FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AND FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT | 32. Carrying Amounts and Fair Values The following tables disclose the carrying amounts of each class of financial instruments together with its corresponding fair value and the aggregated carrying amount per category. 12/31/2023 Financial instruments, analyzed by classes and categories Carrying Fair value in € thousand Category amount Fair value hierarchy Non-current assets Financial assets Other loans and other investments AC 28 28 n/a Other non-current financial assets AC 112 n/a n/a Current assets Trade receivables and other receivables Trade receivables AC 40,673 n/a n/a Receivables from joint ventures AC 1,599 n/a n/a Other receivables Exit bonus AC 4,700 4,700 n/a Receivables from shareholder AC 107 n/a n/a Other current assets Restricted cash AC 89 n/a n/a Other AC 1,317 n/a n/a Cash and cash equivalents AC 5,710 n/a n/a Non-current liabilities Non-current borrowings Loans from other third parties FLAC 2,336 2,063 Level 3 Loans from shareholders FLAC 19,854 17,630 Level 3 Current liabilities Current borrowings Loans from banks FLAC 1,225 n/a Level 3 Loans from shareholders FLAC 8,102 n/a n/a Loans from other related parties FLAC 16,726 n/a Level 3 Trade payables and other liabilities FLAC 25,899 n/a n/a Carrying Thereof aggregated by categories Category amount Financial assets measured at amortized cost AC 54,335 Financial liabilities measured at fair value FVTPL — Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost FLAC 74,142 Financial instruments, analyzed by classes and categories 12/31/2022 Carrying Fair value in € thousand Category amount Fair value hierarchy Non-current assets Financial assets Other non-current financial assets AC 115 n/a n/a Current assets Trade receivables and other receivables Trade receivables AC 40,593 n/a n/a Receivables from joint ventures AC 2,656 n/a n/a Other receivables Receivables from shareholder AC 65,158 64,028 Level 3 Miscellaneous receivables AC 431 n/a n/a Other current assets Restricted cash AC 1,049 n/a n/a Other AC 2,637 n/a n/a Cash and cash equivalents AC 8,332 n/a n/a Non-current liabilities Non-current borrowings Loans from debt funds FLAC 24,393 23,072 Level 3 Loans from shareholders FLAC 10,013 9,307 Level 3 Current liabilities Current borrowings Loans from banks FLAC 12,003 11,508 Level 3 Loans from debt funds FLAC 79,773 51,678 Level 3 Loans from other third parties FLAC 3,540 3,483 Level 3 Loans from shareholders FLAC 16,493 n/a n/a Loans from other related parties FLAC 16,646 14,688 Level 3 Trade payables and other liabilities FLAC 25,400 n/a n/a Carrying Thereof aggregated by categories Category amount Financial assets measured at amortized cost AC 120,971 Financial liabilities measured at fair value FVTPL — Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost FLAC 188,260 The carrying amounts of cash and cash equivalents, trade and other receivables, loans from banks and of trade payables, are considered reasonable estimates of their fair values because of the short maturities of these items. The fair value of the loan granted to a shareholder was calculated by discounting future cash flows with a risk-adjusted interest rate curve. As the credit risk of the shareholder is unobservable and assumed to be equivalent to the Standard&Poor’s rating class of CCC, the credit risk is considered to have a material impact on the fair value. Therefore, the fair values of the shareholder loan are categorized in level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. Items of income, expenses, gains or losses resulting from financial instruments The net gains or losses for each of the financial instrument measurement categories differentiated by the respective sources were as follows: 2023 Subsequent measurement in € thousand Interest Fair value Total Financial assets - AC 9,499 n/a 9,499 Financial liabilities - FLAC (9,988) n/a (9,988) Financial assets and liabilities - FVTPL n/a — — Total (488) — (488) 2022 Subsequent measurement in € thousand Interest Fair value Total Financial assets - AC 4,089 n/a 4,089 Financial liabilities - FLAC (17,650) n/a (17,650) Financial assets and liabilities - FVTPL n/a (1,669) (1,669) Total (13,561) (1,669) (15,230) The total interest income for financial assets that are not measured at FVTPL is €9,499 thousand as of the year ended December 31, 2023 (2022: €4,089 thousand). The total interest expense for financial liabilities that are not measured at FVTPL is €9,988 thousand as of the year ended December 31, 2023 (2022: €17,650 thousand). Financial Instrument Risk Management Objectives and Policies Due to its international operational businesses, SCHMID is exposed to market risk (especially foreign currency risk) and credit risk. In the area of financing, liquidity risks and interest rate risks play a major role. SCHMID’s senior management oversees the management of these risks. In prior years no formalized risk management system existed, but financial risks as far as identified were handled case-by-case. In connection with the US DE-SPAC SCHMID is currently implementing a standardized risk management process. Equity price risk is considered insignificant for SCHMID. Credit Risk Credit