Exhibit 10.9

INTEGRATED MARKETING SERVICE CONTRACT ᮤਸ㩕䬰ᴽ࣑ਸ਼ Party A:ADA GLOBAL INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD Party B : Aosi Production Co . ,LTD ⭢ᯩ ˖ ADA GLOBAL INDUSTRIALCO.,LTD ҉ᯩ ˖ ◣ᙍࡦᴹ䲀ޜਨ On the principle of equality,voluntary,mutual benefit,party A and Party B enter into the following agreement through full negotiation on matters related to Party A entrusting Party B to provide marketing integration services,which shall be followed by both parties ⭢҉ৼᯩᵜ⵰ᒣㅹ㠚ᝯ ǃ ӂ࡙ӂᜐⲴࡉ ˈ ቡ⭢ᯩငᢈ҉ᯩᨀ㩕䬰ᮤਸᴽ࣑Ⲵᴹޣһ ᇌ ˈ 㓿䗷ৼᯩݵ࠶ॿ୶ ˈ 䗮ᡀྲлॿ䇞ᶑⅮ ˈ ԕ䍴ৼᯩޡ਼䚥➗ᢗ㹼 DŽ I.SERVICE MATTERS 1. Party B shall provide professional promotion services for Party A,Including providing integrated marketing planning plans for the products,business and brand image to be promoted by Party A itself or Party A's customers,And through Party B's professional technology in marketing, technology,data,traffic and other aspects,party B shall provide Party A or its customers including but not limited to : scheme planning,material production optimization,and the Internet platform selected by Party B (including but not limited to Twitter,Instagram,Meta,Youtobe,TikTok, Metaera,Coindesk,Blockbeats,Golden wealth,Block rhythm,Planet Daily,et al,The following are referred to as "platform")for marketing content promotion and other integrated marketing services ; 2. Party A agrees to entrust Party B to carry out the integrated marketing services as agreed herein, and shall pay the corresponding fees to Party B in accordance with the provisions hereof ; 3. The promotion of marketing content agreed in this Contract refers to an information technology service that displays the information of Party A,Party A's products or its customers or products on the result page of the above platform and relevant pages (collectively referred to as "Display Page") . — ǃ ᴽ࣑һ亩 1. ҉ᯩѪ⭢ᯩᨀуъ᧘ᒯᴽ࣑ ˈ वᤜѪ⭢ᯩ㠚䓛ᡆ⭢ᯩᇒᡧᤏ᧘ᒯⲴӗ૱ ǃ ъ࣑ ǃ ૱ ⡼ᖒ䊑ㅹᨀᮤਸ㩕䬰ㆆࡂᯩṸ ˈ ᒦ䙊䗷҉ᯩ൘㩕䬰᧘ᒯ ǃ ᢰᵟ ǃ ᮠᦞ ǃ ⍱䟿ㅹᯩ䶒Ⲵуъᢰ ᵟѪ⭢ᯩᡆަᇒᡧᨀवᤜնн䲀Ҿ ˖ ᯩṸㆆࡂ ǃ ㍐ᶀࡦՈॆ ǃ ൘҉ᯩ䘹ᤙⲴӂ㚄㖁 ᒣਠ ( वᤜնн䲀Ҿ Twitter,Instagram,Meta,Youtobe,TikTok,Metaera,Coindesk,Blockbeats , 䠁 㢢䍒䠁 ˈ ४ඇᖻࣘ ˈ ᱏ⨳ᰕᣕㅹ ˈ ԕл൷〠Ѫ “ ᒣਠ ”) 䘋㹼㩕䬰ᇩ᧘ᒯㅹᮤਸ㩕䬰ᴽ࣑ ˗ 2. ⭢ᯩ਼ငᢈ҉ᯩᔰኅᵜਸ਼㓖ᇊѻᮤਸ㩕䬰ᴽ࣑ ˈ ᒦ᤹➗ᵜਸ਼Ⲵ㓖ᇊੁ҉ᯩ᭟ ԈᓄⲴ䍩⭘ ˗ 3. ᵜਸ਼ᡰ㓖ᇊⲴ㩕䬰ᇩ᧘ᒯᱟᤷ൘к䘠ᒣਠⲴ㔃᷌亥ԕ৺ޣ亥䶒 ( 㔏〠Ѫ “ ᱮ

⽪亥䶒 ”) кᴹگኅ⽪⭢ᯩ ǃ ⭢ᯩӗ૱ᡆަᇒᡧᡆӗ૱ؑⲴаؑᢰᵟᴽ࣑ DŽ Ⅱ . TERM OF SERVICE 1. Service term : From October 1 , 2023 to September 30 , 2024 . 2. If both parties agree to renew the contract before,and the two parties agree to renew the contract separately . If both parties fail to renew the contract,the contract will be automatically terminated upon the expiration of the service term . Ҽ ǃ ᴽ࣑ᵏ䲀 1. ᴽ࣑ᵏ䲀 ˖ 2023 ᒤ 10 ᴸ 1 ᰕ㠣 2024 ᒤ 9 ᴸ 30 ᰕ 2. ᵜਸ਼ᵏ䲀ቺ┑ࡽ 1 њᴸ ˈ 㤕ৼᯩ਼㔝ㆮⲴ ˈ ਖ㹼ㆮ䇒㔝ㆮਸ਼ ˈ ৼᯩᵚ㜭㔝ㆮਸ ਼Ⲵ ˈ ࡉᵜਸ਼൘ᴽ࣑ᵏ䲀ቺ┑ѻᰕ䎧㠚ࣘ㓸→ DŽ III . term of service 1. Party A has understood the service content and terms of this Contract in detail,guarantees that the information submitted by it is true and accurate,and assumes full responsibility to it . If the publicity and promotion platform requires