Exhibit 2.4.2

Business Number C2582 - 2002 Filed in the Office of Secretary of State State Of Nevada Filing Number 20244519376 Filed On 12/9/2024 8:00:00 AM Number of Pages 3

06 : 42 : 02 p . m . 1 2 - 08 - 2024 s I 181 7 8871604 To : Page : 5 of 6 2024 - 12 - 09 02:42 : 25 GMT 18178871604 From: Et FRANCISCO V. AGUILAR Se<:ret , uy of State 401 No , rth Carson St r eet Cars . on City, Nevada 89701 - 42:01 ('77 5) 684 - 5708 Website : www . . 1 wsos.g . ov orpo - ra 10n: Certificate of Amendment ( PURsuAN ,roN Rs1a .380& . 78.385.r78 . 390} Certificate to Accompany Restated Articles or Amended and Re - s . . t . . a ., " t " " e " " d Articles ( - PuRsuANTTONRs1s . 4m> Officer·s Statement PuRsu.ANT ro NRS so.ow Time : (must not be l al , e>rthan Q0 days after !he certificate i s f i led ) D ate : 4. Effective Date anc:t Time: { Optiona l ) Changes to takes the following effect: gJ The entity name has been amended. fr ] The registered agent has been changed. (attach certificate of Acceptance from new registered agent ) ty; J The purpose of the entity has been amended . l & l Tile authoJiiZed shares have been a mell<1ed. † iJ The directors , managers or general partners have been amended . [ [l IRS tax language has been added . rill Art i cles have been added. CH Articles have been deleted. other . Tile articles have been amended as follows: {provid e afticle numbets , if avattao1e ::::.):::2:) - ; = .: - e_;;: t - .: - : ;/JF?? f (atta ch additional page(s} if necessi3ry) 5. lnfom - .ation Being Chan ged : { Domestic corpora !ion s . only ) x L $ i e w i w z t eam @ J,, i f,0 : ws¼M'.r \ i: J . ; , @ 0;: i .! J , @ 1 , 1 , ,¢ tv J 0iJ/ [;iJJ% tr ?;Jfftlli1c% J S i gnature · of Offloer or Authorized Signe r Title 6. Signature : (Requir ed) l ,ilt J1120201,s & t 1 S · ign,..ture, of Officer o r A,utho ri.z ed Signer Trtle 'If any proposed - amendm, ,m t would a · !t e r or chan9'1! · any preference or any re Jatilt e or o , !her right g n to any cla!IS or s,eries of o . , ubt:anding shares . then th "mendment must b - e app ro ved by the vote , in addition t o e affirmative vote otherw i s,e r equired, of h o lders of sha r e - s r epresenting a maj ority o - f the voting po - we . of ea , c:h class or se ri;es affected by · 1he encfment regardles , s to fi mit& ti ons or . restric - lions on !he votin9 : power thereof - . Please inclllde any required or optional information in space . below: ( a , ttaoh additional page(s } if necessary) Th. is form must be accompanied by approptiate fees . Page20f2 911/2023 R . e,

06 : 42 : 02 p . m . 12 - os - 2024 6 1 18178871604 To : Page: 6 of6 2024 - 12 - 09 02:42:25 GMT 18178871604 From: Et Information Being Changed (continuation) : "Section 4 . 1 NUMBER OF SHARES A UTHORJZED ; PAR VALUE . The total number of shares of all classes of stock which the Corporation shall have authority to issue is Ten Billion Five Million ( 10 , 005 , 000 , 000 ) shares . The Corporation is authorized to Ten Billion ( 10 , 000 , 000 , 000 ) shares of common stock, par value $ 0 . 001 per share (the "Common Stock"), and Five Million ( 5 , 000 , 000 ) shares of preferred stock , par value $ 0 . 001 per share (the "Preferred Stock") . The Preferred Stock may be issued at any time or from time to time, in any one or more series, and any such se 1 ies shall be comprised of such number of shares and may have such voting powers , whole or limited , or no voting powers, and such designations , preferences and relative, participating, optional or other special rights, and qualifications , limitations or restrictions thereof, including liquidation preferences, as shall be stated and expressed in the resolutions of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, the Board of Directors being hereby expressly vested with such power and authority to the full extent now or hereafter permitted by law . "