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airspace, al, aseline, barred, duct, ed, eduction, emption, ent, Epstein, es, esave, GTSR, ina, io, ision, isk, ition, lc, leisure, lidated, nding, ns, nt, oard, od, ookkeeping, ortfolio, osure, pectively, RFR, rs, SCA, sis, stry, ted, tee, thod, trol, ttee, uired, ult
AA, AAA, ABCP, ability, ABS, Absa, absence, absolute, absolve, absorb, absorbing, abusive, accelerate, accelerated, acceleration, accept, acceptable, acceptance, accepted, accessible, accidental, accommodate, accommodation, accompanying, accountability, accounted, accrual, accrue, accruing, accumulated, accuracy, accurate, accurately, achieve, achievement, achieving, acquire, acquired, acquirer, acquiring, acted, acting, active, actively, actuarial, Actuary, acumen, acute, adapt, adaptation, added, addition, additional, additionally, addressed, addressing, adequacy, adequate, adequately, adhere, adherence, adjust, adjusting, adjustment, administered, administering, administration, adr, advance, advancing, advantage, adverse, adversely, advisor, advisory, AEaR, affect, affected, affecting, affirmed, affordability, aforementioned, Africa, Afterwork, age, agent, aggregate, aggregated, aggregating, aggregation, agree, agreed, agreeing, agricultural, aid, aim, aimed, Algorithm, allege, alleged, allegedly, alleging, allocate, allocated, allocating, allocation, allot, allotment, allotted, alongside, alter, alternative, alternatively, altogether, AMA, amend, amended, amending, American, amortisation, amortise, amortised, amortising, amounted, amounting, analyse, analysed, analysing, analytical, analytically, anguish, anniversary, announced, announcement, announcing, annual, annualised, anticipate, antitrust, API, appealed, application, applying, appoint, appointed, appointing, appointment, appraisal, appraised, approve, approved, approving, approximately, approximating, APR, April, Arab, Arena, arisen, arising, arose, arranged, arrive, article, ascribed, Asia, aspect, asserted, asserting, assessing, assigned, assigning, assist, assistance, assume, assumed, assuming, assumption, assurance, ATA, attached, attempt, attend, attendance, attended, attending, attention, attest, attestation, attorney, attract, attractive, attributable, attributed, auction, augment, August, AUM, austerity, authorisation, authorise, authorised, auto, automatic, automatically, average, avoiding, awarded, aware, back, backed, backing, backstop, backward, balanced, Bankasi, bankruptcy, Barclay, Barclaycard, base, based, Basel, basic, basket, BBB, BDC, BDCM, bear, bearing, began, beginning, behaviour, behavioural, benchmarked, beneficial, beneficially, beneficiary, bespoke, BHC, bi, BIA, bilateral, bill, billion, binding, biological, BIPRU, Black, Bloomberg, BoE, bond, booked, bookkeeping, borne, borrow, borrowed, borrowing, bottom, boundary, box, brand, breach, breached, breaching, breadth, break, breakdown, Brent, bribery, bridge, bring, British, broad, broader, broker, brokerage, brokered, brought, bserl, build, building, built, bureau, buy, buyer, buying, calculate, calculated, calculating, calendar, calibrated, calibrating, calibration, call, callable, called, calling, campaign, Canada, Canadian, cancel, cancellable, cancellation, cancelled, cap, capability, capable, capacity, capitalisation, capitalise, capitalised, capture, carbon, card, care, career, careful, carefully, carried, carry, carrying, cascaded, case, casual, categorised, CCAR, CCB, CCF, CCLB, CDO, CEA, cease, ceased, censure, cent, central, centrally, CEO, certainty, certificate, certification, cessation, CFO, CFR, CFTC, CGU, chain, chair, chaired, chairman, challenged, challenger, challenging, chapter, characterised, chargeable, charged, chart, charter, chartered, cheaper, cheapest, check, checked, cheque, chief, China, Chinese, choose, chronic, CIB, circumstance, citizen, citizenship, civil, claim, clarified, classified, classify, clause, clear, clearance, cleared, clearing, client, CLO, close, closely, closer, closing, closure, CMO, CMU, coherent, collaboration, collateralise, collateralising, colleague, collect, collecting, collection, collectively, Colonial, column, combat, combine, combined, comfort, comfortable, commenced, commencement, commencing, commercial