16 Exelon More Than Meets the “Five Imperatives” Outlined by NRG on May 28, 2008 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. NRG’s Stated Imperatives MUST accumulate generation at competitive cost This transaction accomplishes in one step what several transactions might have accomplished for NRG in these regards. Given the current difficulty in accessing capital markets, it is unclear whether NRG would have the ability to meet this objective without Exelon. Exelon provides NRG stakeholders with broad trading expertise and sound power marketing and risk management practices. Exelon’s significant experience in markets with locational prices is particularly relevant since ERCOT is moving to a PJM-type structure. Exelon’s breadth of operations and depth of service allows unparalleled access to customers, retail providers, and other sales channels. NRG stakeholders become part of the most diversified and competitive generation portfolio operating in 12 different states and 6 different regional transmission organizations. Deal provides NRG stakeholders with significant value and upside and a share of the largest unregulated generation fleet in the United States. MUST be geographically diversified in multiple markets MUST develop and expand our route to market through contracting with retail load providers, trading, direct sales, etc MUST have sophisticated ability to trade, procure, hedge, and originate for electricity and input fuels MUST develop depth and breadth in key markets, particularly across fuel types, transmission constraints and merit order Exelon Combination More than Meets These Imperatives |