opening an account in the name of Party A or its customer company,Party A shall provide the relevant qualification documents before the promotion and approval by Party B,Party B shall release business license,copy of identity certificate of legal person (director),power of attorney,trademark registration certificate,patent certificate and relevant industry qualification,etc . ,it shall provide relevant valid qualification certificates to opening the account ; Party A agrees that Party B shall confirm the information by telephone,mail and other ways in accordance with the legal provisions ; 2. Party a approval,fully entrust party b to provide comprehensive integrated marketing services, in party a fully recognized and informed,including not limited to operation of party a in party b or party b integrate the media content on the system,related processes,material production,account, payment and the necessary services and operations related to this agreement . Party B has the right to optimize and adjust according to the actual promotion effect,control the budget and the scope of the effect,and try its best to serve Party A ; 3. After the account opening materials provided by Party A are approved by Party B,Party B shall, according to the promotion needs,timely contact the we - media account that meet the delivery requirements,help Party A to open the marketing and promotion account,and manage and optimize the account ; 4. Party b promises to use its platform integration,platform user data and behavior model,for party a to provide more intlligent integrated marketing services,targeted choice on the platform and on the time and target population,and when necessary to adjust the strategy,try our best to serve party a's promotion demand,implementation,supervision on the effect,to provide party a comprehensive technical and optimization services ; 5. Party B shall complete the marketing promotion on the platform selected by Party B according to the integrated marketing plan and the promotion content confirmed by Party A ; Party A shall have the right to check the publicity content on the relevant platforms and make acceptance settlement and reconciliation after Party B completes the services agreed herein ; 6. Party B shall have the right to modify this Service Agreement at any time according to changes in relevant Chinese laws and regulations,the development of the Internet,and adjustment of such adjustments . If Party A intends to continue to use the integrated marketing services provided by

