Creation of Abivax LLC – March 2023
On March 20, 2023, Abivax LLC (or “the Subsidiary”), was incorporated as a Limited Liability Company under the laws of Delaware.
As of the issuance of the financial statements, the Company has full ownership over the Subsidiary. The Subsidiary will host the
Group’s operations in the United States.
Cash less exercise of the Kreos A&B BSA – May 2023
On May 24, 2023, Kreos Capital V UK Ltd (or “Kreos”) opted for the cash less exercise option of the share warrants they held (as
defined in Note 15.3), implemented through the repurchase by the Group of 43,070 tranche A share warrants (“Kreos A BSA”) and
43,070 tranche B share warrants (“Kreos B BSA”) and the issuance of respectively 67,887 and 31,696 ordinary shares, as a result of
the exercise by Kreos of the outstanding Kreos A & B BSA.
Free shares compensation plans – July-December 2023
In July, September and December 2023, the Group issued five free shares compensation plans (attributions gratuites d’actions, or
“AGAs”) to certain of its officers and employees, representing a maximum of 2,601,296 shares in the aggregate. The detailed terms
and conditions and the accounting treatment of these plans are presented in Note 14 to the annual consolidated financial statements of
the Group as of December 31, 2023 accompanying the Company’s annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on April 5, 2024 (the “Annual Report”).
The Group secures financing up to €150 million from two structured debt financing transactions – August 2023
On August 20, 2023, the Group concurrently signed two structured debt financing transactions for a total amount of up to €150 million
consisting of (i) up to €75 million from Kreos Capital and Claret European Growth Capital (the “Kreos / Claret Financing”) together
with the issuance of warrants (“the Kreos / Claret BSA”) exercisable to receive ordinary shares of the Company, for an aggregate
exercise price of up to €8 million and (ii) up to €75 million from a fund advised by Heights Capital Management, Inc. (the “Heights
Financing” and together with the Kreos / Claret Financing, the “Transaction”). The detailed structure and characteristics of the
Transaction are set forth in Notes 15.1 and 15.2 to the annual consolidated financial statements of the Group as of December 31, 2023
accompanying the Annual Report.
The first tranches of the Kreos / Claret Financing and the Heights Financing, for €25 million and €35 million, respectively, were
drawn on August 22, 2023, and August 24, 2023, respectively. In addition, the Group concurrently granted to Kreos and Claret, for no
additional consideration, warrants exercisable to receive ordinary shares of the Company for an aggregate exercise price of up to
€4 million.
As part of the Transaction, the Group is also repaying in full a total outstanding amount of €33 million under (i) the pre-existing debt
agreements with Kreos for a total amount of €8 million and (ii) the pre-existing OCEANE bonds for a total amount of €25 million by
way of set-off with the Heights Financing, thereby fully repaying such pre-existing indebtedness.
The net proceeds of the drawdown of the first tranche of the Kreos / Claret Financing and of the Heights Financing which, net of the
refinancing of the existing indebtedness, amount to €27 million in the aggregate, are expected to be allocated mainly to the
development of obefazimod for the treatment of adults with moderately to severely active UC and other potential chronic
inflammatory indications, as well for working capital and general corporate purposes of the Group.
On November 2, 2023, the Group granted additional warrants to Kreos and Claret, for an aggregate exercise price of up to €4 million,
in order to secure the future drawdown of the third tranche of the Kreos / Claret debt financing. The detailed characteristics of the
issuance is set forth in Note 15.1 to the annual consolidated financial statements of the Group as of December 31, 2023 accompanying
the Annual Report.
The Group announces closing of its Initial Public Offering on the Nasdaq Global Market – October 2023
On October 24, 2023, the Group announced the closing of its previously announced initial public offering on the Nasdaq Global
Market by way of a capital increase of 20,325,500 new ordinary shares, consisting of a public offering of 18,699,460 ordinary shares
in the form of American Depositary Shares (“ADSs”), each representing the right to receive one ordinary share, in the United States
(the “US Offering”), and a concurrent offering of 1,626,040 ordinary shares in certain jurisdictions outside of the United States to
certain investors (the “European Private Placement”, and together with the U.S. offering, the “Global Offering”). The offering price
was set at $11.60 per ADS in the U.S. Offering and a corresponding offering price of €10.9864 per ordinary share in the European
Private Placement. All of the ADSs and ordinary shares in the Global Offering were offered by the Group. The ADSs began trading on
the Nasdaq Global Market on October 20, 2023. The aggregate gross proceeds amount to approximately $235.8 million, equivalent to