Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Consolidated statements of inco
- Consolidated statements of comp
- Consolidated balance sheets
- Consolidated statements of cash
- Consolidated statements of chan
- Consolidated statements of cha7
- Significant accounting policies
- Information by segment and main
- Discontinued operations and ass
- Acquisitions and divestments
- Interests in entities
- Income from operations
- Financial income and expenses
- Income taxes
- Earnings per share
- Property, plant and equipment
- Goodwill
- Intangible assets excluding goo
- Other financial assets
- Other assets
- Inventories
- Receivables
- Equity
- Debt
- Provisions
- Post-employment benefits
- Accrued liabilities
- Other liabilities
- Cash flow statement supplementa
- Contingent assets and liabiliti
- Related-party transactions
- Share-based compensation
- Information on remuneration
- Fair value of financial assets
- Details of treasury risks
- Subsequent events
- Significant accounting polici38
- Information by segment and ma39
- Discontinued operations and a40
- Acquisitions and divestments (T
- Interests in entities (Tables)
- Income from operations (Tables)
- Financial income and expenses (
- Income taxes (Tables)
- Earnings per share (Tables)
- Property, plant and equipment (
- Goodwill (Tables)
- Intangible assets excluding g49
- Other financial assets (Tables)
- Inventories (Tables)
- Receivables (Tables)
- Equity (Tables)
- Debt (Tables)
- Provisions (Tables)
- Post-employment benefits (Table
- Accrued liabilities (Tables)
- Other liabilities (Tables)
- Cash flow statement supplemen59
- Related-party transactions (Tab
- Share-based compensation (Table
- Information on remuneration (Ta
- Fair value of financial asset63
- Details of treasury risks (Tabl
- Significant accounting polici65
- Information by segment and ma66
- Information by segment and ma67
- Information by segment and ma68
- Information by segment and ma69
- Discontinued operations - Text
- Discontinued operations - Net o
- Discontinued operations - Resul
- Discontinued operations - Res73
- Discontinued operations - Cash
- Acquisitions and divestments -
- Acquisitions and divestments 76
- Acquisitions and divestments 77
- Acquisitions and divestments 78
- Interests in entities - Text de
- Interests in entities - Interes
- Interests in entities - Summari
- Interests in entities - Summa82
- Interests in entities - Summa83
- Income from operations - Text d
- Income from operations - Sales
- Income from operations - Sale86
- Income from operations - Sale87
- Income from operations - Sale88
- Income from operations - Employ
- Income from operations - Empl90
- Income from operations - Empl91
- Income from operations - Empl92
- Income from operations - Deprec
- Income from operations - Audit
- Income from operations - Audi95
- Income from operations - Other
- Financial income and expenses -
- Financial income and expenses98
- Income taxes - Text details (De
- Income taxes - Income tax expen
- Income taxes - Current income t
- Income taxes - Deferred income
- Income taxes - Effective income
- Income taxes - Deferred tax ass
- Income taxes - Expiry years of
- Earnings per share - Earnings p
- Earnings per share - Earning107
- Property, plant and equipment -
- Property, plant and equipmen109
- Property, plant and equipmen110
- Property, plant and equipmen111
- Goodwill - Text details (Detail
- Goodwill - Goodwill (Detail)
- Goodwill - Goodwill allocated t
- Goodwill - Impairment assumptio
- Intangible assets excluding 116
- Intangible assets excluding 117
- Intangible assets excluding 118
- Intangible assets excluding 119
- Other financial assets - Text d
- Other financial assets - Other
- Other assets - Text details (De
- Inventories - Text details (Det
- Inventories - Inventories (Deta
- Receivables - Text details (Det
- Receivables - Accounts receivab
- Receivables - Aging analysis (D
- Receivables - Allowance for dou
- Equity - Text details (Detail)
- Equity - Outstanding number of
- Equity - Employee option and sh
- Equity - Share capital transact
- Equity - Composition of net deb
- Debt - Text details (Detail)
- Debt - Long-term debt (Detail)
- Debt - Long-term debts due in t
- Debt - Unsecured Bonds (Detail)
- Debt - Finance lease liabilitie
- Debt - Short-term debt (Detail)
- Provisions - Text details (Deta
- Provisions - Provisions (Detail
- Provisions - Provisions for pro
- Provisions - Environmental prov
- Provisions - Restructuring rela
- Provisions - Litigation provisi
- Provisions - Other provisions (
- Post-employment benefits - Text
- Post-employment benefits - Pre-
- Post-employment benefits - Defi
- Post-employment benefits - Plan
- Post-employment benefits - Chan
- Post-employment benefits - P152
- Post-employment benefits - Assu
- Post-employment benefits - Sens
- Accrued liabilities - Accrued l
- Other liabilities - Other non-c
- Other liabilities - Other curre
- Cash flow statement suppleme158
- Cash flow statement suppleme159
- Contingent assets and liabil160
- Related-party transactions - Te
- Related-party transactions - Re
- Share-based compensation - Text
- Share-based compensation - Perf
- Share-based compensation - Rest
- Share-based compensation - Opti
- Share-based compensation - O167
- Share-based compensation - Outs
- Share-based compensation - Acce
- Information on remuneration - T
- Information on remuneration - R
- Information on remuneration 172
- Information on remuneration 173
- Information on remuneration - N
- Information on remuneration - S
- Information on remuneration - A
- Information on remuneration 177
- Information on remuneration 178
- Information on remuneration 179
- Fair value of financial asse180
- Fair value of financial asse181
- Fair value of financial asse182
- Fair value of financial asse183
- Fair value of financial asse184
- Details of treasury risks - Tex
- Details of treasury risks - Con
- Details of treasury risks - Est
- Details of treasury risks - Cre
- Uncategorized Items - phg-20171