Party B,the latest service agreement . If the dispute arises,Party A may cancel the integrated marketing services of Party B if Party A continues to enjoy the service,it shall be deemed to accept the change in the service terms . й ǃ ᴽ࣑ᶑⅮ 1. ⭢ᯩᐢ䈖㓶Ҷ䀓ᵜਸ਼Ⲵᴽ࣑ᇩ઼ᶑⅮ ˈ ؍䇱ަᨀӔⲴؑⵏᇎ߶⺞ ˈ ᒦሩަ ᣵޘ䜘䍓ԫ DŽ 㤕ᇓՐ᧘ᒯᒣਠ㾱≲ᗵ享ԕ⭢ᯩᡆަᇒᡧޜਨѹᔰᡧ ˈ ࡉᇓՐ᧘ᒯᔰࡽ⭢ᯩ 䴰ᨀޣ䍴䍘᮷Ԧ ˈ 䴰҉ᯩᇑṨ䙊䗷ਾ ˈ ҉ᯩᯩҸԕ䘋㹼ᇩਁᐳ ˈ 䍴䍘᮷Ԧवᤜ ˖ 㩕ъᢗ ➗ ˈ ⌅Ӫ ( 㪓һ ) 䓛ԭ⺞䇔䇱Ԧ༽ঠԦ ǃ ᦸᵳငᢈҖ ǃ ୶ḷ⌘䇱 ǃ у࡙䇱Җ৺ޣ㹼ъ䍴䍘ㅹ ˗ ྲ᷌ᱟ⢩↺㹼ъᴹ⢩࡛㿴ᇊⲴ ˈ ࡉᗵ享ᨀޣᴹ᭸Ⲵ䍴䍘䇱Ԧ㜭ᔰᡧ ˗ ⭢ᯩ਼҉ᯩ䟷 ⭘⭥䈍 ǃ 䛞Ԧㅹㅖਸ⌅ᖻ㿴ᇊⲴᯩᔿሩؑ䘋㹼⺞䇔 ˗ 2. ⭢ᯩ䇔ਟ ˈ ᆼޘငᢈ҉ᯩѪ⭢ᯩᨀޘ䶒Ⲵᮤਸ㩕䬰ᴽ࣑ ˈ ൘⭢ᯩݵ࠶䇔ਟᒦ⸕ᛵ Ⲵ ᛵߥл ˈ वᤜн䲀Ҿ⭢ᯩ൘҉ᯩᡆ҉ᯩᮤਸѻჂփкⲴᇓՐᇩᣅ᭮㌫㔏 ǃ ޣ⍱〻 ǃ ㍐ ᶀࡦ ǃ 䍖ᡧ ǃ Ⅾ亩᭟Ԉㅹоᵜॿ䇞ޣⲴᗵ㾱ᴽ࣑о DŽ ҉ᯩᴹᵳṩᦞᇎ䱵᧘ᒯ᭸᷌䘋㹼 Ոॆо䈳ᮤ ˈ ᧗ࡦ亴㇇৺᭸᷌㤳ത ˈ ቭᴰབྷࣚ࣋ᴽ࣑⭢ᯩ ˗ 3. ⭢ᯩᨀⲴᔰᡧ䍴ᯉ㓿҉ᯩ䇔ਟѻਾ ˈ ҉ᯩᓄṩᦞ᧘ᒯ䴰㾱 ˈ ৺ᰦሩ᧕ㅖਸᣅ᭮㾱 ≲Ⲵ㠚Ⴢփ䍖ᡧ৺ᑞࣙ⭢ᯩᔰ䙊㩕䬰᧘ᒯ䍖ᡧ ˈ 䍏䍓㇑⨶ᒦՈॆ䍖ᡧ ˗ 4. ҉ᯩ䈪࡙⭘㠚䓛ᒣਠᮤਸՈ࣯ ǃ ᒣਠ⭘ᡧᮠᦞ৺㹼Ѫ⁑ර ˈ Ѫ⭢ᯩᨀᴤѪᲪ㜭 Ⲵᮤਸ㩕䬰ᴽ࣑ ˈ ᴹ䪸ሩᙗⲴ䘹ᤙᣅ᭮ᒣਠ৺ᣅ᭮ᰦ䰤઼ⴞḷӪ㗔 ˈ ᒦ൘ᗵ㾱ᰦىሩᣅ᭮ㆆ⮕ 䘋㹼䈳ᮤ ˈ ቭᴰབྷࣚ࣋ᴽ࣑⭢ᯩⲴ᧘ᒯ䴰≲ ˈ ᇎᯭᣅ᭮ ˈ ⴁⶓᣅ᭮᭸᷌ ˈ Ѫ⭢ᯩᨀޘ䶒 Ⲵᢰ ᵟоՈॆᴽ࣑ ˗ 5. ҉ᯩṩᦞ㓿⭢ᯩ⺞䇔Ⲵᮤਸ㩕䬰ᯩṸ৺᧘ᒯᇩ ˈ ൘҉ᯩᡰ䘹ᤙⲴᒣਠкᆼᡀᓄ Ⲵ㩕䬰᧘ᒯਾ ˈ ণᆼᡀᵜਸ਼㓖ᇊⲴ㩕䬰᧘ᒯᐕ ˗ ⭢ᯩᴹᵳ㠚㹼ḕ䰵ޣᒣਠᇓՐᇩᣅ ᭮ᛵߥ ˈ ᒦ൘҉ᯩᆼᡀᵜਸ਼㓖ᇊᴽ࣑ਾ䘋㹼傼᭦㔃㇇ ǃ ሩ䍖⺞䇔 ˗ 6. ҉ᯩᴹᵳ䲿ᰦṩᦞѝഭᴹޣ⌅ᖻ ǃ ⌅㿴Ⲵਈॆ ǃ ӂ㚄㖁Ⲵਁኅԕ৺ޜਨ㓿㩕⣦ߥ઼ 㓿㩕ㆆ⮕Ⲵ䈳ᮤㅹഐ㍐؞᭩ᵜᴽ࣑ॿ䇞 ˈ ᖃ↔㊫䈳ᮤਁ⭏ԕਾ ˈ ྲ⭢ᯩ㾱㔗㔝֯⭘҉ᯩᨀⲴ ᮤਸ㩕䬰ᴽ࣑ ˈ 享ሩᴰᯠⲴᴽ࣑ॿ䇞䘋㹼Ԅ㓶䰵䈫઼䟽ᯠ⺞䇔 ˈ ᖃਁ⭏ᴹޣҹ䇞ᰦ ˈ ԕᴰ ᯠⲴ ᴽ࣑ॿ䇞Ѫ߶ ˗ ྲ᷌н਼ᡰ᭩ࣘⲴᇩ ˈ ⭢ᯩਟԕѫࣘਆ⎸֯⭘҉ᯩᮤਸ㩕䬰ᴽ࣑ ˗ ྲ᷌ ⭢ᯩ㔗㔝ӛ⭘ᴽ࣑ ˈ ࡉ㿶Ѫ᧕ਇᴽ࣑ᶑⅮⲴਈࣘ DŽ IV . PROPAGANDA CONTENT 1. Party B shall,in accordance with the integrated marketing and promotion plan confirmed by Party A or its customers,make the publicity content and materials required for the promotion for Party A,including but not limited to content introduction documents and pictures,etc . ,and carry out publicity and promotion on relevant platforms . Party b for party a promotional content, promotion material shall be confirmed by party a,and shall comply with the requirements of the platform,shall not violate the provisions of national policies,laws,regulations,shall not violate social order,shall not involve social sensitive issues,shall not violate the legitimate rights and interests of others,including privacy,intellectual property rights,etc . 2. If the publicity and promotion contents must go through the approval procedures of relevant government departments,Party A shall be responsible for cooperating with the approval form,and Party A shall submit the relevant approval form to Party B,and Party B shall release the promotion form after receiving it 3. If the publicity content required by Party A to promote on the platform does not meet the requirements of the platform due to party B,Party B shall revise it until it meets the requirements

of the platform . 4. The ownership of the publicity and promotion content produced by Party B in accordance with this Cooperation Agreement shall belong to Party A . ഋ ǃ ᇌՐᇩ 1. ҉ᯩ᤹➗㓿⭢ᯩᡆަᇒᡧ⺞䇔Ⲵᮤਸ㩕䬰᧘ᒯᯩṸ ˈ Ѫ⭢ᯩࡦ᧘ᒯᡰ䴰㾱ⲴᇓՐ ᇩ৺㍐ᶀ ˈ वᤜնн䲀Ҿᇩӻ㓽᮷ẓ ǃ മ⡷ㅹ ˈ ᒦ൘ޣᒣਠк䘋㹼ᇓՐ᧘ᒯ DŽ ҉ᯩѪ⭢ᯩ ࡦⲴᇓՐ᧘ᒯᇩ ǃ ᧘ᒯ㍐ᶀ䴰㓿⭢ᯩ⺞䇔 ˈ ф䴰䚥ᆸᒣਠⲴ㾱≲ ˈ нᗇ䘍৽ഭᇦ᭯ㆆ ǃ ⌅ ᖻ ǃ ⌅㿴Ⲵ㿴ᇊ ˈ нᗇ䘍㛼⽮Պޜᒿ㢟؇ ˈ нᗇ⎹৺⽮Պᝏ䰞仈 ˈ нᗇץ⣟ԆӪवᤜ䳀⿱ᵳ ǃ ⸕䇶ӗᵳㅹ൘Ⲵਸ⌅ᵳ⳺ DŽ 2. 㤕ᇓՐ᧘ᒯᇩᗵ享࣎⨶ޣ᭯ᓌ䜘䰘ᇑᢩ㔝Ⲵ ˈ ࡉ⭢ᯩ䴰䍏䍓䝽ਸ࣎⨶ ˈ ф⭢ ᯩ ᓄᖃ൘ᇑ਼ᢩਾ ˈ ሶޣᇑ਼ᢩҖаᒦᨀӔ㔉҉ᯩ ˈ ҉ᯩ᭦ࡠਾᯩҸԕਁᐳ᧘ᒯ DŽ 3. 㤕⭢ᯩ൘ᒣਠк᧘ᒯᡰ䴰㾱ⲴᇓՐᇩഐ҉ᯩࡦഐнㅖਸᒣਠ㾱≲Ⲵ ˈ ࡉ҉ᯩ 䴰 䍏䍓؞䇒㠣ㅖਸᒣਠ㾱≲Ѫ→ DŽ 4. ҉ᯩ᤹➗ᵜਸॿ䇞ᡰࡦⲴᇓՐ᧘ᒯᇩ ˈ ᡰᴹᵳᖂ⭢ᯩ DŽ V . PAYMENT AND EXPENSE SETTLEMENT 1. Contract Amount : The fees shall be charged by Party B for providing integrated marketing services to Party A or its customers,with a total amount of MOP 67 , 200 , 000 . 00 . 2. Payment method : The settlement shall be made monthly . When Party A distributes relevant promotion requirements for the current month,it shall pay MOP 2 , 800 , 000 . 