risk is the risk that SCHMID might incur a financial loss as a consequence of the non-payment or partial payment of outstanding receivables by counterparties and from replacement risks for open transactions. SCHMID is exposed to credit risks associated with its operating activities, the loan granted to one of its shareholders, trade receivables as well as cash and cash equivalents. SCHMID applies appropriate measures to manage credit risks inherent to its trade receivables. SCHMID requests customer ratings from well-known rating agencies and responds to higher probabilities of default with modified payment terms. Loss rates are based on actual credit loss experience over the past seven years. These rates are multiplied by scalar factors to reflect differences between economic conditions during the period over which the historical data has been collected, current conditions and SCHMID’s view of economic conditions over the expected lives of the receivables. Until January 1, 2023, to limit the credit risk resulting from its trade receivables, SCHMID has entered into a credit risk insurance that covered all trade receivables besides a small deductible. For the resulting credit risk of the insurance company SCHMID applied the credit default swap spread to the insured trade receivables amount. For the remaining credit risk of the uninsured part of the trade receivables a probability of default for the industry is applied to the exposure and multiplied with the loss given default. The allowances for ECL determined for the different classes of financial assets developed as follows: Trade receivables Shareholder and - not credit Trade receivables other loans - in € thousand impaired - credit impaired credit impaired Opening Balance 01/01/2022 (8) 1,952 (4,394) Additions (11) — — Utilization — 1,148 — Reversal — 153 2,949 Closing Balance 31/12/2022 (19) 652 (1,445) Additions (118) (198) — Utilization — (11,425) — Reversal — 11,706 1,445 Closing Balance 31/12/2023 (137) (569) — With regards to cash and cash equivalents SCHMID allocates the credit risk by using several banks. Furthermore, it is SCHMID policy to hold cash and cash equivalents only with financial institutions that have at least an investment grade rating. SCHMID regularly monitors its cash and cash equivalents and takes corrective actions should it identify any possible changes in creditworthiness of these financial institutions. Therefore and due to its short-term character, no significant credit risk arises from cash and cash equivalents, and no ECL allowance has been recorded for 2023 and 2022 respectively. The following tables provide information about the gross carrying amounts by credit-risk rating classes for the several types of financial assets that are not measured at FVTPL and therefore generally subject to the impairment regulations of IFRS 9. Gross Carrying Amounts by Rating Class 12/31/2023 in € thousand Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 General approach Cash and cash equivalents AAA to BBB (Investment grade) 5,710 — — Receivables from shareholders BBB- to CCC (Below investment grade) — 4,807 — Simplified approach Trade receivables and other receivables Current (not past due) — 27,148 (69) 1-30 days past due — 1,423 (11) 31-60 days past due — 597 (6) 61-90 days past due — 651 (7) More than 90 days past due — 3,039 (45) Total 5,710 37,665 (138) Gross Carrying Amounts by Rating Class 12/31/2022 in € thousand Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 General approach Cash and cash equivalents AAA to BBB (Investment grade) 8,332 — — Receivables from shareholders BBB- to CCC (Below investment grade) — 65,158 — Simplified approach Trade receivables and other receivables insured receivables (90%) — 39,312 — non-insured receivables (10%) — 4,368 — Total 8,332 108,838 — Liquidity Risk Liquidity risk is the risk that a company will encounter difficulty in meeting its obligations associated with its financial liabilities as they fall due. SCHMID is constantly working to ensure that the supply of liquidity is mainly sufficient to settle financial liabilities that are due for payment. Liquidity is evaluated and maintained using forecasts based on fixed planning horizons covering several months and through the cash and cash equivalent balances that are available. During 2023, the majority of financial liabilities has been repaid. For more detail on the financial situation, please refer to the explanation on Going Concern (included in note 2. Basis of Presentation). The following table provides details of the (undiscounted) cash outflows of financial liabilities (including interest payments). 