The President of the Republic may grant his authorization generally to certain state organisms, institutions or enterprises, or particularly for certain kinds of agreements.
In any event, this authorization may not be granted for a term of over one year, but it may be renewed.
The authorization referred to in this article does not exclude other authorizations that may be necessary in consideration of the nature of the contract in question.
Article 5.- Notwithstanding the validity of stipulations contained in acts and contracts already executed, no waiver regarding the funds, rights and property held by the Central Bank abroad will be valid, unless such waiver refers to obligations acquired by such Bank.
Article 6.- No waiver to immunity of execution shall be granted regarding the movable property and furniture of diplomatic or consular missions or the residence of the chief of any of them.
No waiver of immunity from execution shall be valid with respect to property destined to military purposes, including both military property of an inherently military character and property that is under the control of a military authority or defense agency.
Article 7.- Stipulations contained in articles 1° and 2° herein shall not be agreed in contracts executed under the provisions of Decree Law N° 600, of July I3, I974, an its amendments.
Likewise, they will not be agreed in contracts of concession of fiscal property, nor in acts or contracts executed by organisms, institutions or companies of the Chilean State, when particular legislation by which they are construed expressly excludes the submission of foreign law or courts, or dictates that disputes originates from them shall be submitted to Chilean law or Chilean Courts.
Article 8.- In the future, the appointment of special representatives referred to in article 1º shall only be to a Chilean general consul, or particular, or of a district, to some agency or office of organisms, institutions, or companies of the Chilean State with seat abroad, or to the legal representative of such agency or office.
Article 9.- Any foreign State and its organisms [agencies], institutions and enterprises may call for immunity of jurisdiction and execution in Chile, as the case may be, in the same terms and amplitude and identical exceptions as recognized by its own legislation in favor of the Chilean State, or of its organisms, institutions or companies.
Article 10.- Article 245 Nº 3 of the Civil Procedure Code is substituted by the following:
“3. That the party against which the sentence is being invoked has been duly served of the lawsuit. However, he may prove that, for different motives, he was prevented from assuming his defense.”
Article 11.- It is declared that all foreign loan operations, agreed with institutions or banking or finance companies, foreign or international, are and will continue to be submitted, regarding stipulations about interest, commissions, surcharges, prepayments and other financial conditions, to the terms prevailing in foreign capital markets, without being applicable to them the restrictive regulations provided for this matter in national legislation.
It is deemed that conditions contained in operations approved by the Central Bank are prevailing in the respective foreign capital market”