00 as the monthly advance payment for promotion,and pay the remaining MOP 2 , 800 , 000 . 00 within three working days after the completion of the acceptance of the promotion service in the current month . ӄ ǃ Ⅾ亩᭟Ԉо䍩⭘㔃㇇ 1. ਸ਼䠁仍 ˖ ᵜਸ਼亩л҉ᯩѪ⭢ᯩᡆަᇒᡧᨀᮤਸ㩕䬰᧘ᒯᴽ࣑ᓄ᭦ਆⲴ䍩⭘ ˈ ᙫ䠁仍Ѫ◣䰘ᐱ 67,200,000.00 ݳ DŽ 2. ᭟Ԉᯩᔿ ˖ ᤹ᴸ㔃㇇ ˈ ⭢ᯩ⇿ᴸੁ҉ᯩ⍮ਁᖃᴸޣ᧘ᒯ䴰≲ᰦ ˈ 䴰᭟Ԉ◣䰘ᐱ 2,800,000.00 ݳѪᖃᴸ᧘ᒯ亴ԈⅮ ˈ ᒦ൘ᖃᴸ᧘ᒯᴽ࣑傼᭦㔃ᶏਾйњᐕᰕ᭟Ԉ࢙։ ◣ 䰘ᐱ 2,800,000.00 ݳ DŽ VI . INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 1. Both parties guarantee that the materials,information,materials and documents provided by one party to the other party are legally obtained and will not infringe the intellectual property rights and other legitimate rights and interests,otherwise all responsibilities shall be borne by the Provider . If the economic losses are caused to the other party,the Provider shall be liable for compensation . 2. Both parties guarantee that one party under this contract or allowed to use the other party of the hardware,software,program,password,trade name,technology,license,patent,trademark, technical knowledge and business process is the other party,does not produce any form of transfer, transfer or share,the party has no rights or interests . 3. If either party finds that the other party has committed the above violation of intellectual property protection,it shall have the right to require the other party to immediately stop the infringement and be liable for compensation . ޝ ǃ ⸕䇶ӗᵳ 1. ৼᯩ؍䇱аᯩੁਖаᯩᨀⲴ䍴ᯉ ǃ ؑ ǃ ㍐ᶀ ǃ ᮷Ԧㅹ൷Ѫਸ⌅ਆᗇфнՊץ⣟

ԫօަԆӪⲴ⸕䇶ӗᵳㅹਸ⌅ᵳ⳺ ˈ ࡉа࠷䍓ԫ⭡ᨀᯩ㠚㹼ᣵ ˈ 㤕ഐ↔䙐ᡀਖаᯩ㓿 ⍾ᦏཡⲴ ˈ ᨀᯩᓄᖃᣵ䎄گ䍓ԫ DŽ 2. ৼᯩ؍䇱аᯩṩᦞᵜਸ਼㧧⸕ᡆ㧧߶֯⭘ⲴਖаᯩⲴ⺜Ԧ ǃ 䖟Ԧ ǃ 〻ᒿ ǃ ᇶ⸱ ǃ ୶ ૱ ǃ ᢰᵟ ǃ 䇨ਟ䇱 ǃ у࡙ ǃ ୶ḷ ǃ ᢰᵟ⸕䇶઼㓿㩕䗷〻ᱟਖаᯩⲴਸ⌅ᡰᴹ ˈ нഐᵜਸ਼ Ⲵㆮ䇒㘼ӗ⭏ԫօᖒᔿⲴ䖜〫 ǃ 䖜䇙ᡆޡᴹ ˈ 䈕ᯩሩ↔ᰐԫօᵳ࡙ᡆ࡙⳺ DŽ 3. 㤕аᯩਁ⧠ਖаᯩᴹк䘠䘍৽⸕䇶ӗᵳ؍ᣔⲴ㹼Ѫ ˈ ᴹᵳ㾱≲ਖаᯩ・ণڌ→䈕ץᵳ 㹼Ѫ ˈ ᒦᣵ䎄گ䍓ԫ DŽ VII.CONFIDENTIALITY 1. Party A and Party B shall keep confidential the confidential information of the other party obtained during the performance of this Contract . Except for the performance of this Contract,the receiving receiver shall not disclose to any third party the confidential information of the other party (including its branches,holding company and joint venture)during the performance of the obligations under this Contract . Confidential information includes technical information and business information,which includes but is not limited to operation manual,technical scheme engineering design,technical indicators,technical report,experimental data,work progress and related correspondence,etc . The business information includes but is not limited to the purchase plan of the receiver,the product price,the product use,the negotiation between the parties,any signed documents,including all the information contained in the contract,agreement, memorandum and order,but the corresponding information released by Party A through the marketing content shall not belong to the confidential information agreed herein . 