| © CTO Realty Growth, Inc. | ctoreit.com Non - GAAP Financial Measures 35 Non - GAAP Financial Measures (continued) We compute FFO in accordance with the definition adopted by the Board of Governors of the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts, or NAREIT .. NAREIT defines FFO as GAAP net income or loss adjusted to exclude extraordinary items (as defined by GAAP), net gain or loss from sales of depreciable real estate assets, impairment write - downs associated with depreciable real estate assets and real estate related depreciation and amortization, including the pro rata share of such adjustments of unconsolidated subsidiaries .. The Company also excludes the gains or losses from sales of assets incidental to the primary business of the REIT which specifically include the sales of mitigation credits, impact fee credits, subsurface sales, and land sales, in addition to the mark - to - market of the Company’s investment securities and interest related to the 2025 Convertible Senior Notes, if the effect is dilutive .. To derive Core FFO, we modify the NAREIT computation of FFO to include other adjustments to GAAP net income related to gains and losses recognized on the extinguishment of debt, amortization of above - and below - market lease related intangibles, and other unforecastable market - or transaction - driven non - cash items .. To derive AFFO, we further modify the NAREIT computation of FFO and Core FFO to include other adjustments to GAAP net income related to non - cash revenues and expenses such as straight - line rental revenue, non - cash compensation, and other non - cash amortization, as well as adding back the interest related to the 2025 Convertible Senior Notes, if the effect is dilutive .. Such items may cause short - term fluctuations in net income but have no impact on operating cash flows or long - term operating performance .. We use AFFO as one measure of our performance when we formulate corporate goals .. To derive Pro Forma EBITDA, GAAP net income or loss is adjusted to exclude extraordinary items (as defined by GAAP), net gain or loss from sales of depreciable real estate assets, impairment write - downs associated with depreciable real estate assets and real estate related depreciation and amortization, including the pro rata share of such adjustments of unconsolidated subsidiaries, non - cash revenues and expenses such as straight - line rental revenue, amortization of deferred financing costs, above - and below - market lease related intangibles, non - cash compensation, and other non - cash income or expense .. Cash interest expense is also excluded from Pro Forma EBITDA, and GAAP net income or loss is adjusted for the annualized impact of acquisitions, dispositions and other similar activities .. To derive Same - Property NOI, GAAP net income or loss attributable to the Company is adjusted to exclude extraordinary items (as defined by GAAP), gain or loss on disposition of assets, gain or loss on extinguishment of debt, impairment charges, and depreciation and amortization, including the pro rata share of such adjustments of unconsolidated subsidiaries, if any, non - cash revenues and expenses such as above - and below - market lease related intangibles, straight - line rental revenue, and other non - cash income or expense .. Interest expense, general and administrative expenses, investment and other income or loss, income tax benefit or expense, real estate operations revenues and direct cost of revenues, management fee income, and interest income from commercial loan and master lease investments are also excluded from Same - Property NOI .. GAAP net income or loss is further adjusted to remove the impact of properties that were not owned for the full current and prior year reporting periods presented .. Cash rental income received under the leases pertaining to the Company’s assets that are presented as commercial loan and master lease investments in accordance with GAAP is also used in lieu of the interest income equivalent .. FFO is used by management, investors and analysts to facilitate meaningful comparisons of operating performance between periods and among our peers primarily because it excludes the effect of real estate depreciation and amortization and net gains or losses on sales, which are based on historical costs and implicitly assume that the value of real estate diminishes predictably over time, rather than fluctuating based on existing market conditions .. We believe that Core FFO and AFFO are additional useful supplemental measures for investors to consider because they will help them to better assess our operating performance without the distortions created by other non - cash revenues or expenses .. We also believe that Pro Forma EBITDA is an additional useful supplemental measure for investors to consider as it allows for a better assessment of our operating performance without the distortions created by other non - cash revenues, expenses or certain effects of the Company’s capital structure on our operating performance .. We use Same - Property NOI to compare the operating performance of our assets between periods .. It is an accepted and important measurement used by management, investors and analysts because it includes all property - level revenues from of the Company’s rental properties, less operating and maintenance expenses, real estate taxes and other property - specific expenses (“Net Operating Income” or “NOI”) of properties that have been owned and stabilized for the entire current and prior year reporting periods .. Same - Property NOI attempts to eliminate differences due to the acquisition or disposition of properties during the particular period presented, and therefore provides a more comparable and consistent performance measure for the comparison of the Company's properties .. FFO, Core FFO, AFFO, Pro Forma EBITDA, and Same - Property NOI may not be comparable to similarly titled measures employed by other companies .. |