Business segments | NOTE 14. BUSINESS SEGMENTS The Company's operating segments earn revenues and incur expenses for which discrete financial information is available. Operating results for the operating segments are regularly reviewed by the Company's chief operating decision maker to make decisions about resources to be allocated to the segments and to assess performance. The Company's chief operating decision maker is identified as the Chief Executive Officer. Operating segments are aggregated for reporting purposes when the operating segments are identified as similar in accordance with the basic principles and aggregation criteria in the accounting standards. The Company's reporting segments are based primarily on product lines and secondarily on geographic area. The reporting segments have different lines of management responsibility as each business requires different marketing strategies and management expertise. The Company structures its business into the following four reporting segments: Americas Recycling, Americas Mills, Americas Fabrication, and International Mill. See Note 1, Nature of Operations, of the audited consolidated financial statements included in the 2017 Form 10-K for more information about the reporting segments, including the types of products and services from which each reporting segment derives its net sales. During the second quarter of fiscal 2018, the Company substantially completed the exit of the International Marketing and Distribution segment. See Note 2, Changes in Business, for further information. Certain components of the International Marketing and Distribution segment which were wound down in prior periods, including the Company's steel trading operations based in the United Kingdom, did not meet the criteria for discontinued operations and are included in continuing operations for all periods presented. Such activities are included in the results of Corporate and Other, and are immaterial for the three and six months ended February 28, 2018 . Corporate and Other also contains earnings or losses on assets and liabilities related to the BRP assets and short-term investments as well as expenses of the Company's corporate headquarters and interest expense related to its long-term debt. The Company uses adjusted operating profit (loss) from continuing operations to compare and evaluate the financial performance of its segments. Adjusted operating profit (loss) is the sum of the Company's earnings from continuing operations before interest expense, income taxes and discounts on sales of accounts receivable. Intersegment sales are generally priced at prevailing market prices. Certain corporate administrative expenses are allocated to the segments based upon the nature of the expense. The accounting policies of the segments are the same as those described in Note 2, Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, of the audited consolidated financial statements included in the 2017 Form 10-K. The following is a summary of certain financial information from continuing operations by reportable segment: Three Months Ended February 28, 2018 (in thousands) Americas Recycling Americas Mills Americas Fabrication International Mill Corporate and Other Eliminations Continuing Operations Net sales-unaffiliated customers $ 265,432 $ 262,703 $ 310,199 $ 211,484 $ 4,450 $ — $ 1,054,268 Intersegment sales 55,195 163,184 2,774 281 — (221,434 ) — Net sales 320,627 425,887 312,973 211,765 4,450 (221,434 ) 1,054,268 Adjusted operating profit (loss) from continuing operations 12,238 31,536 (27,117 ) 24,490 (22,361 ) 100 18,886 Six Months Ended February 28, 2018 (in thousands) Americas Recycling Americas Mills Americas Fabrication International Mill Corporate and Other Eliminations Continuing Operations Net sales-unaffiliated customers $ 539,769 $ 509,436 $ 640,751 $ 431,696 $ 9,149 $ — $ 2,130,801 Intersegment sales 100,199 329,969 5,001 546 — (435,715 ) — Net sales 639,968 839,405 645,752 432,242 9,149 (435,715 ) 2,130,801 Adjusted operating profit (loss) from continuing operations 22,230 72,300 (31,900 ) 47,927 (43,034 ) (1,472 ) 66,051 Total assets as of February 28, 2018* 298,470 1,032,112 671,142 511,140 695,856 (441,740 ) 2,766,980 Three Months Ended February 28, 2017 (in thousands) Americas Recycling Americas Mills Americas Fabrication International Mill Corporate and Other Eliminations Continuing Operations Net sales-unaffiliated customers $ 188,502 $ 220,607 $ 301,382 $ 134,472 $ 17,335 $ — $ 862,298 Intersegment sales 34,826 155,986 2,444 180 — (193,436 ) — Net sales 223,328 376,593 303,826 134,652 17,335 (193,436 ) 862,298 Adjusted operating profit (loss) from continuing operations 7,788 51,319 507 9,484 (25,112 ) (582 ) 43,404 Six Months Ended February 28, 2017 (in thousands) Americas Recycling Americas Mills Americas Fabrication International Mill Corporate and Other Eliminations Continuing Operations Net sales-unaffiliated customers $ 342,864 $ 423,938 $ 636,659 $ 269,004 $ 42,761 $ — $ 1,715,226 Intersegment sales 57,172 299,820 5,566 391 641 (363,590 ) — Net sales 400,036 723,758 642,225 269,395 43,402 (363,590 ) 1,715,226 Adjusted operating profit (loss) from continuing operations 2,734 88,268 7,218 19,546 (51,895 ) (795 ) 65,076 Total assets as of August 31, 2017* 240,371 933,022 683,609 464,428 687,984 (327,883 ) 2,681,531 _________________ * Excludes total assets from discontinued operations of $143.5 million at February 28, 2018 and $293.6 million at August 31, 2017 . Reconciliations of earnings from continuing operations to adjusted operating profit from continuing operations are provided below: Three Months Ended February 28, Six Months Ended February 28, (in thousands) 2018 2017 2018 2017 Earnings from continuing operations $ 9,781 $ 22,992 $ 41,652 $ 28,678 Income taxes 1,728 7,772 10,153 10,225 Interest expense 7,181 12,439 13,792 25,764 Discounts on sales of accounts receivable 196 201 454 409 Adjusted operating profit from continuing operations $ 18,886 $ 43,404 $ 66,051 $ 65,076 |