2. Without the written consent of the other party,the Receiving Party shall not use or disclose any confidential information of the other party beyond the purpose of the cooperation,whether the confidential information is oral or written,or in the form of disk,film or electronic parts 3. The ReceivingParty shall protect the Confidential Information of the other Party with at least the same care as protecting its own secrets and at least without reasonable care to prevent the theft of the Confidential Information or any unauthorized use,disclosure or dissemination of the Confidential Information . 4. Employees of the Receiving Party shall be limited to knowing the purpose necessary to contact the confidential information,but shall be subject to confidentiality provisions at least as strict as this Contract . If the employee of the other party breaches the confidentiality agreement of this contract,the other party shall be jointly and severally liable . 5. When the other party proposes to recoverthe relevant materials of the confidential information, the receivingparty shall return the relevant materials and their copies to the other party,or destroy the materials and their copies at the request of the other party and provide relevantcertificates . 6. Unless expressly expressed,the disclosure of the other party to the receiving party under this Contract does not indicate the license or use of any patent,trademark,copyright,trade secret and other intellectual property rights granted to the recipient . 7. In the event of any breach of the above provisions,the other party shall have the right to take one or more of the following remedies according to the extent of the breach and the damage caused : termination of the cooperation between the parties ; require the breaching party to compensate the other party in full according to the total contract amount ; claim losses and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees,investigation and evidence collection fees, etc . ) ;

8. The confidentiality obligations of the parties hereunder shall be valid forever unless such confidential information has been fully legally disclosed or the party that discloses the information declares that the information will not be kept confidential г ǃ ؍ᇶ 1. ⭢ ǃ ҉ৼᯩ൘ን㹼ᵜਸ਼䗷〻ѝሩᡰ㧧⸕Ⲵሩᯩ؍ᇶؑ䍏ᴹ؍ᇶѹ࣑ DŽ 䲔ҶѪን 㹼 ᵜਸ਼ѻཆ ˈ ؑ᧕᭦ᯩнᗇ൘䶎ን㹼ᵜਸ਼亩лѹ࣑㘼ੁㅜйᯩ䘿䵢൘ਸᵏ䰤㧧ᗇ઼ ⸕ᲃ Ⲵሩᯩ ( वᤜަ࠶᭟ᵪᶴ ǃ ᧗㛑ޜਨ઼ਸ䍴ޜਨ ) Ⲵ؍ᇶؑ DŽ ؍ᇶؑवᤜᢰᵟؑ ઼㓿㩕 ؑ ˈ ަѝᢰᵟؑवᤜնн䲀Ҿ ǃ ᢰᵟᯩṸ ǃ ᐕ〻䇮䇑 ǃ ᢰᵟᤷḷ ǃ ᢰᵟᣕ ǃ ᇎ 傼ᮠᦞ ǃ ᐕ䘋ᓖԕ৺ޣⲴ࠭⭥ㅹ DŽ 㓿㩕ؑवᤜնн䲀Ҿ᧕᭦ᯩ䟷䍝䇑ࡂ ǃ ӗ૱ԧṬ ǃ ӗ ૱⭘䙄 ǃ ৼᯩ⍭䈸Ⲵᛵߥ ǃ ㆮ㖢Ⲵԫօ᮷Ԧ ˈ वᤜਸ਼ ǃ ॿ䇞 ǃ ༷ᘈᖅ ǃ 䇒অᡰ वਜ਼Ⲵа࠷ؑ ˈ ն⭢ᯩ䙊䗷㩕䬰ᇩਁᐳⲴᓄؑнҾᵜਸ਼㓖ᇊⲴ؍ᇶؑ DŽ 2. ᵚ㓿ሩᯩҖ䶒਼ ˈ ᧕᭦ᯩнᗇ൘ৼᯩਸⴞⲴѻཆ֯⭘ᡆੁㅜйᯩ䘿䵢ሩᯩⲴԫ օ ؍ᇶؑ ˈ н㇑䘉Ӌ؍ᇶؑᱟਓཤⲴ䘈ᱟҖ䶒Ⲵ ˈ 䘈ᱟԕ⻱ⴈ ǃ 㜦⡷ᡆ⭥ᆀԦㅹᖒᔿᆈ ൘Ⲵ DŽ 3. ᧕᭦ᯩᓄԕ㠣ቁㅹ਼Ҿ؍ᣔަ㠚ᴹᵪᇶⲴ䉘〻ᓖᶕ؍ᣔሩᯩⲴ؍ᇶؑ ˈ ф㠣ቁ н վҾਸ⨶Ⲵ䉘〻ᓖ ˈ ᶕ䱢→؍ᇶؑ㻛ⴇコᡆԫօሩ؍ᇶؑⲴᵚ㓿ᦸᵳⲴ֯⭘ ǃ ᣛ䵢ᡆՐ DŽ 4. ᧕᭦ᯩⲴ䳷ઈӵ䲀Ҿᗵ㾱Ҷ䀓ⴞⲴԕ᧕䀖ሩᯩ؍ᇶؑ ˈ նᓄ᧕ਇ㠣ቁоᵜਸ਼਼ ㅹ ѕṬⲴ؍ᇶᶑⅮⲴ㓖ᶏ DŽ ྲሩᯩ䳷ઈ䘍৽ᵜਸ਼؍ᇶ㓖ᇊ ˈ ሩᯩᓄᣵ䘎ᑖ䍓ԫ DŽ 5. ᖃሩᯩᨀࠪ᭦എ؍ᇶؑⲴᴹޣ䍴ᯉᰦ ˈ ᧕᭦ᯩᓄሶᴹޣ䍴ᯉ৺ަ༽ࡦԦӔ䘈㔉ሩ ᯩ ˈ ᡆᓄሩᯩⲴ㾱≲ሶ䘉Ӌ䍴ᯉ৺ަ༽ࡦԦ䬰⇱ ˈ ᒦᨀޣ䇱᰾ DŽ 6. 