The present value of the lease payments is calculated using a rate implicit in the lease, when readily determinable. However, as most of the Company’s leases do not provide an implicit rate, the Company uses its incremental borrowing rate to determine the present value of the lease payments for the majority of its leases.
Variable lease payments that are based on an index or rate are included in the measurement of ROU assets and lease liabilities at lease inception. All other variable lease payments are expensed as incurred and are not included in the measurement of ROU assets and lease liabilities.
The Company did not have any finance leases during the years ended March 31, 2024 and 2023.
Investments include investments accounted for under the equity method of accounting, and equity investments with and without readily determinable fair value.
Equity Method Investments: The Company uses the equity method of accounting for investments in companies in which it has a minority equity interest and the ability to exert significant influence over operating decisions of the companies. Significant influence is generally presumed to exist when the Company owns between 20% and 50% of the voting interests in the investee, holds substantial management rights or holds an interest of less than 20% in an investee that is a limited liability partnership or limited liability corporation that is treated as a flow-through entity.
Under the equity method of accounting, the Company’s share of the investee’s earnings (losses) are included in the “equity interests income (loss)” line item in the combined statements of operations. The Company records its share of the net income or loss of most equity method investments on a one quarter lag and, accordingly, during the years ended March 31, 2024, 2023 and 2022, the Company recorded its share of the income or loss generated by these entities for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021, respectively.
Dividends and other distributions from equity method investees are recorded as a reduction of the Company’s investment. Distributions received up to the Company’s interest in the investee’s retained earnings are considered returns on investments and are classified within cash flows from operating activities in the combined statements of cash flows. Distributions from equity method investments in excess of the Company’s interest in the investee’s retained earnings are considered returns of investments and are classified within cash flows provided by investing activities in the combined statements of cash flows.
Other Equity Investments: Investments in nonconsolidated affiliates in which the Company owns less than 20% of the voting common stock, or does not exercise significant influence over operating and financial policies, are recorded at fair value using quoted market prices if the investment has a readily determinable fair value. If an equity investment’s fair value is not readily determinable, the Company will recognize it at cost less any impairment, adjusted for observable price changes in orderly transactions in the investees’ securities that are identical or similar to the Company’s investments in the investee. The unrealized gains and losses and the adjustments related to the observable price changes are recognized in net income (loss).
Impairments of Investments: The Company regularly reviews its investments for impairment, including when the carrying value of an investment exceeds its market value. If the Company determines that an investment has sustained an other-than-temporary decline in its value, the investment is written down to its fair value by a charge to earnings. Factors that are considered by the Company in determining whether an other-than-temporary decline in value has occurred include (i) the market value of the security in relation to its cost basis, (ii) the financial condition of the investee, and (iii) the Company’s intent and ability to retain the investment for a sufficient period of time to allow for recovery in the market value of the investment.
For investments accounted for using the equity method of accounting or equity investments without a readily determinable fair value, the Company evaluates information available (e.g., budgets, business plans, financial statements, etc.) in addition to quoted market prices, if any, in determining whether an other-than-temporary decline in value exists. Factors indicative of an other-than-temporary decline include recurring operating losses, credit defaults and subsequent rounds of financing at an amount below the cost basis of the Company’s investment.