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ab, abandonment, absent, absolute, absorb, accelerated, accrue, accrued, accruing, accuracy, accurate, accurately, acumen, add, addendum, Additionally, adequacy, adhere, adherence, administer, advantage, advisory, AFMO, Africa, African, agent, agreed, AIS, al, alerting, alliance, Allliance, american, AMEX, analyst, analyze, analyzing, anniversary, annum, anytime, AOCI, Apolo, apparent, appointed, appraisal, appraise, appraised, approach, arbitrarily, area, Arizona, Armed, arose, art, ASC, ascertain, ascribed, Asia, assist, ASU, attain, attainment, attention, attest, attestation, auction, auctioned, August, automated, Avenue, awaiting, banker, bargaining, BD, Beach, bearing, begun, Berkadi, billable, billion, Bloomberg, Bongiovanni, brand, breach, breadth, bring, British, broad, broker, brokerage, BS, budgeted, budgeting, build, building, buy, buying, CA, calculate, calculated, calculation, calendar, California, call, Canada, candidate, capable, CapitalSource, captive, care, carefully, carryback, casualty, caution, CBD, CCRE, cease, ceased, Centralized, CEO, characterized, Chase, choose, choosing, circuit, claim, Clarence, clear, clientele, climate, Club, Codification, collaborative, collateral, collateralized, collateralizing, collectability, collecting, collection, collective, collectively, combination, combined, commensurate, commercial, commercialization, commercially, commitment, committed, communicated, comparability, comparable, compared, comparing, comparison, compel, compete, complex, complexity, comply, complying, component, comprise, conceived, concentrated, condemnation, confidence, confirm, confiscation, consecutive, conservative, conservatively, considerable, consideration, construction, consumer, consuming, contemplated, context, contrast, conventional, conversion, coordinate, core, correlation, corroborated, corroboration, COSO, costly, Council, country, County, coupled, court, coverage, cpa, CRE, create, created, creating, creation, criteria, criterion, critical, currency, custodial, customarily, customary, customer, cyclical, daily, data, database, Dayton, deal, dealer, decline, decrease, decreased, deficiency, deficit, degree, deliver, delivered, demonstrated, department, deploy, deployed, deploying, deposit, deposited, detected, detection, deteriorate, devoted, difficult, difficulty, diligence, direct, directed, direction, director, discover, dismantlement, display, disproportionately, diversification, diversifying, diversity, dividend, division, dollar, domestic, Donley, Donnelley, Donnelly, downfall, downturn, drop, dual, duration, earliest, earnest, ease, efficiently, effort, eligible, eliminate, eliminated, Elliott, emerge, emerging, employ, employed, enable, enabling, encountered, enforceable, enterprise, entirety, entitled, entitlement, entrusted, environmental, equal, equating, escrow, estate, ethical, Europe, event, exceed, exceeded, exempt, expansion, expend, experience, experienced, expertise, explicitly, expressed, expressing, extend, extended, extending, extent, external, extreme, extremely, face, facility, fact, factor, factoring, fail, failure, fall, favorable, Fax, fear, feasibility, February, feel, Fellow, fifteen, filer, final, finalized, Finally, FINANCIALSTATEMENT, FINRA, fixed, fixing, FJ, FL, Flavio, flexible, flight, float, floor, Florida, fluctuate, fluctuation, FMO, focused, Footnote, force, forced, forecasting, foreclosure, foregoing, formidable, formula, formulate, fortified, framework, franchise, fraud, frequency, frequently, ft, fully, fundamentally, fundraising, GAAP, Garden, garner, gathered, George, global, GM, goal, Goldman, Golf, good, goodwill, governance, government, graduate, graduated, greater, greatly, ground, grow, hampered, hand, handling, hard, harm, health, heavily, hedge, hereon, hierarchy, highest, highlight, highly, hit, hold, holder, holding, holed, Home, homebuilding, honesty, hospitality, Hotel, human, hundred, identical, identity, illiquid, impeding, impleader, implied, important, importantly, impose, imposed, impossible, improved, improvement, inability, incentive, inclined, incur, incurred, indefinite, indirectly, ineffective, influence, influential, inherent, inherently, initio, insufficient, insurance, intangible, intellectual, intend, interactive, interfere, intergraded, inventory, investor, Israel, issuable, Italy, iv, job, Jon, Jorge, Joseph, JP, judgment, Judicial, July, Jumpstart, June, La, lack, Lambert, land, landlord, landscape, large, largely, larger, largest, Latin, law, Le, lead, leadership, leading, leave, left, lender, lending, Lenox, lent, lesser, level, leverage, leveraged, Liberia, licensed, lien, life, line, litigation, lived, loan, local, lose, losing, lowest, LP, luxury, main, maintain, maintaining, managerial, mandatory, manner, margin, Maricopa, markdown, Mart, master, maturing, maturity, maximize, maximum, MBA, median, medium, mega, merge, Meuse, mezzanine, Miami, mild, milestone, million, minimal, minimizing, minimum, mitigate, mitigating, model, moderate, monetary, monitor, monitoring, month, monthly, Moody, Morgan, mortgage, moved, moving, multiple, mutual, national, nationalization, negative, negatively, network, Nevada