䲔䶎ᴹ᰾⽪ ˈ ᵜਸ਼лሩᯩሩ᧕᭦ᯩⲴؑᣛ䵢н㺘᰾ሩ᧕᭦ᯩᦸҸԫօу࡙ ǃ ୶ḷ ǃ 㪇ᵳ ǃ ୶ъ〈ᇶ৺ަԆ⸕䇶ӗᵳⲴ䇨ਟᡆ֯⭘ DŽ 7. ྲ᷌ॿ䇞ԫօаᯩ䘍৽к䘠ᶑⅮ ˈ ਖаᯩᴹᵳṩᦞ䘍৽Ⲵ〻ᓖԕ৺䙐ᡀⲴᦏᇣ䟷ਆ ԕлаᡆཊ㺕ᮁ᧚ᯭ ˖ 㓸→ৼᯩⲴਸ ˗ 㾱≲䘍㓖ᯩ᤹ਸ਼ᙫ仍ੁਖаᯩ䘋㹼ޘ仍䎄گ ˗ 㾱 ≲䎄گᓄⲴᦏཡ઼䍩⭘᭟ࠪ ( वᤜնн䲀Ҿᖻᐸ䍩⭘ ǃ 䈳ḕਆ䇱䍩ㅹ ); 8. ᵜਸ਼лৼᯩⲴ؍ᇶѹ࣑≨ѵᴹ᭸ ˈ 䲔䶎ᱟ䈕ㅹ؍ᇶؑᐢ㓿㻛ᆼޘਸ⌅ޜᔰᡆؑ ᣛ䵢ᯩᇓᐳ䈕ؑнҸԕ؍ᇶ DŽ VIII . LIABILITYFOR BREACH OF CONTRACT 1. Party a overdue payment,party b shall have the right to request party a according to each overdue day to pay the payable amount of five out of liquidated damages,and party b shall have the right to temporarily stop the service,so the consequences shallbe borne by party a,party b shallnot bear any responsibility,overdue more than 15 days,party b shall have the right to unilaterally terminate the contract and require party a to pay 20 % of the total contract price . 2. If the Contract is terminated not due to party B's subjective fault,or Party A unilaterally terminates this Contract in advance,the fees charged by Party B shall not be refunded . If party B causes losses to Party B,PartyA shall compensate Party B for all the actual losses . 3. If the Contract is terminated in advance due to Party B's subjective fault,Party B shall refund the expenses corresponding to the amount of advance payment for the marketing content not released by Party A . If the losses occur to Party A,Party B shall also compensate Party A for all the actual losses ޛ ǃ 䘍㓖䍓ԫ 1. ⭢ᯩ䙮ᵏԈⅮⲴ ˈ ҉ᯩᴹᵳ㾱≲⭢ᯩ᤹➗⇿䙮ᵏаᰕ᭟ԈᓄԈ䠁仍з࠶ѻӄⲴ䘍㓖

䠁 ˈ ф҉ᯩᴹᵳᲲᰦڌ→ᓄᨀⲴᴽ࣑ ˈ ഐ↔ӗ⭏Ⲵਾ᷌ ˈ ⭡⭢ᯩ㠚㹼ᣵ ˈ ҉ᯩнᣵԫ օ 䍓ԫ ˈ 䙮ᵏ䎵䗷 15 ᰕⲴ ˈ ࡉ҉ᯩᴹᵳঅᯩ䀓䲔ਸ਼ᒦ㾱≲⭢ᯩ᭟Ԉਸ਼ᙫԧⅮ 20 % Ⲵ䘍 㓖䠁 DŽ 2. ྲ䶎ഐ҉ᯩⲴѫ㿲䗷䭉ሬ㠤ᵜਸ਼㓸→ ˈ ᡆ⭢ᯩঅᯩᨀࡽ㓸→ᵜਸ਼Ⲵ ˈ ࡉ҉ᯩᡰ ᭦ਆⲴ䍩⭘нҸ䘰䘈 ˈ 㤕ഐ↔䙐ᡀ҉ᯩᦏཡⲴ ˈ ⭢ᯩ䘈ᓄ䎄گ҉ᯩޘ䜘ᇎ䱵ᦏཡ DŽ 3. ྲഐ҉ᯩѫ㿲䗷䭉ሬ㠤ᵜਸ਼ᨀࡽ㓸→Ⲵ ˈ ҉ᯩᓄ䘰䘈⭢ᯩᵚਁᐳ㩕䬰ᇩⲴ亴Ԉ Ⅾ 䠁仍ሩᓄⲴ䍩⭘ ˈ 䙐ᡀ⭢ᯩᦏཡⲴ ˈ ҉ᯩ䘈ᓄ䎄گ⭢ᯩޘ䜘ᇎ䱵ᦏཡ DŽ IX . SPECIAL DISCLAIMER Party a understand,based on the overall market interests and business needs,the media and the platform,website may not regularly to its website service content,layout,page design and other relevant aspects,such as the adjustment affect the data under this contract (including but not limited to release location,data promotion time,etc . ),party a will give full understanding,party b should minimize the impact to the above . 2. Party A understands that in order for the normal operation of the platform and the website,the media will shut down the website regularly or irregularly . If the marketing content under this Agreement cannot be released according to the plan,Party A will give an understanding and Party B shall notify Party A within the shortest time . 3. In addition to the above circumstances,if the marketing content cannot be explained due to other reasons of the media party,Party A shall understand and Party B shall timely notify Party A and make adjustments to the delivery plan to minimize the impact . 4. Party A agrees that if party B fails to release the marketing content as planned due to the above circumstances,it shall not be deemed to have breached the contract ҍ ǃ ⢩↺ݽ䍓 1. ⭢ᯩ⨶䀓 ˈ สҾᐲ൪ᮤփ࡙⳺㘳㲁৺㓿㩕䴰㾱 ˈ Ⴢփ৺ަᣅ᭮ᒣਠ ǃ 㖁ㄉਟ㜭нᇊ ᵏ ሩަ㖁ㄉⲴᴽ࣑ᇩ ǃ ⡸䶒ᐳተ ǃ 亥䶒䇮䇑ㅹᴹޣᯩ䶒䘋㹼䈳ᮤ ˈ ྲഐк䘠䈳ᮤ㘼ᖡ૽ᵜ ਸ਼ 亩лⲴᮠᦞ᧘ᒯ ( वᤜնн䲀Ҿਁᐳս㖞 ǃ ᮠᦞ᧘ᒯᰦ䰤ㅹ ), ⭢ᯩሶ㔉Ҹݵ࠶䈵䀓 ˈ ҉ ᯩᓄቭ ਟ㜭ሶк䘠ᖡ૽߿㠣ᴰվ DŽ 2. ⭢ᯩ⨶䀓 ˈ ѪҶᣅ᭮ᒣਠ ǃ 㖁ㄉ↓ᑨ䘀㹼 ˈ ჂփՊᇊᵏᡆнᇊᵏⲴሩ㖁ㄉ䘋㹼ڌᵪ 㔤 ᣔ ˈ ྲഐ↔㊫ᛵߥ㘼䙐ᡀᵜॿ䇞亩лⲴ㩕䬰ᇩн㜭᤹䇑ࡂਁᐳ ˈ ⭢ᯩሶ㔉Ҹ䈵䀓 ˈ ҉ᯩ ᓄ൘ ᴰ⸝ᰦ䰤䙊⸕⭢ᯩ DŽ 3. 