12/31/2023 Cash outflows within Total cash in € thousand ≤ 1 year > 1 ≤ 2 years > 2 ≤ 5 years > 5 years flows Lease liabilities 2,073 1,822 3,372 3,758 11,025 Borrowings (including embedded derivatives) 26,053 26,781 — — 52,835 Loans from banks 1,225 — — — 1,225 Loans from debt funds — — — — — Loans from other third parties — 2,778 — — 2,778 Loans from shareholders 8,102 24,004 — — 32,106 Loans from other related parties 16,726 — — — 16,726 Trade payables and other liabilities 25,899 — — — 25,899 12/31/2022 Cash outflows within Total cash in € thousand ≤ 1 year > 1 ≤ 2 years > 2 ≤ 5 years > 5 years flows Lease liabilities 564 465 446 — 1,476 Borrowings (including embedded derivatives) 111,517 49,914 — — 161,432 Loans from banks 12,221 — — — 12,221 Loans from debt funds 73,262 26,521 — — 99,783 Loans from other third parties 3,702 — — — 3,702 Loans from shareholders 5,000 23,394 — — 28,394 Loans from other related parties 17,332 — — — 17,332 Trade payables and other liabilities 25,400 — — — 25,400 Foreign Currency Risk SCHMID operates globally and is exposed to foreign exchange risk arising from exposure to various currencies in the ordinary course of business. SCHMID’s exposures primarily consist of the Euro (“EUR”), US Dollar (“USD”), Chinese Yen (“CNY”), Hong Kong Dollar (“HKD”), Korean Won (“KRW”) and Canadian Dollar (“CAD”). Foreign exchange risk mainly arises from commercial transactions that resulted in recognized financial assets and liabilities denominated in a currency other than the local functional currency. The following table demonstrates the material net exposures SCHMID entities have due to trade receivables and payables, cash and cash equivalents as well as other financial assets in a currency different their local functional currency. Due to consolidation these exposures would also have an impact to SCHMID’s profit or loss. currency of exposure ("+" = asset / "()" = liability) - in € thousand functional currency entity 12/31/2023 12/31/2022 EUR CNY USD HKD EUR CNY USD HKD EUR 5,010 3,597 — 5,500 4,669 — CNY 27,217 (1,077) (424) 25,519 (1,139) — USD 17 — — (5,030) — — TWD 1,481 (238) — — 1,378 — — — HKD 2,026 (2,209) — — — — KRW (4,276) — — — (1,838) — — — Total 26,464 2,563 2,520 (424) 20,029 5,500 3,530 — The following table demonstrates the impact that a reasonably possible change in each material currency pair would have on SCHMID’s profit or loss before tax. Therefore for each currency exchange rate the foreign currency is shifted against the respective local entity’s functional currency. The resulting impact in local currency is then translated into EUR. in € thousand 12/31/2023 12/31/2022 +10% -10% +10% -10% CNY/EUR 2,019 (2,467) 1,820 (2,224) USD/EUR (325) 398 (882) 1,078 TWD/EUR 135 (165) 130 (159) HKD/EUR 184 (225) KRW/EUR (389) 475 (167) 204 CNY/TWD 22 (26) CNY/HKD 158 (203) USD/CNY 98 (120) 104 (127) Interest Rate Risk Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. Interest rate risks from financial instruments can in general arise in connection with financial liabilities including borrowings under SCHMID existing working capital and equipment financing facilities. Profit or loss is sensitive to higher/ lower interest income/ expense from loans granted and borrowed as a result of changes in interest rates. Considering existing thresholds, a hypothetical reasonable increase or decrease of 100 basis points in interest rates would have the following effect shown in the table on SCHMID financial statements. Impact to P/L in € thousand (income (+)/ expense (-)) 12/31/2023 Change in interest rate +1% (296) Change in interest rate -1% 296 12/31/2022 Change in interest rate +1% (1,164) Change in interest rate -1% 1,162 Capital Management For the purpose of SCHMID’s capital management, capital includes all share capital and other equity reserves attributable to the equity holders. The primary objectives of capital management are to support operating activities and maximize the shareholder value through investment in the development activities of SCHMID. SCHMID’s finance department reviews the total amount of cash of SCHMID on a monthly basis. As part of this review, management considers the total cash and cash equivalents, the cash outflow, currency translation differences and funding activities. The Company is not anymore subject to externally imposed capital requirements as all relevant loans have been repaid during 2023, refer to note 28. Financial Liabilities for further details. No changes were made in the objectives, policies or processes for managing cash during the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022. Reconciliation of changes in liabilities arising from financing activities Lease In € thousand Loans liabilities Total Balance at January 1, 2023 167,111 1,333 168,444 Cash flow from financing activities (excluding changes from restricted cash) (83,812) (819) (84,631) Proceeds from loans — — — Repayments of loans (81,871) — (81,871) Principal elements of lease payment — (715) (715) Interest paid (1,941) (103) (2,044) Changes in the cash flow from financing activities (35,055) 10,372 (24,683) Foreign currency effects — (77) (77) New leases — 10,347 10,347 Accrued interest (35,024) 102 (34,922) Fair value measurement (32) — (32) Balance at December 31, 2023 48,244 10,886 59,130 Lease In € thousand Loans liabilities Total Balance at January 1, 2022 153,090 1,528 154,618 Cash flow from financing activities (excluding changes from restricted cash) (2,625) (676) (3,301) Proceeds from loans 4,895 — 4,895 Repayments of loans (5,880) — (5,880) Principal elements of lease payment — (609) (609) Interest paid (1,640) (68) (1,708) Changes in the cash flow from financing activities 16,645 482 17,127 Foreign currency effects — (19) (19) New leases — 433 433 Accrued interest 14,609 68 14,677 Fair value measurement 2,036 — 2,036 Balance at December 31, 2022 167,111 1,333 168,444 |