, nominal, nominating, nominee, nonaffiliated, notice, objective, objectively, observable, occurrence, OCFN, offset, offsetting, Ohio, older, omega, omitted, opening, Operationally, opportunistic, opposed, optimal, optimistic, optimum, option, oral, order, ordinary, OTCQB, outlined, outlook, overbuilding, overlapping, overriding, overseeing, pace, package, page, paragraph, partial, partially, partner, partnering, partnership, penny, pension, percent, permit, permitted, pertain, phase, pigeon, platform, plenty, PLLC, policy, political, portfolio, Posta, posted, postponement, preceding, precipitously, preliminary, premise, prescribed, presence, pressure, prevailing, prevent, prevented, prevention, previously, price, pricing, Principesse, priority, pro, procure, procuring, profile, profitsharing, program, prohibit, promissory, proper, properly, proprietary, prosper, protecting, proven, prudent, prudently, pulse, purpose, pursue, pursuing, pushed, pushing, put, qualitative, qualitatively, quality, quantitative, quantity, quarter, quicker, quickly, quoted, RAIT, ramp, range, rata, rate, real, realigned, Realty, recapitalization, receipt, recession, reclassified, recognition, recovery, redeem, Redeemable, redemption, reduction, refinancing, refund, refundable, refurbishment, regularly, reimburse, reimbursed, reliability, reliable, reliance, relief, rely, remain, remaining, remedial, remedied, remittance, remitted, removed, rent, Reorganization, repatriate, repay, repayment, replace, replacement, repossessing, repurchase, reputation, requisite, rescinded, resell, residential, residual, resign, resigned, resource, Restated, restoration, resume, retrospective, return, returned, revenue, rewritten, RIA, riskier, risky, robust, rotation, RR, rule, run, Russia, SAB, salary, schedule, School, seasoned, Sebaco, Secretary, sector, securitization, securitizing, segment, seize, seller, sensitive, separate, separately, settlement, seventy, shell, shopping, short, shortened, Siete, single, situation, slightly, smaller, software, solid, sought, sound, source, sourcing, South, specialist, specialty, speculative, Sponsoring, spouse, sq, St, stabilized, stable, staggered, stake, standard, standardized, Standby, standing, Stanley, steep, stemming, step, stepped, Sterling, strain, strategic, strategically, strategy, stream, streamline, streamlined, Street, strong, style, subordinated, Subsection, subsidiary, substance, subtopic, successor, suffer, suffered, Suite, summary, superior, supplement, supplemental, suspended, SW, symbol, syndicate, tandem, tangible, TD, team, technical, Tel, temporarily, tense, tenure, terminate, terminated, termination, terrorism, thereof, thereon, thinly, thirty, threaten, threatened, threshold, tier, title, top, Topic, Tower, toxic, track, traditional, trained, training, transparent, Treadway, trillion, trusteeship, turn, turnkey, turnover, Twenty, type, typical, Typically, ultimately, unable, unadjusted, unanticipated, unasserted, unattainable, unauthorized, unavailable, uncertain, unclear, uncollectible, unconditionally, underlying, understand, understanding, undertaken, underwriting, undue, unencumbered, unexercised, unexpected, uninsured, unintended, unknown, unlimited, unobservable, unpredictability, unrecognized, unregistered, unrelated, unstable, update, updated, USA, USGAAP, variety, vast, VE, verifiable, vested, vesting, vetted, VFG, vi, viability, viable, view, viewpoint, Virginia, volatile, volatility, volume, vulnerable, VWAP, Wall, war, website, weekly, wholly, withstand, wording, worth, yield, yielding, Zambia, Zimbabwe, zoning, Zuainer, Zuanier
aborted, accomplished, actively, admission, aftermarket, APB, assumption, attached, attended, awarded, blank, borrowing, canceled, capacity, career, carried, charge, check, classified, comfort, compatible, confer, confidentiality, consent, consummate, consummated, consummating, consummation, continuing, controlling, copy, correct, credibility, Daniel, dating, Deason, delinquent, derivative, desire, developing, disclaimer, dismissal, dismissed, Document, DPS, draft, easier, Education, effecting, Electric, Electrical, employer, entrepreneur, essentially, exchanged, facilitation, farm, formalized, Fred, FSAB, funded, gained, Gannaway, Garland, geographical, Georgia, Gilmore, hereto, hiring, inadequate, incidental, independence, instrument, Intercontinental, inventor, investigate, investigation, IPO, joining, Kingsley, leased, likelihood, linked, location, lower, LTIP, maintenance, manufacture, manufacturing, marketable, merger, Mexico, mort, negotiate, negotiation, numerator, occupy, Oglethorpe, Pacific, plumbing, preclude, predictable, predicted, prestige, proceeded, proceeding, processed, prolific, pronouncement, proxy, publication, qualification, quiet, reallocation, receivership, reclassification, relate, rental, request, revising, Road, Roswell, shift, shorter, shown, sixty, Smith, space, specifically, spend, spent, sporadic, Stockton, Stone, strength, succession, superseding, supervision, sustained, timeframe, transferred, Transitional, Treasurer, treated, Turner, unrestricted, Updegraff, Video, virtually, virtue, visibility, Wesstrom, widely, zimmerman
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