In the event of a temporary impediment, this authority shall be given for a limited period and may be renewed. If the Chairman dies, it shall apply until such time as a new Chairman has been elected.
The Board of Directors shall meet as often as required in the interests of the Company, further to a meeting notice sent by the Chairman or two directors.
If the Board has not met for more than two (2) months, a minimum of one third of Board members may ask the Chairman to convene a Board meeting to decide on a specific agenda.
The Chief Executive Officer may also ask the Chairman to convene a Board meeting to decide on a specific agenda.
The Chairman shall be bound by any requests made to them pursuant to the previous two paragraphs. Meetings may be convened by any means, including verbally.
The Board shall meet at the registered office or at such other location (in France or another country) as may be stated in the meeting notice, and meetings shall be chaired by the Chairman of the Board or, if the Chairman is subject to an impediment, by a member appointed by the Board to act as Chairman.
The Chairman of the Board shall chair meetings. If the Chairman is subject to an impediment, the Board shall appoint a member present at the meeting to act as Chairman.
At each meeting, the Board may appoint a secretary, who may but need not be a member of the Board.
A register shall be kept and must be signed by the directors who take part in each Board meeting.
The directors, as well as any person who is invited to attend a Board meeting, shall be bound by a duty of discretion with regard to information and data that are designated as confidential by the Chairman.
The Board may only validly transact business if at least one half of the directors are present or deemed present, subject to the changes made by the Board’s rules of procedure for meetings held by video-conference or other method of telecommunication.
Unless these Articles state otherwise and subject to the changes made by the Board’s rules of procedure for meetings held by video-conference or other method of telecommunication, decisions must be taken by a majority of the votes cast by the members present, deemed present or represented.
In the event of a tie, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
For the purpose of calculating the quorum and majority, the directors who take part in a Board meeting by video-conference or method of telecommunication in accordance with the Board’s rules of procedure shall be deemed present. However, directors must be present in person or by proxy for all Board decisions concerning the approval of the annual and consolidated financial statements, the drafting of the management report and the group management report (if applicable) and decisions concerning the removal of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer and the Deputy Chief Executive Officer.
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