Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Consolidated Statement of Finan
- Consolidated Statement of Profi
- Consolidated Statement of Chang
- Consolidated Statement of Cash
- General information
- Basis of preparation
- Critical accounting estimates,
- Revenue
- Other income
- Other operating expenses
- Employee benefits expense
- Finance expense
- Income tax expense
- Property, plant and equipment
- Intangible assets
- Trade and other receivables
- Inventories
- Reserve
- Leases _ The Group as a lessee
- Trade and other payables
- Borrowings
- Deferred tax
- Share capital
- Group information
- Basis of preparation (Policies)
- Basis of preparation (Tables)
- Revenue (Tables)
- Other income (Tables)
- Other operating expenses (Table
- Employee benefits expense (Tabl
- Finance expense (Tables)
- Income tax expense (Tables)
- Property, plant and equipment (
- Intangible assets (Tables)
- Trade and other receivables (Ta
- Inventories (Tables)
- Leases _ The Group as a lessee
- Trade and other payables (Table
- Borrowings (Tables)
- Deferred tax (Tables)
- Share capital (Tables)
- Group information (Tables)
- Schedule of property, plant and
- Schedule of intangible assets d
- Schedule of revenue classified
- Schedule of other income (Detai
- Schedule of other operating exp
- Schedule of employee benefits e
- Schedule of finance expense (De
- Schedule of tax expense attribu
- Schedule of income tax rates to
- Schedule of Income Tax Rates _2
- Schedule of property, plant a_2
- Schedule of intangible assets (
- Schedule of trade and other rec
- Critical accounting estimates_2
- Schedule of components of trade
- Schedule of inventories (Detail
- Schedule of ROU assets classifi
- Schedule of depreciation charge
- Schedule of interest expense (D
- Schedule of trade and other pay
- Schedule of borrowings term loa
- Schedule of respect of the inte
- Trade and other receivables (De
- Schedule of borrowings term l_2
- Schedule of deferred tax assets
- Schedule of deferred tax liabil
- Schedule of share capital (Deta
- Borrowings (Details Narrative)
- Schedule of consolidated financ