䲔к䘠ᛵᖒཆ ˈ ྲഐჂփᯩަԆഐሬ㠤㩕䬰ᇩн㜭ྲᵏ࠺ֻ ˈ ⭢ᯩ㔉Ҹ䈵䀓 ˈ ҉ᯩ䴰৺ᰦ䙊⸕⭢ᯩ ˈ ᒦሩᣅ᭮䇑ࡂࠪ䈳ᮤ ˈ ሶᖡ૽䱽㠣ᴰվ . 4. ⭢ᯩ਼ ˈ ྲഐк䘠ᛵᖒ㘼н㜭᤹䇑ࡂਁᐳ㩕䬰ᇩⲴ ˈ н㿶Ѫ҉ᯩ䘍㓖 DŽ X . ANTI - CORRUPTION CLAUSE 1. The parties shall urge their employees,agents,consultants,and other personnel involved in the performance of this Contract (collectively,"interested Personnel")to comply with all laws and regulations related to anti - bribery and anti - corruption,and shall not engage in any form that may involve bribery,corruption,extortion,occupation or other illegal acts . 2. Either party shall guarantee that the other party or the interested party of the other party is exempt from any expenditure,damage,liability,loss or expenses directly or indirectly caused by the violation of the interested party by such party or the anti - bribery law . In case of any violation, the party shall bear the full liability for compensation to the otherparty

ॱ ǃ ৽㞀䍕ᶑⅮ 1. ৼᯩᓄᖃ׳֯ަ䳷ઈ ǃ ԓ⨶Ӫ ǃ 亮䰞 ǃ ަԆоን㹼ᵜਸ਼ᴹޣӪઈ ( 㔏〠 “ ࡙ᇣޣ㌫ Ӫઈ ”) 䚥ᆸо৽䍯䐟઼৽㞀䍕ᴹޣⲴᡰᴹ⌅ᖻ ǃ ⌅㿴 ˈ нᗇԕԫօᖒᔿӾһԫօਟ㜭⎹৺ 䍯 䍲 ǃ 㞀䍕 ǃ ᮢ䇸 ǃ 㙼࣑ץঐᡆަԆ䘍⌅Ⲵ㹼Ѫ DŽ 2. ԫօаᯩᓄ؍䇱ਖаᯩᡆਖаᯩⲴ࡙ᇣޣ㌫ӪઈݽҾ䚝ਇ⭡Ҿ䈕ᯩᡆ䈕ᯩѻ࡙ᇣޣ ㌫Ӫઈ䘍৽৽䍯䍲⌅ᖻ㘼ⴤ᧕ᡆ䰤᧕ሬ㠤Ⲵԫօ᭟ࠪ ǃ ᦏᇣ ǃ 䍓ԫ ǃ ᦏཡᡆ䍩⭘ DŽ ྲᴹ䘍৽ ˈ 䈕 ᯩᓄᖃੁਖаᯩᣵޘ䜘䎄گ䍓ԫ DŽ XI.NOTICE AND SERVICE 1. All notices between the two parties shall be in writing and may be delivered by special person, registered mail,express mail,fax,E - mail,etc . 2. Both parties agree that the first of the contract determines the scope of contact,including the lawsuit when both sides send all kinds ofnotice,contract documents,including contract disputes related documents and legal documents,including the dispute into the civil procedure of preservation,filing,first instance,second instance,retrial and execution procedures of all judicial procedures . 3 . The contact information determined by both parties in the first part hereof this contract shall be the effective communication mode . If either party makes any change,it shall promptly notify the other party in writing . Otherwise,the service of the other party to the communication mode before the change according to the service mode agreed in herein shall still be deemed as valid service,and the adverse consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by the party who fails to timely notify the party . ॱа ǃ 䙊⸕о䘱䗮 1. ৼᯩѻ䰤Ⲵа࠷䙊⸕൷ѪҖ䶒ᖒᔿ ˈ ਟԕуӪ䘱䗮 ǃ ᤲਧ䛞䙂 ǃ ⢩ᘛу䙂 ǃ Րⵏ ǃ ⭥ᆀ䛞ԦㅹᯩᔿՐ䘱 DŽ 2. ৼᯩ਼ ˈ ᵜਸ਼俆䜘ᡰ⺞ᇊⲴৼᯩ㚄㌫ᯩᔿⲴ䘲⭘㤳ത ˈ वᤜ䶎䇹ᰦৼᯩਁ䘱 ㊫ 䙊⸕ ǃ ਸ਼ㅹ᮷Ԧ ˈ ҏवᤜቡਸ਼ਁ⭏㓐㓧ᰦޣ᮷Ԧ઼⌅ᖻ᮷ҖⲴ䘱䗮 ˈ 䘈वᤜ൘ҹ䇞 䘋ޕ ≁һ䇹䇬〻ᒿਾⲴ؍ޘ ǃ ・Ṹ ǃ аᇑ ǃ Ҽᇑ ǃ ᇑ઼ᢗ㹼〻ᒿㅹޘ䜘ਨ⌅〻ᒿ DŽ 3. ৼᯩ൘ᵜਸ਼俆䜘ѝ⺞ᇊⲴ㚄㌫ᯩᔿণѪަᴹ᭸Ⲵ䙊䇟ᯩᔿ DŽ ԫօаᯩਁ⭏ਈᴤⲴ ˈ ᓄ৺ᰦҖ䶒䙊⸕ሩᯩ DŽ ࡉ ˈ ሩᯩṩᦞᵜਸ਼㓖ᇊⲴ䘱䗮ᯩᔿੁᴤ᭩ࡽⲴ䙊䇟ᯩᔿ䘋㹼Ⲵ䘱䗮 ӽ㿶Ѫᴹ᭸䘱䗮 ˈ ⭡↔ӗ⭏Ⲵн࡙ਾ᷌⭡ᵚ৺ᰦ䙊⸕аᯩᣵ DŽ XII.APPLICATION OF LAWAND DISPUTE RESOLUTION METHODS This Contract is governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China . Any dispute arising from this contract or related to this contract,the two parties shall first in line with the principle of mutual understanding and mutual