Restructuring - Restructuring C
- Restructuring - Accrual Rollfor
- Employee Benefit Plans (Details
- Income Taxes - Income (Loss) Be
- Income Taxes - Income Tax (Prov
- Income Taxes - Effective Income
- Income Taxes - Narrative (Detai
- Income Taxes - Components of De
- Income Taxes - Unrecognized Tax
- Commitments and Contingencies (
- Related Party Transactions - Na
- Related Party Transactions - Sh
- Related Party Transactions - Ne
- Operating Segment Information -
- Operating Segment Information_4
- Background and Nature of Oper_4
- Stockholder Equity (Details)_2
- Background and Basis of Prese_3
- Fair Value of Financial Instr_8
- Fair Value of Financial Instr_9
- Fair Value of Financial Inst_10
- Leases - Narrative (Details)_2
- Leases - Lease Assets and Lia_2
- Leases - Lease Cost (Details)_2
- Leases - Weighted Average Rem_2
- Leases - Future Minimum Lease_2
- Leases - Supplemental Cash Fl_2
- Derivative Financial Instrume_8
- Derivative Financial Instrume_9
- Derivative Financial Instrum_10
- Revenue Recognition (Details)_2
- Divestitures and Acquisitions (
- Receivables - Components of R_2
- Receivables - Narrative (Deta_2
- Receivables - Reconciliation _2
- Inventories - Net Inventories_2
- Inventories - Narrative (Deta_2
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi_3
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi_4
- Goodwill and Intangible Asset_8
- Goodwill and Intangible Asset_9
- Goodwill and Intangible Asse_10
- Goodwill and Intangible Asse_11
- Other Current Liabilities - C_2
- Restructuring - Narrative (De_2
- Restructuring - Restructuring_2
- Restructuring - Accrual Rollf_2
- Employee Benefit Plans (Detai_2
- Income Taxes - Narrative (Det_2
- Commitments and Contingencies_3
- Related Party Transactions - _2
- Related Party Transactions - _3
- Related Party Transactions - _4
- Operating Segment Information_5
- Operating Segment Information_6
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Sig_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Sig_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Sig_6
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Fai_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Fai_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Fai_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Lea_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Lea_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Lea_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Lea_6
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Lea_7
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Der_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Der_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Der_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Der_6
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Rev_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Ear_3
- Acquisitions - Purchase Price_2
- Acquisitions - Indefinite and F
- Acquisitions - Narrative (Det_2
- Acquisitions - Supplemental P_2
- Acquisitions - Significant Nonr
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Rec_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Rec_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Rec_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Inv_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Pro_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Pro_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Goo_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Goo_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Goo_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Goo_6
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Oth_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Oth_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Res_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Res_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Res_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Lon_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Lon_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Lon_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Emp_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Emp_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Emp_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Inc_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Inc_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Inc_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Inc_6
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Inc_7
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Inc_8
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Com_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Sto_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Sto_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Sto_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Sto_6
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Ope_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-K Ope_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Signi
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Fai_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Fai_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Fai_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Lea_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Lea_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Lea_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Lea_6
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Lea_7
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Der_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Der_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Der_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Der_6
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Rev_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Ear_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Div_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Rec_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Rec_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Rec_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Inv_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Acc_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Acc_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Goo_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Goo_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Goo_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Goo_6
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Oth_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Res_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Res_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Res_5
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Lon_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Lon_4
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Emp_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Inc_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Com_2
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Ope_3
- Vista Outdoor Inc. - 10-Q Ope_4