During the second quarter of 2022, there were no transfers between LevelΒ 1 and LevelΒ 2 fair value measurements.
Non-Derivative Financial Instruments
At JuneΒ 30, 2022, the carrying value of fixed-term debt accounted for under amortized cost was $12.9Β billion (DecemberΒ 31, 2021βββ$14.2Β billion) and the fair value was $13.1Β billion (DecemberΒ 31, 2021βββ$17.4Β billion). The estimated fair value of long-term debt is based on pricing sourced from market data.
10. Asset Impairment
Exploration and Production
White Rose assets:
During the second quarter of 2022, the company announced that concurrent with the decision to restart the West White Rose project by the joint venture owners, Suncor has increased its ownership in the White Rose asset by 12.5% to approximately 39% (previously approximately 26%). The decision to restart was driven by a revised royalty structure and development plan. The company received $38Β million (net of taxes ofβ $12Β million) in cash consideration to acquire the additional working interest, which was primarily allocated to the asset retirement obligation and property, plant and equipment of the project. As a result of these events, during the second quarter of 2022, the company performed an impairment reversal test on the White Rose cash generating unit (CGU) as the recoverable amount of this CGU was sensitive to the restart decision. The impairment reversal test was performed using a recoverable amount based on the fair value less cost of disposal. An expected cash flow approach was used with the key assumptions discussed below (LevelΒ 3 fair value inputsβββnoteΒ 9).
As a result of the impairment reversal test, the recoverable amounts were determined to be greater than the carrying values of the White Rose CGU and the company recorded an impairment reversal ofβ $542Β million (net of taxes ofβ $173Β million) on its previous share of the White Rose assets in the Exploration and Production segment. The recoverable amount was determined based on the following asset-specific assumptions:
Brent price forecast of US$85.00/bbl in 2023, US$68.00 in 2024 and US$69.00 in 2025, escalating at 2% per year thereafter over the life of the project to 2038 and adjusted for asset-specific location and quality differentials;
anticipated first oil for the West White Rose project in the first half of 2026 and the companyβs share of production of approximately 9,800 bbls/d (based on its previous working interest of approximately 26%) over the life of the project;
the companyβs share of future capital expenditures ofβ $1.5Β billion, including the West White Rose expansion; and
risk-adjusted discount rate of 9.0% (after-tax).
No other indicators of impairment or reversals of impairment were identified at JuneΒ 30, 2022.
11. Provisions
Suncorβs decommissioning and restoration provision decreased by $2.6Β billion for the sixΒ months ended JuneΒ 30, 2022. The decrease was primarily due to an increase in the credit-adjusted risk-free interest rate to 5.70% (DecemberΒ 31, 2021βββ3.70%).
12. Pensions and Other Post-Retirement Benefits
For the sixΒ months ended JuneΒ 30, 2022, the actuarial gain on employee retirement benefit plans was $898Β million (net of taxes ofβ $283Β million), mainly due to an increase in the discount rate to 5.00% (DecemberΒ 31, 2021βββ2.90%).