About Air Products Air Products (NYSE:APD) is a world-leading industrial gases company in operation for over 80 years focused on serving energy, environmental, and emerging markets and generating a cleaner future. The Company supplies essential industrial gases, related equipment and applications expertise to customers in dozens of industries, including ref ining, chemicals, metals, elect ronics, manufacturing, medical and food. As the leading global supplier of hydrogen, Air Products also develops, engineers, builds, owns and operates some of the world’s largest clean hydrogen projects, supporting the t ransit ion to low- and zero-carbon energy in the industrial and heavy-duty transportation sectors. Through its sale of equipment businesses, the Company also provides turbomachinery, membrane systems and cryogenic containers globally. Air Products had f iscal 2024 sales of $12.1 billion from operations in approximately 50 countries and has a current market capitalization of about $65 billion. Approximately 23,000 passionate, talented and committed employees from diverse backgrounds are driven by Air Products’ higher purpose to create innovative solutions t hat benefit t he environment, enhance sustainability and reimagine what’s possible to address the challenges facing customers, communities, and the world. For more information, visit airproducts.com or follow us on LinkedIn, X, Facebook or lnstagram. Non-GAAP Financial Measures This communication contains certain f inancial measures that are not prepared in accordance wit h U.S. generally accepted account ing principles (“GAAP”), including adjusted EPS and adjusted EBITDA margin. On our website, at investors.airproducts.com, we have included reconciliat ions of these non-GAAP f inancial measures to t he most directly comparable financial measures prepared in accordance with GAAP. Management believes these non-GAAP financial measures provide investors, potential investors, securit ies analysts, and others with useful information to evaluate our business because such m easures, when viewed together with our GAAP disclosures, provide a more complete understanding of the factors and trends affecting our business. The non-GAAP financial measures supplement our GAAP disclosures and are not meant to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for the most directly comparable measures prepared in accordance with GAAP. These measures may not be comparable to similarly t itled measures used by other companies. Forward.Looking Statem ent s This comrrunicnion contains “forv1ard-looking statemen:s·· within the ;.;fe h.;arbor provi; i::>ns of :he P“ivate S’K uritiQS l itigation Reform Acto: 1995. Thc~c forw.Jrd looking ~t.Jtcmcnts arc based on munJgcmcnts cxpc.:tJticn:; ~md.:ssumptions as of t , c d.:rtc ofthis communicJt on and Jrc not guarantees offutJre perfor-nance. While forward-looking statements are made in good faith a1d based on assumptions, expectation~ an:J projections llldl llldlldgtrn~rr. Lu~lieve::, dl ~ ltd’::IUildble I.Jd:>~U Oil (.U’ I ::‘IllydU ildUie irl(U!I !ldlio ll, dllUdl ~errur Hid flU~ diiU lilkUKic:l re:::,ulb l lld Y Jirrer llldlerid ll)’ rr Ulll projections ard estimctes expressed in the forward-looking 5tatements because of many factor~. including the risk factors de5cribed in our .A.nnucl Report 01 Form 10-K tor the fiscal :~ear erded September 30. 2024 and other I actors disclosed ir our tilingswith toe Securit ies ard Exchange Commission. Except as required by law. we disclaiTI .:mt obligat on or und~rtaking to update or re·Jise dny :orwdrd-looking statements cont3ined herein to refloo any cha1ge in the assumJtions, beliefs or expectations o r any change in events, conditions or c rcumstances upon which any Łu:h forward-lo::>king st.Jtcmcnt!; .Jrc b.Jscd. AIR I . GENERATING PRODUCTS t-· \. f X in a @ 0 b\’! A CLEANER FUTURE For Customers For Potential Employees For Suppliers For t he Press J.llyArFroducts S:arch .ob Openirgs \1yAirProdJcts ,.,ew~ Certer Comr ~nyH <:;fnry Fl(Pnrti-/P Riop;r-lp, io:><:; Sust<~in.o~~ilit) Divoi!rsity. ln:lusion & ŁQionging : cnnQCting OnlinQ Photo Librcay SCS _ibr.o~ry Su~.o~n<~bility Nh.o~t \‘Vfi}_ 8uy S.:~fctygr.lm!; C.J:rccr~Certifkation:s Code of Corduct Gas =a.:ts Integrity line (~iiht ot 1995-2025Air Prodtlcts an ::I Chemia~ls.lnc. All Rlihts Reserved. I Lej al Notice I Privaq t\otie I Cookie Notice