| Monthly Operating Report ACCRUAL BASIS-1 CASE NAME: ALCO Stores, Inc. CASE NUMBER: 14-34941 COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET SCHEDULE OCTOBER 2014 ASSETS 1. 4,256,215 $ 2,717,553 $ 2. 226,000 3. 4,256,215 $ 2,943,553 $ 4. 4,995,189 $ 5,085,270 $ 5. 144,158,480 133,075,801 6. - - 7. 5,336,406 3,862,602 8. - (40,865) 9. 158,746,290 $ 144,926,362 $ 10. 36,446,061 $ 124,594,312 $ 11. (88,891,820) 12. 36,446,061 $ 35,702,492 $ 13. - $ - $ 14. 13,937,869 13,870,774 15. OTHER (ATTACH LIST) 1,708,291 680,571 16. 210,838,511 $ 195,180,199 $ POSTPETITION LIABILITIES 17. 1,345,733 $ 18. 1,913,817 19. - 20. 1,103,858 21. - 22. - 23. TOTAL POSTPETITION LIABILITIES 4,363,408 $ PREPETITION LIABILITIES 24. 106,254,553 $ 106,254,553 $ 25. 1,359,294 1,359,294 26. 40,716,988 40,716,988 27. - 9,173,403 28. TOTAL PREPETITION LIABILITIES 148,330,835 $ 157,504,238 $ 29. 148,330,835 $ 161,867,646 $ EQUITY 30. 38,033,769 $ 31. 32. DIRECT CHARGES TO EQUITY (6) (4,721,216) 33. TOTAL EQUITY 33,312,553 $ 34. 195,180,199 $ Footnotes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) TOTAL LIABILITIES & OWNERS' EQUITY Total Cash is based on the unaudited balance sheet for the debtor entities. The cash balance includes store cash, depository accounts, and primary operating account. TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS PROPERTY, PLANT & EQUIPMENT ACCOUNTS PAYABLE OTHER (ATTACH LIST) (5) TOTAL LIABILITIES PREPETITION OWNERS' EQUITY POSTPETITION CUMULATIVE PROFIT OR PRIORITY DEBT (3) (4) UNSECURED DEBT (4) TAXES PAYABLE LESS: ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION/DEPLETION NET PROPERTY, PLANT & EQUIPMENT OTHER ASSETS - NET OF AMORTIZATION (ATTACH LIST) TOTAL ASSETS The scheduled inventory amount was from the Debtors' financial statements as of October 12, 2014. The November 2nd amount is based on the Debtors' borrowing base, which may exclude certain categories of data including prepaid and in-transit inventory. The Priority Debt amount includes updated tax amounts for prepetition tax accruals and other priority prepetition liabilities. Pursuant to various "first day" orders of the Bankruptcy Court, certain priority debt and unsecured debt payments were made. Other prepetition liabilities include accruals from pre- and post-petition periods. The Direct Charges to Equity is an adjustment for liabilities and assets (accrued expenses, deferred gains, and others) not reflected in the prepetition scheduled amounts. OTHER (ATTACH LIST) DUE FROM INSIDERS UNRESTRICTED CASH RESTRICTED CASH TOTAL CASH (1) ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (NET) INVENTORY (2) PREPAID EXPENSES NOTES RECEIVABLE NOTES PAYABLE PROFESSIONAL FEES SECURED DEBT OTHER (ATTACH LIST) SECURED DEBT Page 3 of 11 |