, Commissioner, commit, committed, commodity, common, commonly, communicate, communicated, comparability, comparative, comparator, compare, compared, comparing, comparison, compelling, compensate, competent, competitive, complement, complexity, compliant, comply, complying, composed, composition, comprehensive, compression, comprised, compromise, compulsory, compute, computing, concentrated, concentrating, concept, conceptual, concession, concessionary, conclude, concluded, conclusion, concurrently, conditional, conducted, conducting, conference, confident, confidential, confirm, confirmation, confirmed, confirming, conformance, conformity, conjunction, connected, Connecticut, connection, consecutive, consent, Conservation, conservative, conservatively, considerable, consideration, consist, consistent, consistently, consisting, consolidate, conspiracy, conspired, constituent, constitute, constructed, construction, constructive, constructively, consult, consultancy, consultation, consulted, consume, consumer, contact, contacted, contagion, content, contest, continental, contingency, contingent, continual, continually, continued, continuing, continuously, contracted, contracting, contractual, contractually, contributory, controlled, controlling, convened, convening, convention, converge, conversion, convert, converted, COO, cooperating, cooperation, copy, core, corporate, corporation, corrective, correctly, correlate, correlated, correlation, Corrupt, corruption, COSO, council, counsel, counselling, count, counter, countercyclical, country, covenant, cover, covered, covering, CP, CRE, create, created, creating, creation, credible, credit, credited, creditor, criminal, CRL, CRM, crucial, crude, crystallise, cultural, cumulative, cumulatively, curriculum, custodian, custody, customary, cyber, cycle, daily, danger, Database, Datastream, de, deal, dealing, death, debate, debated, debit, debtor, deceit, December, deceptive, deciding, decision, declare, declared, declined, decrease, decreased, decreasing, dedicated, deduct, deducted, deductible, deduction, deed, deemed, deep, deepen, defaulted, defaulting, defending, defer, deferral, deferred, defining, degree, delay, delayed, delegated, delegation, delinquent, delisted, delisting, deliver, delivering, delivery, demand, demanding, demographic, demonstrated, demonstrating, denied, denominated, department, departure, depend, dependency, dependent, depending, deploy, deployment, depositary, deposited, depositor, depository, depreciable, depreciated, depth, derecognised, derecognition, derive, derived, design, designated, designation, designed, desire, desired, destruction, detailed, detect, detection, deteriorated, deteriorating, determination, determining, detriment, detrimental, devaluation, develop, developed, developing, development, DFA, dialogue, Diamond, difficult, digital, dilapidation, diligence, diminished, direct, directing, directorship, disability, disadvantage, disaggregated, disappearance, discharge, discharged, disclosable, disclose, discount, discounted, discounting, discrete, discretionary, discussed, discussing, discussion, disgorgement, dismissed, dispersion, display, disposal, disposed, disposer, disposing, disposition, dispute, disrupt, disseminated, dissemination, dissolution, distinct, distinction, distinguish, distinguishing, distressed, distributable, distributed, District, dive, diverse, diversification, diversity, divided, dividing, division, divisional, documentation, documented, doj, dollar, domestic, domiciled, dominant, double, doubt, doubtful, downgrade, downside, downturn, draft, drafted, drawdown, drawn, driver, DSVP, duly, DVA, dynamic, dynamically, earlier, earliest, earn, earned, earning, ease, easily, Eastern, EBA, EBITDA, ECAI, economic, economically, economy, EDNY, education, EEA, efficiency, efficient, elaborated, electronic, electronically, elevated, eligibility, eliminate, eliminated, elimination, embargo, embedded, embedding, emergence, emerging, emphasise, empirical, employed, employee, employer, employing, empowered, enable, enabled, enabling, encompassing, Encore, encountered, encourage, encouraged, encouraging, encumbered, encumbrance, ended, endorsed, energy, enforceability, enforceable, enforced, enforcement, enforcing, enhance, enhanced, enhancing, Enrolment, Enron, ensure, ensuring, entail, enter, entered, entering, enterprise, entertainment, entirety, entitle, entitled, entitlement, entry, environmental, equal, equalisation, equalise, equally, equivalent, ERISA, Erosion, escalate, escalated, escalating, escalation, ESHLA, ESMA, essential, establish, establishing, establishment, estimate, estimating, estimation, ETF, ethnicity, EUR, euro, European, Euroyen, Eurozone, evaluate, evaluated, evaluating, EVE, evidence, evidenced, evidencing, evolve, evolved, evolving, EWL, exacerbated, examine, examining, exceed, exceeded, exceeding, excellence, excessive, exchanged, exclude, excluding, exclusively, executable, execute, executed, executing, execution, exempt, exercise, exercised, exercising, exhibit, exhibiting, existence, existing, exit, exiting, exotic, expand, expanded, expansion, expect, expectancy, expected, expenditure, experienced, experiencing, expert, expertise, expiration, expire, expired, expiry, explained, explanation, export, expose, exposing, expressed, expressing, expressly, extend, extended, extension, extensive, extensively, extent, external, externally, extinguishment, extra, extrapolation, extreme, extremely, faced, facilitate, facilitating, facilitation, facing, Facsimile, factual, failed, failing, fair, fairly, fall, falling, false, family, farm, favour, favourable, FCCM, FDIC, feature, February, federal, fee, feel, female, fencing, figure, file, filer, fill, final, finalised, finally, financial, Financiero, FINRA, fiscal, Fitch, fix, fixed, fixing, flexibility, flexible, floating, floor, Florida, flow, FLS, fluctuation, focused, focusing, forborne, forced, forecast, foreclose, foreclosure, foreign, foreseeable, forfeited, forfeiture, form, formal, formally, formation, formed, formulation, forum, forward, fostering, found, fourth, France, franchise, fraudulent, free, freedom, Freehold, frequency, frequent, frequently, front, frozen, FRTB, FSA, FSB, fulfil, fulfilled, fulfilling, fuller, fully, functional, fundamental, fundamentally, funded, furnish, FX, GAAP, gathering, gave, GBP, GDPR, gender, general, generate, generated, generating, genuine, genuinely, geographic, geographical, geography, geopolitical, German, Germany, Gerry, GHG, gift, gifting, GIIN, global, glossary, GMD, goal, gold, good, govern, governing, governmental, grandfathering, granted, granting, grantor, graph, great, greater, greatest, greenhouse, Grimstone, grouped, grow, growing, Grupo, GSII, guaranteeing, guide, guiding, half, hand, handling, hard, harmed, harmonised, harmonising, head, health, healthcare, hear, heavily, heavy, heightened, hierarchy, highest, highlighted, highlighting, highly, hiring, historic, historical, history, HM, HMRC, hoc, hold, holding, Hong, honour, host, hotel, hour, house, household, HPI, HQLA, HR, human, hundredth, hurdle, Hybrid, hypothetical, IAA, IAS, ICAAP, ICAP, ICB, ideally, identical, identifiable, identification, identify, identifying, idiosyncratic, IFRIC, iii, ILG, illiquid, illustrate, illustrating, illustrative, IMA, Image, IMM, impacting, imperfect, implement, implementation, implementing, implicit, implied, imply, import, important, impose, imposed, imposing, imposition, improve, improvement, improving, inability, inactive, inadequate, inappropriate, incentive, incentivise, incidence, incident, includable, inclusion, inclusive, incomplete, incorporate, incorporating, incorrect, increasing, increasingly, incremental, incur, indemnification, indemnified, indemnify, indemnity, independent, independently, indexation, indexing, India, indirect, individual, individually, induction, industrial, ineffective, inferred, inflation, influenced, inform, informed, informing, infrastructure, infringed, inherent, inheritance, initial, initially, initiated, initiative, inject, injunctive, injured, injury, innovative, inside, insight, insignificant, instability, installed, instance, institutional, instruction, insufficient, insurance, insured, insurer, intangible, integral, integrate, integrated, integration, integrity, intellectual, intend, intensive, intention, interaction, interactive, interbank, interchange, intercompany, interference, intergovernmental, interim, Intermediary, intermediate, internal, internally