Investments | Investments The following table summarizes the amortized cost and fair value of the Company’s fixed maturity securities, all of which are classified as available for sale: Gross Unrealized As of December 31, 2024 Amortized Cost Gains Losses Fair Value ($ in thousands) Fixed maturity securities U.S. government and government agency $ 204,205 $ 315 $ (108) $ 204,412 State and municipal 73,289 — (5,505) 67,784 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 83,029 349 (940) 82,438 Residential mortgage-backed securities 197,589 649 (6,135) 192,103 Asset-backed securities 121,155 259 (837) 120,577 Corporate 214,878 238 (2,441) 212,675 Total $ 894,145 $ 1,810 $ (15,966) $ 879,989 Gross Unrealized As of December 31, 2023 Amortized Cost Gains Losses Fair Value ($ in thousands) Fixed maturity securities U.S. government and government agency $ 252,294 $ 579 $ (332) $ 252,541 State and municipal 55,984 — (5,264) 50,720 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 26,573 29 (1,166) 25,436 Residential mortgage-backed securities 79,032 680 (5,010) 74,702 Asset-backed securities 42,964 32 (963) 42,033 Corporate 112,166 80 (3,054) 109,192 Total $ 569,013 $ 1,400 $ (15,789) $ 554,624 a) Contractual Maturity of Fixed Maturity Securities The amortized cost and fair value of fixed maturity securities at December 31, 2024 and 2023, by contractual maturity, are shown below. Actual maturities may differ from contractual maturities because certain issuers may have the right to call or prepay obligations. As of December 31, 2024 Amortized Cost Fair Value ($ in thousands) Fixed maturity securities Due in one year or less $ 206,764 $ 206,721 Due after one year through five years 208,179 205,012 Due after five years through ten years 45,230 43,199 Due after ten years 32,199 29,939 492,372 484,871 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 83,029 82,438 Residential mortgage-backed securities 197,589 192,103 Asset-backed securities 121,155 120,577 Total $ 894,145 $ 879,989 As of December 31, 2023 Amortized Cost Fair Value ($ in thousands) Fixed maturity securities Due in one year or less $ 254,656 $ 254,443 Due after one year through five years 122,274 118,585 Due after five years through ten years 27,145 25,265 Due after ten years 16,369 14,160 420,444 412,453 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 26,573 25,436 Residential mortgage-backed securities 79,032 74,702 Asset-backed securities 42,964 42,033 Total $ 569,013 $ 554,624 b) Net Investment Income The components of net investment income were derived from the following sources: Years Ended December 31, 2024 2023 2022 ($ in thousands) U.S. government and government agency $ 14,514 $ 4,673 $ 255 State and municipal 1,832 1,550 1,052 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 2,584 1,381 479 Residential mortgage-backed securities 6,517 962 661 Asset-backed securities 3,043 3,708 730 Corporate 5,768 3,448 1,128 Short-term investments 480 943 371 Cash and cash equivalents 6,193 3,190 313 Gross investment income 40,931 19,855 4,989 Investment expenses (810) (484) (264) Net investment income $ 40,121 $ 19,371 $ 4,725 c) Net Realized Investment Gains or Losses There were $16.2 thousand net realized losses from the sale of investments for the year ended December 31, 2024 and nil in 2023 and 2022. d) Restricted Assets The Company is required to maintain assets as collateral in trust accounts to support the obligations of the AmFam Quota Share Agreement. The assets held in trust include fixed maturity securities, short-term investments and restricted cash and cash equivalents. The Company is entitled to interest income earned on these restricted assets, which is included in net investment income in the Consolidated Statements of Income and Comprehensive Income (Loss). The following table summarizes the value of the Company’s restricted assets disclosed in the Consolidated Balance Sheets: As of December 31, 2024 2023 ($ in thousands) U.S. government and government agency $ 97,130 $ 142,297 State and municipal 33,842 19,585 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 50,504 9,333 Residential mortgage-backed securities 115,323 35,313 Asset-backed securities 63,197 23,798 Corporate 124,836 49,632 Restricted fixed maturity securities 484,832 279,958 Restricted short-term investments 9,997 4,864 Restricted cash and cash equivalents 124,582 1,698 Restricted assets $ 619,411 $ 286,520 e) Gross Unrealized Losses The following table summarizes available for sale securities in an unrealized loss position, the fair value and gross unrealized loss by length of time the security has been in a continual unrealized loss position: Less than 12 Months 12 Months or Greater Total As of December 31, 2024 Fair Value Gross Unrealized Losses Fair Value Gross Unrealized Losses Fair Value Gross Unrealized Losses ($ in thousands) Fixed maturity securities U.S. government and government agency $ 55,237 $ (108) $ — $ — $ 55,237 $ (108) State and municipal 22,011 (566) 45,773 (4,939) 67,784 (5,505) Commercial mortgage-backed securities 16,579 (112) 13,087 (828) 29,666 (940) Residential mortgage-backed securities 100,817 (1,244) 29,879 (4,891) 130,696 (6,135) Asset-backed securities 42,543 (472) 9,420 (365) 51,963 (837) Corporate 118,237 (811) 43,125 (1,630) 161,362 (2,441) Total $ 355,424 $ (3,313) $ 141,284 $ (12,653) $ 496,708 $ (15,966) Less than 12 Months 12 Months or Greater Total As of December 31, 2023 Fair Value Gross Unrealized Losses Fair Value Gross Unrealized Losses Fair Value Gross Unrealized Losses ($ in thousands) Fixed maturity securities U.S. government and government agency $ 48,598 $ (69) $ 10,970 $ (263) $ 59,568 $ (332) State and municipal 2,992 (14) 47,728 (5,250) 50,720 (5,264) Commercial mortgage-backed securities 2,485 (53) 18,423 (1,113) 20,908 (1,166) Residential mortgage-backed securities 17,536 (609) 31,502 (4,401) 49,038 (5,010) Asset-backed securities 16,253 (71) 18,491 (892) 34,744 (963) Corporate 24,976 (173) 62,733 (2,881) 87,709 (3,054) Total $ 112,840 $ (989) $ 189,847 $ (14,800) $ 302,687 $ (15,789) All of the securities in an unrealized loss position are rated investment grade. For fixed maturity securities that management does not intend to sell or are required to sell, there is no portion of the decline in value that is considered to be due to credit factors that would be recognized in earnings. Declines in value are considered to be due to non-credit factors and are recognized in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss). The Company has evaluated its fixed maturity securities in an unrealized loss position and concluded that the unrealized losses are due primarily to temporary market and sector-related factors rather than to issuer-specific factors. None of these securities are delinquent or in default under financial covenants. Based on the assessment of these issuers, the Company expects them to continue to meet their contractual payment obligations as they become due. |