accommodation,negotiation cannot be resolved,the dispute to the local people's court,the resulting including legal fees,litigation,preservation,security, announcement,investigation,evaluation,travel,auction,enforcement and so on all expenses shall be borneby the losing party . ॱҼ ǃ ⌅ᖻ䘲⭘઼ҹ䇞䀓ߣᯩᔿ ᵜਸ਼䘲⭘ѝॾӪ≁ޡ઼ഭ⌅ᖻ DŽ ࠑഐᵜਸ਼ᕅ䎧Ⲵᡆоᵜਸ਼ᴹޣⲴԫօҹ䇞 ˈ ৼᯩ 俆 ݸᓄᵜ⵰ӂ䈵ӂ䇙Ⲵࡉॿ୶䀓ߣ ˈ ॿ୶ᰐ⌅䀓ߣᰦ ˈ ሶ䈕ҹ䇞ᨀӔ⭢ᯩᡰ൘ൠӪ≁⌅䲒 䇹䇬 䀓ߣ ˈ ⭡↔ӗ⭏Ⲵवᤜᖻᐸ䍩 ǃ 䇹䇬䍩 ǃ ؍ޘ䍩 ǃ ᣵ؍䍩 ǃ ޜ䍩 ǃ 䈳ḕ䍩 ǃ 䇴ՠ䍩 ǃ ᐞ 䍩 ǃ আ䍩 ǃ ᕪࡦᢗ㹼䍩ㅹᡰᴹ䍩⭘ㅹ൷⭡䍕䇹ᯩᣵ DŽ XIII.OTHER AGREEMENTS

1. This contract shall come into force upon the signing of both parties (signed by natural person, official seal or special seal of legal person or other organization for the contract) . Upon mutual agreement of both parties,this contract may be supplemented,modified,or terminated in advance . 2. To facilitate the signing in different places,the contract and confirmation letter signed by both parties by fax,electronic scanning and other data messages shall have the same legal effect ; in order to implement the management of the contract,both parties shall have the obligation to exchange the original contract to the other party by mail . 3 ,Any failure or delay of any party to exercise any of its rights,powers,indemnity or compensation under the Contract shall not be deemed as a waiver of such rights,indemnity or compensation . The exercise of the rights,powers,indemnification or compensation under this Contract in whole or in part shall not affect the exercise of the other rights,powers,indemnity or compensation . 4. Ifany content of any clause under this Contract is judged to be invalid or unenforceable,then the other contents of this clause and the other terms of this Contract shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected by the contents of such invalid clause . 5. The headings of each clause of the Contract are for purposes only and shall not restrict,extend or otherwise interpret the provisions of the Contract . 6. This contract is made in duplicate,with each party holding one copy and each copy having the same legal effect . ॱй ǃ ަԆ㓖ᇊ 1. ᵜਸ਼㠚ৼᯩㆮ㖢 ( 㠚❦Ӫㆮᆇ ˈ ⌅ӪᡆަԆ㓴㓷࣐ⴆޜㄐᡆਸ਼у⭘ㄐ ) ѻᰕ䎧 ⭏ ᭸ DŽ 㓿ৼᯩॿ୶а㠤 ˈ ਟԕሩᵜਸ਼Ҹԕ㺕ݵ ǃ ਈᴤ ˈ ҏਟᨀࡽ㓸→ᵜਸ਼ DŽ 2. ѪҶᯩׯᔲൠㆮ㓖 ˈ ⭢҉ৼᯩ䙊䗷Րⵏ ǃ ⭥ᆀᢛ᧿ㅹᮠᦞ⭥᮷ᯩᔿㆮ䇒Ⲵਸ਼ ǃ ⺞ 䇔࠭о䶒ㆮㆮ䇒Ⲵਸ਼ ǃ ⺞䇔࠭ާᴹ਼ㅹⲴ⌅ᖻ᭸࣋ ˗ Ѫ㩭ᇎৼᯩሩਸ਼Ⲵ㇑⨶ ˈ 䙊䗷ᮠᦞ ⭥᮷ ( वᤜՐⵏ ǃ ⭥ᆀᮠᦞӔᦒ઼⭥ᆀ䛞Ԧㅹ ) ᢛ᧿ㅹᯩᔿㆮ䇒ਸ਼Ⲵ ˈ ⭢҉ৼᯩᴹ䙊䗷䛞 ᇴ ㅹᯩᔿӂᦒਸ਼ԦӔ㔉ሩᯩⲴѹ࣑ DŽ 3. ԫօаᯩᵚ㜭ᡆᔦ䘏㹼֯ަҾᵜਸ਼亩лⲴԫօᵳ࡙ ǃ ᵳ࣋ ǃ 䎄گᡆ㺕گᒦн㿶Ѫ ަ᭮ᔳ䈕ㅹᵳ࡙ᵳ࣋ ǃ 䎄گᡆ㺕گ DŽ ԫօаᯩޘ䜘ᡆ䜘࠶㹼֯ᵜਸ਼亩лⲴᵳ࡙ ǃ ᵳ࣋ ǃ 䎄 گᡆ㺕گнᖡ૽ަ㹼֯ަԆᵳ࡙ ǃ ᵳ࣋ ǃ 䎄گᡆ㺕گ DŽ 4. ᵜਸ਼亩лⲴԫօᶑⅮⲴԫօᇩ㤕㻛ࡔᇊѪᰐ᭸ᡆнਟᕪࡦᢗ㹼Ⲵ ˈ 䛓Ѹ , 䈕ᶑ ⅮⲴަԆᇩ઼ᵜਸ਼ⲴަԆᶑⅮሶ؍ᤱᆼޘᴹ᭸ᒦфнਇ䈕ᰐ᭸ᶑⅮᇩⲴᖡ૽ DŽ 5. ᵜਸ਼ᶑⅮѻḷ仈ӵѪᨀ⽪ѻ⭘ ˈ нሩਸ਼ᶑ᮷ਁ⭏䲀ࡦ ǃ ᢙኅᡆަԆ䀓䟺⭘ DŽ 6. ᵜਸ਼аᔿҼԭ ˈ ৼᯩᢗаԭ ˈ ާᴹ਼ㅹ⌅ᖻ᭸࣋ DŽ (No text below,for the contract signing page) ( ԕлᰐ↓᮷ ˈ Ѫਸ਼ㆮ㖢亥 )

Party A:ADA GLOBAL INDUSTRIALCO.,LTD (Seal) Authorized Representative: Date: ⭢ᯩ ˖ ADA GLOBAL INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD ( ⴆㄐ ): ᦸᵳԓ㺘 ˖ ᰕᵏ Party B:Aosi Production Co.,Ltd (Seal) Authorized Representative: Date: ҉ᯩ ˖ ◣ᙍࡦᴹ䲀ޜਨ ( ⴆㄐ ): ᦸᵳԓ㺘 ˖ ᰕᵏ ˖ 2023 ᒤ 10 ᴸ 1 ᰕ