Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balanc_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_3
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_4
- Accumulated Other Comprehensive
- Basis of Presentation
- Earning Per Share
- Income Taxes
- Inventories
- Investments
- Goodwill and Other Assets
- Guarantees and Product Warranti
- Restructuring
- Debt
- Redeemable Noncontrolling Inter
- Equity
- Benefit Plans
- Derivative Instruments and Hedg
- Fair Value of Assets and Liabil
- Commitments and Contingencies
- Revenue from Contract with Cust
- Finance Lease Receivables
- Segment Information
- Research and Development
- Subsequent Events
- Earnings Per Share (Tables)
- Inventories (Tables)
- Investments (Tables)
- Goodwill and Other Assets (Tabl
- Guarantees and Product Warran_2
- Restructuring (Tables)
- Debt (Tables)
- Redeemable Noncontrolling Int_2
- Equity (Tables)
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi_2
- Benefit Plans (Tables)
- Derivative Instruments and He_2
- Fair Value of Assets and Liab_2
- Revenue from Contract with Cu_2
- Finance Lease Receivables (Tabl
- Segment Information (Tables)
- Earnings Per Share (Details)
- Income Taxes (Details)
- Inventories (Details)
- Investments (Details)
- Investments (Textuals) (Details
- Goodwill and Other Assets (Deta
- Goodwill and Other Assets Sched
- Goodwill and Other Assets (Text
- Restructuring - Restructuring C
- Restructuring - Restructuring_2
- Restructuring Reserve Activity
- Restructuring (Textuals) (Detai
- Debt (Details)
- Debt (Textuals) (Details)
- Redeemable Noncontrolling Int_3
- Redeemable Noncontrolling Int_4
- Equity (Details)
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi_3
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi_4
- Benefit Plans (Details)
- Derivative Instruments and He_3
- Derivative Instruments and He_4
- Fair Value of Assets and Liab_3
- Fair Value of Assets and Liab_4
- Commitments and Contingencies (
- Bank Guarantees, Standby LOC, a
- Revenue from Contract with Cu_3
- Finance Lease Receivables (Deta
- Segment Information - (Details)
- Segment Information Segment Inf
- Segment Information - Revenue b
- Segment Information (Textuals)
- Research and Development (Detai
- Subsequent Events (Details)