, international, internet, internship, interpretation, intervene, introduce, introduced, introducing, introduction, invalidate, inverse, invest, invested, investigate, investigating, investigation, investing, investor, invoked, involuntary, involve, involving, IOSCO, IP, Iranian, IRC, Ireland, irrecoverable, irrevocable, irs, isolation, issuance, issue, issuing, Italian, Italy, IVU, ix, January, Japan, Japanese, Jes, job, join, joint, journey, judge, judged, judgment, July, June, junior, Justice, justified, key, killed, KIRB, knowingly, knowledge, Kong, KRS, lack, lag, laid, land, landscape, largely, larger, largest, Latin, launch, launched, laundering, LCR, lead, leader, leadership, leading, learned, leased, leasehold, leasing, leave, leaver, leaving, led, left, legacy, legal, legally, legislative, Lehman, lend, lender, length, lent, lesser, letter, leverage, leveraged, levied, LGBT, LGD, license, licensed, licensing, lie, lifetime, lifted, light, likelihood, limitation, limiting, linear, link, linked, liquid, liquidate, liquidated, liquidating, list, listed, listing, live, living, LLP, loaded, LOBO, local, located, London, long, longer, longevity, lose, losing, lot, low, lower, lowest, LRA, LTIP, LTV, Luxembourg, LX, macro, macroeconomic, macroprudential, mail, main, maintained, maintaining, maintenance, Majesty, make, manage, manager, managing, mandate, mandated, mandatory, manipulate, manipulated, manipulating, manipulation, manufacture, map, mapping, March, margining, Maria, mark, marked, marketability, marketable, marketing, marketplace, master, match, Matchbook, matched, matching, materially, matrix, maximise, maximum, MCA, meaningful, meaningfully, measure, measurement, measuring, mechanism, mediating, medical, Medicare, medium, meet, membership, memorandum, mental, menu, merchant, merit, methodology, Mexico, mezzanine, MGC, middle, MiFID, migration, military, minimise, minimised, minimising, minimum, misrepresentation, missed, misstatement, misuse, mitigate, mitigated, mitigating, mitigation, mix, mixture, modelling, modification, modified, modify, modifying, Monday, monetary, monitor, monitored, monoline, month, monthly, Moody, morale, moratorium, mortality, mortgaged, Morzaria, motion, Motivation, motor, move, moved, movement, moving, MREL, MRM, MTM, multi, multicultural, multifamily, multigenerational, Multilateral, multiple, multiplied, multiplying, mutual, mutually, Naft, narrative, narrow, national, natural, nearest, necessarily, negatively, negligent, negotiable, negotiate, negotiated, net, netted, network, networking, newly, NII, NIOC, NMM, nominal, nominated, noncorporate, Nordic, Northern, notably, notch, noted, notice, notification, notional, notwithstanding, November, NPA, NSFR, number, numerator, numerically, NY, NYAG, objective, objectively, obliged, obligor, observed, obtain, obtained, obtaining, occupied, occupy, occurrence, OCI, October, offer, offered, official, offset, offsetting, oil, omission, omitted, open, opened, opening, operate, operated, operating, operational, operationally, operative, opportunity, opposed, opposite, opted, optimal, optionality, ordered, orderly, ordinarily, ordinary, organisational, organised, original, originally, originate, originating, OSII, OTC, outflow, outline, outlined, outlook, outsourced, outsourcing, overarching, overdraft, overhaul, overheating, overlapping, overnight, override, oversaw, oversee, overseeing, overview, owing, owner, pace, Pacific, pack, pain, parallel, pari, Parliament, Parliamentary, partial, partially, participant, participate, participating, partly, partner, partnership, party, passed, passive, passporting, passthru, passu, past, PATRIOT, pattern, pay, paying, payroll, PCP, peaking, peer, penalty, pension, pensionable, pensioner, people, perception, perform, performing, periodic, periodically, permanent, permanently, permissible, permission, permit, perpetual, persistent, personal, personally, pertain, pervasive, Peter, PFE, PFIC, phase, phased, physical, Pillar, PIP, pipeline, plaintiff, planning, plant, plausible, play, playing, plea, pledge, PMA, point, political, pooled, poor, population, portion, Portugal, Portuguese, pose, posed, positive, positively, possession, post, posted, posting, potentially, pound, power, PPI, practicable, practical, preceding, precise, predecessor, predetermined, predicted, predominantly, predominately, preference, preferential, preferred, prejudice, preparation, prepare, prepared, preparing, prepayment, prescribe, prescribed, prescriptive, presence, preserve, president, pressure, prevailing, prevent, prevention, previously, priced, pricing, primarily, primary, prime, principally, prior, prioritised, priority, privacy, private, privately, pro, proactive, proactively, probation, problem, procedure, proceeding, processed, processing, produce, productivity, profession, professional, profit, program, prohibit, prohibited, prohibition, projected, projection, proliferation, prolonged, promote, promoting, promotion, prompted, proper, properly, proportion, proportionate, proportionately, propose, proprietary, prosecuted, prospect, prospective, prosper, protect, protected, protecting, protective, prove, proven, proving, provisional, provisionally, provisioning, proxy, proxying, prudent, prudential, prudentially, publicity, publicly, publish, published, punitive, purport, purported, purporting, pursuant, pursued, pursuing, pursuit, put, putative, PVA, pwc, Qatar, Qatari, QCCP, QRRE, qualified, qualify, qualifying, qualitative, quantified, quantify, quantitative, quantity, quantum, quarterly, question, quorum, quoted, quoting, Racketeer, ranging, rank, ranking, rapidly, rata, rated, rationale, reach, reached, reaching, reaction, read, readily, real, realignment, realisable, realise, realised, realistic, reality, reallocation, rebalancing, recalculated, recapitalisation, recapitalise, recast, receipt, receivable, receiver, receiving, recent, recently, recipient, recklessly, reclassification, recognise, recognising, recommend, recommended, recommending, reconciled, reconciliation, record, recourse, recover, recoverability, recoverable, recovery, recruited, recruiting, recycled, recycling, redeem, redenomination, redeployment, reducing, reduction, redundancy, refer, reference, referenced, referencing, referendum, referred, refinancing, refined, reflect, reflected, reflecting, reforming, refreshed, refund, region, regional, regionally, registered, registrant, registrar, registration, regular, regulate, regulated, regulator, regulatory, rehypothecation, reimburse, reimbursement, reinforcing, reinvestment, related, relating, relation, release, reliability, reliable, reliably, reliance, reliant, relieve, relocate, rely, remain, remained, remeasurement, remedial, remediate, remedy, remittance, removal, remove, removed, renegotiated, renegotiation, renewal, renewed, reorganisation, repackaging, repaid, repatriate, repay, repayable, repaying, repayment, repeal, replace, replaced, replacing, replenishment, reportable, reported, repositioning, repossession, represent, representation, representative, represented, representing, reprice, repricing, repurchase, reputational, require, requiring, requisition, resale, resell, reserved, reset, Resetting, resident, residential, residual, resignation, resolving, resource, respond, response, responsible, rest, restate, restore, restrict, restricted, restricting, restrictive, restructured, resulted, resulting, retain, retained, retaining, retention, retire, retired, retranslation, retrieval, retroactive, retrospective, retrospectively, returned, returning, revaluation, revalued, reversal, reverse, reversed, reviewed, reviewing, revise, revoke, revoked, revolver, revolving, reward, rewarded, ring, riot, riskdata, riskier, roll, rolling, root, round, routinely, RPI, RRP, RSF, rule, rulebook, ruled, ruling, run, running, RWA, safeguard, safety, sanction, sanctioned, sanctioning, satellite, satisfy, satisfying, save, scaled, scaling, scanning, schedule, scheduled, score, screening, scrutiny, seasoned, sec, secondary, Secrecy, secretary, sectoral, secure, seek, seeking, segment, segmental, segmentation, segregated, segregation, selected, selecting, send, senior, sensitive, sentenced, sentencing, sentiment, separable, separate, separated, separating, separation, September, served, serving, session, set, setting, settle, settlement, SFO, SFT, shape, shaped, shared, shareholder, shareholding, Sharepurchase, Sharesave, sharing, sharp, shell, Sherman, shift, shifting, shock, shocked, shopping, short