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New words:
abandoned, abandoning, abandonment, abeyance, Addison, afternoon, aid, Akron, ALJ, approach, ARIPPA, auditor, automated, awaiting, BB, BBB, blackout, borne, Bradley, breakdown, broader, burdensome, Canada, carbon, catastrophic, Cavalier, Chase, Chemical, citing, claim, clarification, clarify, Clark, Clinton, coincidence, collateral, Colombia, Colonial, comfort, comment, Commodity, Concurrent, consultation, contractual, Cottle, CreditWatch, critical, CTA, culture, David, de, Debenture, defending, degree, deliberate, Deterioration, diagnostic, discount, disrupt, distinct, domestic, downgraded, Easement, EGSA, Eighteenth, Eleventh, emitted, emitting, employee, engineering, Enterprise, entirety, equitable, Estate, Ewing, experienced, expert, explained, explanation, FESC, fiduciary, FIN, fine, fluctuate, Fortieth, fourteen, Fourteenth, global, Governance, greenhouse, grid, Ground, Guaracachi, Guaranty, handling, hardware, heightened, hindered, hired, hot, ile, illiquidity, imposition, inadequate, inconsistent, increasingly, Indemnification, influence, intensity, interrelationship, intervening, intervenor, Japan, JPMorgan, Julian, Kyoto, labor, leading, leave, Leidich, leverage, likewise, local, longstanding, lost, lower, lowered, lowest, MACT, Main, Master, medical, Memorandum, milder, Moody, Morgan, narrowing, nationwide, necessitate, negative, Nineteenth, nonattainment, notch, objection, OCI, orm, Outlook, oversee, Pacific, Partial, partially, passed, phone, picture, Poor, Port, preliminary, preserve, pressure, print, professional, profile, prompted, proper, Protocol, pursuan, quantity, ratemaking, ratification, ratio, rationale, ready, reargument, reclassification, Reconfigured, reconsideration, refined, relevant, relieving, relinquishing, reload, Remuneration, rendered, Resource, responded, Rochester, room, run, Schneider, score, seasonal, seasonality, Senate, Seventeenth, short, shut, slated, software, Specifically, Spring, staggered, startup, steam, stemming, Stephen, stopping, Strategic, study, subpoena, substantive, succeeding, summer, swap, TBC, TEBSA, telecommunication, Tentative, Termobarranquilla, therewith, Thirtieth, thirty, training, treat, tree, trial, Twelfth, typically, unaffiliated, unchanged, uncontrollable, underlying, undertaken, unexpected, uniformly, Unplanned, unrecoverable, unsecured, untimely, upgrade, upgrading, usage, variety, vigorously, vital, voiding, voluntarily, warming, weather, Webb, Welsh, Whitehead, widespread, Wyoming
accepting, actively, Alliance, ambient, approving, Barnwell, Carey, Carolina, cease, collect, compact, constitutional, construct, constructed, constructing, Conway, correcting, decided, Delaware, depreciation, dismantle, embroiled, extraordinary, fair, forecast, Garfield, guidance, HoldCo, host, intact, lessor, Maryland, merit, nitrogen, offer, political, quadrant, revise, seeking, selection, ship, siting, suitable, sulfur, upheld, variance, voted
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 10-K Annual report
- 10 Exhibit 10-1 Exec & Dir Icp Nso
- 12 Fe Fixed Charge Ratio
- 13 Fe Annual Report
- 21 Fe - List of Subs
- 23 Fe - PWC Consent
- 31 CEO Cert Letter (Aja)
- 31 EX-31-2 CFO Cert (Aja)
- 32 Ex 32-1 Ceo/cfo Cert
- 4 EX4-1 74TH Si
- 4 Ex 4-2 75TH Si
- 4 Ex 4-3 76TH Si
- 4 Ex 4-4 6TH Si
- 4 Ex 4-5 7TH Si
- 4 Ex 4-6 8TH Si
- 4 Ex 4-7 Bank of Ny Indent
- 12 Oe Fixed Charge Ratio
- 13 Ex 13-1 Oe Annual Report
- 21 Ex 21-1 Oe - List of Subs
- 23 Ex 23-1 Oe-pwc Consent
- 4 Ex 4-8 Jpmorgan Indenture
- 12 Ex 12-3 Cei Fixed Charge Ratio
- 13 Ex 13-2 Cei Annual Report
- 21 21-2 Cei List of Sub
- 4 EX4-9 53RD Si
- 12 Ex 12-4 Te Fixed Charge Ratio
- 13 Ex 13-3 Te Annual Report
- 21 Ex 21-3 Te List of Subs
- 12 Ex 12-5 Penn Fixed Charge Ratio
- 13 Ex 13-4 Penn Annual Report
- 23 Ex 23-2 Penn PWC Consent
- 12 Ex 12-6 JCP&L Fixed Charge Ratio
- 13 Ex 13-5 JCP&L Annual Report
- 21 Ex 21-4 JCP&L List of Subs
- 31 Ex 31-3 JCP&L CEO Cert Letter (Sem)
- 32 Ex 32-2 Ceo/cfo Cert - JCP&L
- 4 Ex 4-10 Met-ed Si
- 12 Ex 12-7 Met-ed Fixed Charge Ratio
- 13 Ex 13-6 Met-ed Annual Report
- 21 Ex 21-5 Met-ed List of Subs
- 12 Ex 12-8 Penelec Fixed Charge Ratio
- 13 Ex 13-7 Penelec Annual Report
- 21 Ex 21-6 Penelec List of Subs
- 23 Ex 23-3 Penelec PWC Consent
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External links