| | an unilateral act that shall be the basis for primary settlement. In case the Buyer shall not provide the claim in writing not later than next day after receipt of such an act this act shall gain a legal force for the final settlement. |
9. | | Settlement |
91 | | Settlement between the Seller and the Buyer shall be made through a bank transfer in accordance with the delivery-acceptance act within no more than 5 (five) working days (upper bound for payment). The payment of this amount or any other funds due under this Agreement shall be considered as completed on the date the funds are received at the Seller’s bank account. |
9.2 | | In case the liability to pay forfeit arises, the forfeit arisen under the agreement between Seller and Buyer shall be paid first of all followed by the payment of the main portion of the debt. |
9.3 | | Any sum paid by Buyer to Seller’s bank account after the payment of the forfeit specified in paragraph 9.2, shall, first of all, be governed to cover the main portion of the debt arisen under previous and this gas sales agreements made between Seller and Buyer, so that the sum occurred earlier is paid first of all by “first came – first left” principle. |
10. | | Rights and Obligations of the Parties |
10.1 | | The Seller is obliged to: |
10.1.1 | | Deliver to the Buyer the quantity of Associated Gas as required by the Clause 6 to the Delivery Point defined by the Clause 5. |
10.1.2 | | Notify other Party not less than 30 days prior to changing conditions, suspension or termination of this Agreement except cases defined in this Agreement. |
10.1.3 | | Notify the Buyer not les than 3 days prior to stop supply or re-new delivery unless there is urgent necessity to do so. |
10.2 | | The Seller has right to: |
10.2.1 | | Stop supply of the Associated Gas with the notification of other Party (as described in the Clause 4.1.2) in case of breach of this Agreement or gas supply legislation of Georgia. |
10.2.2 | | Immediately without notice stop Associated Gas supply in case it becomes known about a breach of the conditions that can be injurious to health or damage property. |
10.2.3 | | The Seller has no responsibility for the Buyer’s grid, gas meters as well as for the measurement points defined compliance of the consumer hardware with standards and technical accuracy. |
10.3 | | The Buyer is obliged to: |
10.3.1 | | Have all rights to receive and supply Associated Gas in accordance with normative enactments acting in Georgia. |
10.3.2 | | Measure delivered Associated Gas (at delivery point) using standard (certified) metering tools. |
10.3.3 | | Pay to the Seller value in accordance with the established rules and volumes and Seller’s invoice. |
10.4 | | The Buyer has right to measure the Associated Gas quantity. |
11. | | Liability of the Parties |
11.1 | | The Buyer carries full responsibility to receive the Associated Gas including responsibility related to all necessary rights, permits and licenses anticipated by Georgian legislation. |
11.2 | | Under the provisions of this Agreement non-payment of any amount within the time frame established by the Claus 7.2 (i.e. before the upper bound) the Buyer shall be charged a penalty amounting to 0.05% of the outstanding amount per each day delayed. |
12. | | Force Majeure |
12.1 | | Force Majeure situation is defined as special and extreme circumstances making a Party to this Agreement unable to fulfill its provisions and that are beyond the will or control of the Party and prediction and/or avoidance of such circumstances is impossible based on existing knowledge level of and technical development. Force Majeure is but not limited to the following events or circumstances: |
(a) | | War (declared or not) actions of an exterior enemy, revolution, coup d’etat, terrorist act, blockade, military overturn, fire, civil disturbances and sabotage; |
(b) | | Extremely sever environmental conditions that were reasonably unexpected in a specific |