, shorter, shortfall, show, showed, SIBOR, side, significance, significantly, similar, similarly, simple, simpler, simulating, simulation, Singapore, single, Sir, sit, sitting, size, sized, skilled, slice, slightly, Slotting, slowdown, small, smaller, social, society, solo, solution, solvent, sophisticated, sophistication, sought, sourced, South, Southern, sovereign, specialist, specific, specifically, spent, split, sponsor, sponsored, sponsoring, spot, spread, SPV, SRB, stabilisation, stability, stakeholder, Staley, stamp, stamped, stand, standalone, standardised, standby, standing, static, statistical, statute, statutory, stay, STD, steady, step, sterling, stewardship, stigma, stock, stood, storage, straddle, straightforward, strategic, Street, strength, stressed, stressing, strictly, strike, stringent, stronger, strongly, structural, structured, study, subject, subjected, subjective, sublease, submission, submit, submitted, subordinate, subordinated, subordination, subscriber, subsequent, subsequently, subset, substantial, substantially, substantive, substantively, substituted, successfully, succession, successor, sued, suffer, suffering, suffice, sufficient, suggested, suit, suite, sum, summarise, summarised, summarising, summary, sundry, super, supervise, supervised, supervision, supervisor, supervisory, supplementary, supplied, supplier, supply, supported, supporting, supportive, supposedly, supra, Supranational, Supreme, survey, survive, susceptible, suspend, suspension, sustainability, sustainable, sustained, sustaining, SVaR, SVP, swap, syndicated, synthetic, Syrian, systematic, systematically, systemic, systemically, tailored, takeover, Taker, talking, tangible, target, targeted, targeting, task, taxable, taxation, taxed, taxing, taxonomy, taxpayer, technical, technique, technological, temporarily, temporary, tender, tenor, termed, terminal, terminated, terminating, termination, terrorism, terrorist, tested, textual, thematic, theme, thereon, thereunder, threat, threaten, threatened, threshold, Throsby, TIBOR, tier, tightening, Tim, timeline, timely, timetable, timing, title, Tokyo, tone, tool, top, track, tracker, trade, traded, trading, traditional, tranche, transact, transacting, transactional, transatlantic, transferable, transferring, transitional, transitioning, translate, translated, translation, transparent, transparently, transposed, travel, travelling, Treadway, treated, treble, trebling, trend, trending, trial, Tribunal, triennial, tripling, true, trust, trustee, trustworthy, Turkiye, turn, turnaround, turnover, Tushar, twelve, typical, typically, UAE, UI, ultimate, ultimately, umbrella, unable, unacceptable, unadjusted, unamortised, Unapproved, unaudited, unauthorised, unavailability, unavailable, unaware, unbiased, uncertainty, unchanged, unclaimed, uncleared, uncollateralised, uncollectable, unconsolidated, undated, undelivered, underpinned, underpinning, undersigned, understand, understandable, understanding, underwritten, undesirable, undetermined, undiscounted, unencumbered, unexpected, unfair, unfavourable, unfunded, unidentified, unilateral, unilaterally, unissued, unit, Unite, United, university, unlisted, unmitigated, unpaid, unqualified, unquoted, unrealised, Unrecognised, unrelated, unreliable, unresolved, unrestricted, unsafe, unsecured, unspecified, unsubordinated, unused, unutilised, unwind, unwinding, update, uploaded, upper, upside, upward, USA, USD, utilise, vacancy, valid, validate, validated, validation, validity, vanilla, variability, variant, variation, varied, variety, vary, vast, vehicle, vendor, venture, venue, verification, verified, version, vesting, vi, viable, vice, view, vii, viii, vintage, violated, violating, violation, virtue, vital, vocalink, vocation, volatile, volatility, Volcker, volume, volumetric, voluntarily, voluntary, vote, voting, waive, Wall, warning, wash, watch, Watson, weakening, wealth, Web, week, weighting, whatsoever, whilst, whistleblowing, wholly, wide, widely, widening, wider, widespread, wilful, win, wind, wire, withdrawal, withdrawn, withhold, withstand, women, worked, working, workout, workplace, world, WorldCom, worth, wrapped, writer, writing, written, WTI, yearly, yen, Zambia
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